Monday, November 1, 2010

Two tubs of Icecream please?

              Where oh where do I start?
               This is part 2 of the blog about me getting screwed know the one with the pic of me eating ice cream? Well Now I need 2 of those tubs. ASAP.
               I am no longer an owner of a bulk food store. The buyer screwed me over, my landlord offered $2000 for some equipment.Okay so I walk out with a measly $2000. So as I was walking by the store this morning on my way to the grocery store I stop dead in my tracks. The Landlord's wife is inside the store showing no other than the wench who screwed us over around. I walk in. I give my keys to The landlord's wife. The Wench is busy taking inventory. She's complaining about the mess. She's venting about the 5 garbage bags we had left. She's venting about the 7 pails and 16 Bins that happen to be missing. The scoops too...where are ALL the metal scoops? (Hey if the agreement didn't specify how many and it's plural then guess what? All we technically have to leave are 2 scoops) The Wench is all bossy and grumbly like. I hand over my keys and say I'll bring back the pails and bins. Wench walks into the bathroom and yells "Where's the shelving for the medicine cabinet???" Oh my my, I know we didn't really have a use for those but we took them too. She's all awestruck as to why we would want to keep the frozen Yogurt machine. She even asked about the wooden shelf that used to be on the wall. "Where is it?" "In my kitchen." "Are you returning it?" "No...It looks nice in my kitchen."
                I leave, I march home. Furious. Grumbling. Panting. Stupid high heel boots are not good for walking fast. I walk through the door and my concerned Husband looks up with his "Oh crap, what this time?" Look.
                 "I'm going to...(Fill in the blanks with every possible nasty thing you can think of) "
                 She a) screwed us over b) forced us to take $2000 as a last resort...although now I'm tempted to face the consequences and debt and go take EVERYTHING out of the unit c) She goes in making plans the next day d) did I mention the part about being screwed over? Sure it's her right to do so...but it's Morally wrong! How can she sleep at night? I couldn't if I did that...I go and say something mean and feel bad about it 2 hours later...infact I'm about to forgive her and take back any nasty thing I have said! e) there's rumors that she wants to charge ME for slander??? (She clearly does not know the definition of slander) besides all I said was she screwed me over which is a fact! I'm going to starve for the next few months thanks to her rash decision!!!

               What's the lesson in all this? Simple. I need more ice cream. Once I consume my ice cream I will forgive her. I will move on, try and focus on paying bills at the house and do my best. I will say nothing more about her from this point on. I will drop it and leave it and let Karma take over. She may do fine! She might have a superb bulk food store and the town will be uber happy that there's still a service.I will continue to be happy, I will go around like all is wonderful. I'm taking my Lemons and I am going to make some grape juice...Nobody will understand how I made grape Juice but I never promised stuff would make sense. I have bigger plans. I do not have a full time job holding me down. Unlike many people in this world I usually don't care much for money. Lack of money is not the end of the world. It might mean I want more ice cream but It's not the end of the world. Anyways...I'm off to do more interesting and bigger things with my life...I'm certain my blogs will get more interesting. I need to clean ALOT. I'll get pics and probably blog about how much my livingroom looks like an episode of hoarders. I feel like a hoarder but my hoarding just screwed someone your face Wench!

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