Sunday, November 28, 2010

Meandering on the family Farm.

            Now that I have more free time on my hands and I may not get a job until spring I get to visit the family farm. My Inlaws own an equestrian farm and there is lots to do there. I went for a visit over the weekend which was quite nice. Their dogs (Sheeba and Buddy) just recently had a litter of nine pups. They are Rottie/shepherd/aussie/spaniel mix. Cute lil guys. Both parents have awesome temperment so I'm sure these lil guys will make great family pets or farm dogs. Some of the puppies have stumpped Aussie Shepherd tails and others have long tails, it's pretty neat. The lil guy I'm holding is one of the larger puppies, he's only 3 weeks old and already chows down on kibble assuming he can get at it before his mother defends the food. He's one of the two pups with Rottie faces the rest look more like border collie puppies. Buddy was attempting to knock my dog up while she was there but our dog hasn't gone in heat yet so he was not successful. We'll be breeding our dog eventually as she's a pure bred Shepherd but we're hoping Buddy doesn't get at her first...if he does, oh well puppies are puppies and I'm sure someone will want a great family pet. There's lots of farms in our area and farm dogs are always wanted. But I'd still feel a bit bad as I'd be contributing to a problem. I belive that if someone wants a nice family pet they should adopt one from a shelter. I wanted a shelter dog myself but my husband wouldn't get anything but a pure bred Shepherd. But I love our pooch and I hope to one day take home a shelter dog.
I got to take horses in from the feild as well as muck some stalls. The above pic is my little sister's minaute horse Spirit. When you look at him strait on he looks like Alf. He's a cutie but also stubborn. My family has 3 horses and a miniature horse. The rest of the horses are boarders. We're hoping to get this lil guy in next weeks santa parade. I'd be pulling him and my daughter will be riding him.
here's the new handsome rooster. The hens wander about and this guy guards the eggs. We collected about 2 dozen eggs today and I got chicken crap on was quite nasty. Infact It was on my sleeve and as we were walking back to the house I wiped my face with my sleeve and got green chicken doody on my chin. Nasty. But It was funny. Farm fresh eggs taste the best.
          We also went for a swim in the indoor pool. Hopefuly they fix the hot tub soon, that would be awesome. The pool was a balmy 78 degrees. Warmer now than it was in the summer. I think it's awesome that they decided to keep the pool up and running durring the winter. Hopefully the hot tub is fixed by Christmas because I think it would be awesome to chill out in the hot tub christmas eve.
            The above pic is Dean in the arena. He's an old fart but a very affectionate horse. He's huge too. I tend to stay away from Dean as he kisses me and it's really nasty lol. Then again it's not as bad as being bitten by the other horses, apparently I taste good as half the horses try to eat my hand every time I pet them or lead them into their stalls. What's funny is horses are easier to command than my dog. Yell at a horse and they lkisten, yell at a dog and you get ignored lol. I have had horses spook too but I managed to calm them down, I'll take these guys for a walk any day :P. I have ridden a few times, I'm a beginner and I started riding at this farm. They have a great horse named Sweetie who is just the most easy going horse ever. I am practicing so that I can go out on trail rides, I promised myself I'd learn to ride a horse before I ever get behind a motorized vehicle. Yes I have actually managed to crash a horse so I'm a little worried about driving a car >< But I guess that will be my next big task. I'm looking forward to practicing in the feild.
             I would love to live on a farm...but right now I live rural enough. After all I can walk down the road to see livestock and horses and I do hear cows moo from my house. We've had chickens on our property and a pig run down the road once. I have seen a guy take his goat for a car ride and people ride their horses into town to protest gas prices. Tractors are what causes traffic jams and I smell manure in the spring. I wouldn't trade this for anything. Country life rocks. Sure beats the smell of rotten fish from lake ontario :P.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Social networking V.S Real life contact

                   First thing I hear on the radio as I wake up: "A recent Canadian Survey states that 75% of social network users check facebook as the last thing before bed over kissing their partners. They also prefer to check their messages first thing in the morning before doing anything else." Essentially this means that 75% of Cellphone users who use their phones to go on Facebook or twitter prefer to grab their phones and start checking out Facebook first thing. Instead of rolling over and cuddling with the significant other it's way more important to hear about the latest pointless status updates from people they don't even really like to begin with. This, Canada, is quite sad.
                  I am a social network user. I am one of the 25% who would choose their partner over facebook. Why would I check statuses when my best friend/ soul mate is lying right beside me? I just cuddle nicely, wake him up with a kiss and we lie in bed until the dog gets impatent and I have to get out of bed to take her outside. Then I come in, get ready, make a fire in the fire place, tidy up some stuff, talk to my Husband for a bit as he gets out of bed and then Maybe I will go tweet something. I don't check Facebook as much because it's getting pointless. I'll choose chores over facebook. The dishes are indeed more important than FarmVille. I'm living a life where I don't need to make virtual lives I have a real life to keep me busy. Also I am one of the rare people who do not have a cellphone! GASP!
            I once had a cell, I did use it to go on Facebook, it was a distraction in life, I was constantly told to put the phone down. Now I do not have one and I realized how much my life has improved since we tossed our cell phones. No monthly bill, no more texts at 3am, no more daily interruptions, no more freaking out when the phone falls into the toilet...I have gotten used to living sans cellphone. I was asked why I refuse to go out and spend $549 on an iPhone. here's my reasoning: I don't need a stupid iPhone, I can buy a lap top with $549, I can buy a net book and pay $49 a month for roaming internet (I forget what that stick is called but whatever I'm highly tech unsavvy) I can use Skype for FREE, did I mention a new laptop costs about $549? Why the hell would I want a dinky little phone that I'm going to break anyways? So no I do not want or need an iPhone or any other cellphone for that matter. I like carrying my lap top around as it makes the perfect portable TV for my kid. It's wonderful.
             So, here's some advice to all you phone users. Stop placing your phones by your bed, sleep in and enjoy some quality time with your significant other. If you can't do that maybe you need to rethink your relationship! If you are not capable of communicating to the person you sleep next to it's time to seek some councelling. Go on a vacation and leave the phone at home! Go on a date and turn the phone off! Stop updating your facebook status, nobody cares anyways! Facebook and Twitter are not important, your relationship is! What happened to the good ol days where couples got out of bed together, made breakfast, talked about the daily plans and looked forward to an evening alone together?  I think it's quite sad that so many people rely on social network sites! Toss that phone and have a phone free day, it's worth it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

The epic 7 years.

 November 14th marks an anniversary. It was 7 years ago that I began my realtionship with Nick Goslin. I decided to write a time line blog about our 7 years as a way to celebrate our anniversary. So this one is for you Nuffins!

November 14th 2003: I agreed to date Nick Goslin. He had been asking for a month and was being persistent so I finally agreed. We were at the AMC movie theaters in Whitby Ontario watching Scary Movie 3. We shared our first kiss that night.

2004: I had alot of issues. In 2004 I made the decision to quit taking meds for my issues and just deal with them on my own. I stopped taking Paxil. I'm glad that I did. But it was a roller coaster of a year. I was up and down, I was destructive, I was abusive towards Nick, yet Nick had alot of patience with me. He stuck with me. We entered Grade 12 that year and things began to look up. We had friends, Teachers really helped me out alot and understood me, and we had alot of encouragement.
April 2nd 2004: Nick accepted Christ and was Baptized. :D I was so happy for him! Church really helped us alot with some issues.
2005: Nick and I were involved in alot at school. We were in 3 clubs, we helped teachers out alot and I became accepted for once in my life. Nick as well. Both of us were losers in grades 9 and 10. I was pretty much a loner unless my "Friends" wanted to use me. Nick and I had alot of friends and I became more of a social butterfly.

June 3rd 2005: Nick proposed to me at Prom. I said yes. Everyone applauded which I didn't expect. I'm pretty sure at least 75% of the class had doubts.
September 7th 2005: Nick's birthday. Could you imagine turnin 18 and finding out your fiancee is pregnant? Nick claims it was the best Birthday gift he's ever gotten. We had actually requested to get married as soon as he turned 18 but nobody would marry us as they said we were too young. They even refused when I told them I was pregnant. We pretty much got shunned from our church at a time I needed their support most. So naturally Nick and I both fell away and put God in a corner. But here I was with a huge life changer! But we were in it together.
2006: I was pregnant. Nick dropped out of college (Not due to my pregnancy but due to the fact his program just sucked) and our master plan of me getting kicked out of my parent's house backfired as my mom went nursery crazy. But I have to thank my mom for being supportive and helping me out. Nick's mom was very supportive too, she gave me advice, she never once got mad at us and she looked forward to being a grandma.
May 13th 2006: At 3:30am a beautiful baby girl was born. Aurora Goslin. 3 hour labor. Natural birth, no epidural. Epidurals are for wimps. My new life as a mom had just begun.
July 2006: I got a job at the same Food Basics Nick was working at. Yay we worked together! I was put into the grocery department to do the load. I was good at it despite the fact I am tiny. I even put dibbs on the heavy skids (Laundry detergent is easiest to stock) Nick got fulltime shortly after I got employed there so we were finally making enough cash to save for an appartment.
2007: In January we finally got our own appartment. 2 bedrooms. Downtown Whitby. It was awesome! We had our own place!
July 11th 2007: Nick and I tied the knot. We had a beautiful wedding in Whitby. We were supposed to go on a honeymoon BUT due to certain events that got cancelled and...

November 2007: We randomly decided to buy our own business in a small town with a population of 1300. Bulk Food store. We found a nice house that backs up into a large pond, we fell in love and bought it. We are now home owners! We were supposed to go on a cruise in November but guess it got cancelled for a reason.

2008: We had lots of fun. The first winter at our house was horrid with lots of snow. Nick got random jobs so in the summer of 2008 I started to bring my daughter to work with me while he was at work.  We had a friend move in in October 2008. But the greatest thing that occured was that we felt something was missing so we decided it was time to go to church. Thank God we did because it saved my life.
2009: Nick was working at Foodland. I continued to have my daughter work with me. People got used to her there.
February 2009: We almost lost the house. We had financial issues. I was about ready to give up with life. But on a day where I was alone with my kid at work, bill collectors called all day and I was about to just scream my life stopped infront of me. Everything was silent as The song "Jesus take the wheel" came onto the radio. I will always remember this day. I got on my knees and just started to praise God. I was filled with the spirit. It was amazing! My life Changed from this day on. My attitude changed, the way I saw life changed, my problems were just gone. I never freaked over money issues again (well on an epic level anyway). Everything worked out. We did not lose the house.

September 2009: Nick got a roofing job, he was away from home from September till mid november. It was really tough but we managed.

December 2009: Seven of Nine came into our lives. Time for a puppy. Nick's mom bought us a German Sheppard Pupy for Christmas. She was only 2 weeks old on Christmas so we had to wait. We called her Seven of Nine because there were Nine pups in the litter and we wanted to name her after a star Trek Character. So she is named after the Borg from Star Trek Voyager.

2010: Nick went back to roofing in the spring. I wasn't as anxious. I had a dog for protection. However by mid summer Nick lost his roofing job and had to go find a full time job elsewhere. He was hired at Tim Hortons. So less pay but free coffee. He drinks at least 2 batches of coffee a day. Nick has a new dream. While talking to a Combat medic at the Toronto Exhibition, he decided that he too would love to be a doctor. Nick has always wanted to be a doctor but we can't afford schooling. The Military on the other hand will pay for his schooling and give him an income! So long as he signs 4 years of his life away. This is fine. My dream is to be a missionary, a job where I make no income. Nick being a Doctor that deals with civilian injury and sickness will be perfect. We have a dream and we are holding on to it.

September 2010: We decided to close our Bulk Food store business.
October 2010: Had an offer so we sold most of our product that month so the new owner could come in and start fresh. However the new owner backed down last minute. We were given $2000 by the units landlord to keep the counter, shelves and some stuff there.
November 2010: I no longer work full time. It feels weird. But Now I'm training the dog and I have more time for house chores. The lady who backed down will be opening a bulk food store there. She may have screwed us over but I forgive her.

November 14th 2010: marks our 7 year anniversary. I shared 7 years of my Life with Nick Goslin. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It has been a topsy turvy 7 years. But I feel that our relationship has gotten stronger. We works stuff out, we always continue to work on the relationship and Nick is honestly my best friend. If I have a choice to go hang out with anyone it will be Nick. We went through alot. Some stuff I won't even mention. We survived, our relationship is no longer volatile. I'm having an easier time with my anxiety issues. Who knows what the future holds...So much happened in our 7 years that I would never have planned or expected! Mother at 19? married at 20? Homeowner at 20? Missionary vision at 21? It's been an adventure and I am looking forward to the next hurdle. Bring on the mountains I am ready to climb those suckers with my Best Friend/ Husband by my side.
          Dedicated to Nick Goslin. <3 I love you so much. Thankyou for everything. Thankyou for putting up with me. You are honestly an amazing person. I am so so so grateful that you chose me. Will you chase storms with me?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Day of Remembrance

           One of the biggest things about remembrance day that I cherish is the fact that many people (Men and women) put their lives on the line to protect their country. Could you imagine a world where Hitler won? Could you imagine a world where terrorists succeeded and controlled? We are free but the cost of freedom is not free.

               There is war raging on today. Not only are our soldiers out there trying to solve the terrorist issue they are also aiding the civilians of those countries. They are there training the people of those countries how to be great policemen, they are there protecting children, they are there to make sure that female students can study without getting killed. It's a horrible situation in a very hostile country. I am so grateful that I can choose where to work, who to worship, where to go to school, the ability to send my daughter to school, the ability to be female and have a carreer, the ability to walk outside without having to worry about someone blowing me up...we do not face the anxieties that many countries face right now at this very second! For that I am so thankful!

              Another memory I have is D Day. Although I was not born yet when D Day occured I have learned alot about it. Through History class I listened with much interest. I had an awesome History teacher in 10th grade, he really knew his stuff. The battles leading up to D Day were what interested me. I couldn't even fathom a beach filled with thousands of dead bodies, a sea red with the blood of the dead. The battle of Dieppe, a very bloody battle. One that many Canadian men perished in as they landed on that beach. I couldn't imagine the wounded, I couldn't imagine what the survivors of that day went through seeing their friends dying.  3,367 casualties occured that day - including 1,946 taken prisoner and 907 Canadians killed. It was aweful. D Day occured June 6th 1944. The D actually stands for "Day" nad not "Doom" like many people like to think. This was the biggest Amphibious invasion of all time, and they succeeded from the air and from the sea. This was huge. Juno beach is where most of the Canadian troops were involved. D Day was a great victory. The war officially ended May 9th 1945. 45,400  Canadians died in WW2. That is alot compared to today's warfare. 

              So Today I think of all the past wars. I reflect on the wars raging today. I think of the brave souls at this time. I think of my friends who are in the military. I think of my Husband who wants to join the military in the next few years to become a combat medic...never would I imagine him in the military but God willing if this happens I will support him 100%. There are military personelle out there who care about the well being of this world. People I have met who have been to hell and back, people I have met who have heart touching stories of how they saved lives of children, civilians and their own comrades. Today is Remembrance day and I remember. I stand behind my troops, I respect what they are doing. I want to thank everyone. All you Veterans and all you troops. Thankyou. You have my support. Lest we Forget.  

Wandering about (November 10th)

Again I have no juicy content to blog about other than my boring life. But hey Blogs are supposed to be online Journals right? So what the goes.
               My day started with (other than waking up and getting dressed that is) taking the pooch outside bright and early. We do not have a fenced yard so I have to supervise, besides she won't go anywhere without me. I've thrown her outside and she stood at the back door whining and giving me the puppy eyes. She's special. Anyways I took her out by the pond where she attacks syicks larger than me (Twigs are likely fatter than me) as she was doing her thing I was watching the Otters play in the pond. Yes we have otters and they are fun to watch. There's about 6 of them, there could be more but the most I have seen at once is 6. I thought it was pretty nice to watch them frolic about...I was so distracted that I forgot I was freezing my butt off out there. Sigh it will only get colder too. There's ice on the pond every morning which a reminder of my favorite season...Winter.
                Ah Winter. In my town Snow Days do infact occur because if the buses do not run only half the kids will infact be at school. I liove in a hick town, most kids are bused from the more rural areas of this town. It's a big farm comunity. So My kid will likely encounter a few snow days. I took my daughter to school, the walk went well until we got to the classroom where she decided to manipulate me. Because it's fun to cling to mommy! But no worries as she was breifly distracted I ran for it. She took a fit but likely forgot within a few minutes like all kids tend to do. I think kids have a natural instict to give parents a hard time. So anyways I ran away from the school and meandered over to Home Hardware.
              I bought my dog a haltee. I can't walk her, I have tried EVERYTHING but my poor arm and back can no longer take  the force of a German Sheppard. So It's haltee time. Wonderful humane invention it is. It goes aroung the dogs mouth (But its not a muzzle) and if she pulls her head kinda gets forced back and dogs dislike it.  So I finally bought the damn thing. I can't say I didn't try to train the dog without one first. While I was at Home Hardware I encountered my favorite person (The lady who now owns the bulk food store) amazingly she was all smiles and nice to me. Which is cool I smiled as well as if nothing even happened and went on my merry way. Why? Because I'm going to have a Merry day!!! YES I got my Haltee and I am anxious to try that sucker out.
            Oh why oh why didn't I buy the damn Haltee earlier? No more pulling! AND I can actually get my dog to fall into a heel possition without force. The thing works but My dog has some getting used to it. But It is easier on my arms. And it is easier to get a dog to follow simple comands.  Best $20 I have spent in a long time. OI can walk my dog without getting injured!!!
            I got summoned to  Babysit today. Wasn't part of my plans but hey, why not? My friend's Boys are 4 and 11. I took them to the cafe to get hot chocolate and they had a blast. Wonderful kids. We then went to their house and watched Toy Story 3. I actually cried at the end of of the movie it was so beautiful! Best of the three Toy Stories for sure. It was funny too. So I got a bit of money to babysit and I will likely do it again next week.
             Got home, walked my dog again. Then Went to get Aurora from school. Teacher had no big issues which is good. My kid is kinda a little crazy and going through some issues with attitude. It's been bad but we're establishing some respect. Parenting is not easy. But I love it. So I took her home and she watched a movie while I cleaned. I actually managed to clean in 2 hours and then head over to Church to go to the Kid's group.
         I volunteer to help run a kid's club at church. Youth group happens in the same night but I help out with kids aged 5-11. About 40-50 show up and it gets really crazy. Aurora had to come as well because my husband wasn't going to be home from work to look after her. Tonight was Pep Rally night so it got INSANE! Wooo Team GOD! (Way better than team Edward or Jacob haha)  The kids had a blast, Aurora had a blast and we all had fun. Good times. For once I can say my kid did exceptionally well. Last week she had a big fit. Wasn't very fun.
                  I got home and did my Ladie's Bible study homework. I sat by the fire :D while the guys brought in wood. I should have helped my hubby bring in the wood though as our room mates complaining annoys me alot. It annoys me so much I try alot harder to reduce my complaining. Sometimes it takes experiencing for yourself to realize what your putting others through.
               and that was my day. Oh and Call of Duty Black Ops is a fun game. I hate COD because I suck at shooting games...but this game is actually quite funny. Well the Zombie part anyway where you get to be either Fidel Castro, JFK or Dick Cheney lol. Political fun! The stuff they say is epic. Who ever wrote this game is a genius haha! So yeah You get to tag team between the three politicians and kill the zombies who are invading the Pentagon. Good times. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Meandering thoughts (Nov 8th 2010)


                 I have bloggers block again...everytime I start writing I promptly erase it. So I may as well blog about life. I may disturb people If I let loose whats actually on my mind. Most makes no sense anyways unless your mind is broken like mine.
               Back to Gaming: It Has been a busy October for me, one filled with stress and all the fun stuff. But Now I'm unemployed (as in making no money) but I'll eventually get a job. I only need a few days a week. It's rather tough going from full time to being at home. My Kid is in school Mondays, Wednesdays and some Fridays so I have time to clean and do all sorts of important stuff like sit on my butt and blog. But anyways October I didn't have our friends come over for gaming. I find that Pen and Paper roll playing is a lot better than gaming online. I guess I could play WOW all day now that I have the time, but I enjoy the sitting around in a circle for a few hours having a laugh and pissing off my renter. We tend to have our minds wander so we'll go off topic a lot and talk about life or other gaming stories. I'm anticipating the guys will show up at my house tonight and we'll play one of the many RPG's we play. In 2006 I learned how to play Dungeons and Dragons but now I have expanded my pen and paper roll playing experience to Silver age Sentinels (a Super hero campaign), Dead Reign (Zombie appocalypse RPG...really fun), Battle Lords, Star Wars, PathFinder, Rifts, Shadow Run etc etc etc. I know I sound like a major geek...well I am! :D I am looking forward to rolling some dice.
              The Hoarding situation: Almost dealt with. I regained my living room back in one day. However the spare room is horrific! I can now actually walk in it though. There are boxes and stuff on the bed and I have to sort through them. Alot will be sold at next years yardsale.As for knick knacks and stuff I have been finding random places for them. I threw a small Christmas tree in the bathroom right above the toilet! The tree toper is a roll of toilet paper, I have a TP garland and I threw some decorations on it as well. I'm sure while the guys take a pee they will be in Christmas Cheer...
             The Business Situation: You know the lady who screwed us over really is doing a nice job at fixing up the store. She brought in some new bins and such. As much as she totally screwed us over I forgive her. That store was her dream and now she's living her dream. I can still order candies and stuff at the same cost I always have because I'm keeping my HST number/vendor permit. I forgive her, and I'm happy she gets to live her dream. It wasn't MY dream we just randomly bought the place. If not for that store we would not be in a  wonderful crazy community. I love Norwood so much, and It was just meant to be. Most people would dwell on the fact they got screwed over...but I'm over it. After all it's just money and I honestly never cared much for money...I just can't be greedy I'm more of a giver, I love to bless everyone. So I am satisfied with my situation and I hope the rumors going though town just stop. The Bulk food store was not my new dream is missionary work and I hope to get the funds to go over seas on a few missions trips.
            Operation Christmas Child: My 6 boxes are almost complete and will be shipped out November 17th. I got funding for 4 of them which is awesome! They will likely go to Haiti and will bless the children there sometime in April. Yes the boxes do get to the destination, last year some went to Kyrgyzstan and my friends who do Missions work there witnessed the kids at the Orphanage receive their boxes. I saw pictures of their reactions and I was brought to tears! It was amazing! So I just LOVE making up as many boxes as possible and sending them out :D

             Haggle time!: Our Church is doing a Live Bethlehem walk through. Live animals and such. We have a big feild to do this in so people get to walk through to hear the story of Bethlehem. I get to be a Merchant and I get to Haggle everyone. My plan is to fill bushel baskets with fruit (Apples, clementines etc) and try to push them on people. I'm sure I can come up with some pretty funny trades. "Trade Baby for Orange? Yessss?" haha Oh my this will be fun indeed. I'm not the only merchant I have my friends joining me as well and I know we shall have a blast with this!
            The Parenting front:  Terrible two's? They were nothing! Terrific Three's? Nothing...Four year olds? Oh Lord help me! I'm getting somewhere with my daughter but she does not respect me at all. I got bitten yesterday at Church and had to take her out into the hallway to lecture her. She behaved better after that. But last night I couldn't get her to bed without a fight...taking things away really angers her. So hopefully I can get her to learn respect. Parenting is tough. But all the fun tantrums are seriously worth it. There are days where it's pure joy, my kid always puts a big smile on my face and best of all she looks up to me! My Daughter also has more control over the dog than I do...apparently the dog sees her as a bigger threat. Oh oh.

          The Dog Training: I need the Dog Whisperer...>< but I am getting somewhere. I'm home most days so Seven gets more exercise and she's doing a lot better outside with me. She listens a bit more. I also make sure I win every tug of war. I step out the door first and I make sure I'm getting her to obey. The food issue isn't a problem which is good. My dog takes food out of my hand very politely and I can go near her when she eats. In fact I can reach into her mouth and take stuff away and she doesn't fight me she just sits nice waiting for me to give it back. She jumps on me alot and tries to put up a dominance fight but I have not been bitten (Just nipped) I can put my arm in her mouth and she won't maul me. She's a great dog but I have a lot of training to do.

            Marriage: Just some marriage advice. To make a marriage work you must learn how to argue. Do not insult or dig up the past EVER. This goes for everyone,Married, single or in a relationship. Nick and I have been working on this and we have fair fights. After our fight one of us or both admits that we are wrong and we forgive and forget. It works. Holding grudges is bad, don't do it! Grudge holding only hurts you in the end and there is no point. Just release it! Also it's sometimes good for both people to take a breather so they can think and stay on topic. If you can't stay on topic then is it really worth arguing over? Is it really that important? Work something out! I have been married 3 years, I'm 23 years old and our marriage has been going up hill. I'm working on my attitude and My Husband is working on his. I'm also trying harder to let him know every plan and not do anything behind his back. (Like shopping :P) Oh and the best place to argue is the grocery turns into a fun game. Unfortunately the town no longer takes us seriously but our friends Sam and Derrek the pros certainly still have the spark and can clear the whole damn store :D Its fun to watch actually. So yes...Marriage advice FIGHT FAIRLY! Relationships/marriages are Not perfect and never will be. So accept it.
             And this concludes my meandering thoughts...There will be more. mainly for you Sammie...when I get the stomach flu I will be sure to post all the details to seek vengeance >< 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I went boom like Krakatoa

   November is a bad month for me. I'm seasonal Bipolar and for some reason November and April just suck for my chemical balance. Damn those stupid brain chemicals. Anyways I vowed to have a good November this year. It's the 2nd of November and I have already failed. A little whining and complaining is perfectly okay but what I did today was crazy. I pulled a Krakatoa here. I just went BOOM.
                All was cherries. I had just successfully dealt with Bell Canada. I transferred my store's phoneline to my house because I had heard that a certain someone was using the phone line at the store. I wasn't about to let that happen. That Wench doesn't deserve to use MY phone line. So I called Bell and they would not let me cancel but they said I can change locations. So Thats what I did. This is pure genius because when people call the bulk food store I can tell them "Sorry we don't exist." I won't even explain that theres another bulk food store in town...okay this isn't the point but I had to add my victory.

               So everything was all fine and dandy until my dog attacked me. Playfully but I got mad so I elbowed her. I got her in the didn't phase her but I hit a nerve and my whole arm went numb. I freaked out. I was in pain and I had to express this. So I got mad at the dog. I took her to the other half of the house, and slammed the kitchen door really really hard that CRASH! Krakatoa happened. (For you non natural disaster fans, Krakatoa is a volcano that literally blew up like a bomb and was heard as far away as 3000km in 1883) The window on the shattered. Quite nicely too. I stood there in shock. Then I cursed ALOT and I kept cursing and screaming and I almost had an anxiety attack but my pissed off nature totally got our room mate to get off his butt and help. He cleaned up the mess...I went and calmed down. I kept thinking "Oh crap I broke the door!"

    Am I in crap? Probably. Will I laugh at this later...Oh hell yes. The door is just fine, there's just no more glass...The door still does it's function. It keeps the Dog locked on the other half of the house. It won't do very much good keeping the stove from activating the fire alarm but I guess that's a price to pay. It also won't do much good from keeping others locked on that half of the much for that fun. But hey now I don't have to worry about Nick purposely locking the door on me. This is great...maybe it was meant to be after all. But I'm still in a lot of trouble for my outburst >< KRAKATOA!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Two tubs of Icecream please?

              Where oh where do I start?
               This is part 2 of the blog about me getting screwed know the one with the pic of me eating ice cream? Well Now I need 2 of those tubs. ASAP.
               I am no longer an owner of a bulk food store. The buyer screwed me over, my landlord offered $2000 for some equipment.Okay so I walk out with a measly $2000. So as I was walking by the store this morning on my way to the grocery store I stop dead in my tracks. The Landlord's wife is inside the store showing no other than the wench who screwed us over around. I walk in. I give my keys to The landlord's wife. The Wench is busy taking inventory. She's complaining about the mess. She's venting about the 5 garbage bags we had left. She's venting about the 7 pails and 16 Bins that happen to be missing. The scoops too...where are ALL the metal scoops? (Hey if the agreement didn't specify how many and it's plural then guess what? All we technically have to leave are 2 scoops) The Wench is all bossy and grumbly like. I hand over my keys and say I'll bring back the pails and bins. Wench walks into the bathroom and yells "Where's the shelving for the medicine cabinet???" Oh my my, I know we didn't really have a use for those but we took them too. She's all awestruck as to why we would want to keep the frozen Yogurt machine. She even asked about the wooden shelf that used to be on the wall. "Where is it?" "In my kitchen." "Are you returning it?" "No...It looks nice in my kitchen."
                I leave, I march home. Furious. Grumbling. Panting. Stupid high heel boots are not good for walking fast. I walk through the door and my concerned Husband looks up with his "Oh crap, what this time?" Look.
                 "I'm going to...(Fill in the blanks with every possible nasty thing you can think of) "
                 She a) screwed us over b) forced us to take $2000 as a last resort...although now I'm tempted to face the consequences and debt and go take EVERYTHING out of the unit c) She goes in making plans the next day d) did I mention the part about being screwed over? Sure it's her right to do so...but it's Morally wrong! How can she sleep at night? I couldn't if I did that...I go and say something mean and feel bad about it 2 hours later...infact I'm about to forgive her and take back any nasty thing I have said! e) there's rumors that she wants to charge ME for slander??? (She clearly does not know the definition of slander) besides all I said was she screwed me over which is a fact! I'm going to starve for the next few months thanks to her rash decision!!!

               What's the lesson in all this? Simple. I need more ice cream. Once I consume my ice cream I will forgive her. I will move on, try and focus on paying bills at the house and do my best. I will say nothing more about her from this point on. I will drop it and leave it and let Karma take over. She may do fine! She might have a superb bulk food store and the town will be uber happy that there's still a service.I will continue to be happy, I will go around like all is wonderful. I'm taking my Lemons and I am going to make some grape juice...Nobody will understand how I made grape Juice but I never promised stuff would make sense. I have bigger plans. I do not have a full time job holding me down. Unlike many people in this world I usually don't care much for money. Lack of money is not the end of the world. It might mean I want more ice cream but It's not the end of the world. Anyways...I'm off to do more interesting and bigger things with my life...I'm certain my blogs will get more interesting. I need to clean ALOT. I'll get pics and probably blog about how much my livingroom looks like an episode of hoarders. I feel like a hoarder but my hoarding just screwed someone your face Wench!