Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Random questionaire...wish I could get points for this.

1. What is by far the ugliest color in your Oppinion? Puke Pink

2. If you had the opportunity to annoy ANYONE in the world who would you want to annoy? Oprah...because I can jump on that couch better than Tom Cruise can muwahahahaha

3. If you are trapped on an island what three people would you want to be trapped on the Island with and why? Richard Dean Anderson (Macguyver), Chuck Norris and Moses. One of them is bound to figure out a way off the island.

4. If you could own ANY type of pet what would you want to own? A Dragon...a real life sized Dragon :D

5.Where is the best place to become a Zombie? At a Mensa Meeting, good eats there.

6.The Zombie appocalypse is fast approaching or so the rumors state. What is your Zombie plan? Attend as a zombie

7. If you could enter a video game world which world would you most want to enter? Donkey Kong's Island!!!!

8. Who is the most irritating Celebrity? Lauren Conrad...actually the entire cast of the hills. 

9. Would you ever date a vampire? No, Vampires do not date Humans they eat them

10. If you were a vampire would you ever fall in love with a mortal? hahahahahahahaha then again I guess I can fall in love with my food.

11. What super power would be coolest to possess?

12. If you could be a pro at any sport what sport would you play?

13. Do you know the muffin man?
Yes I am married to him, he bakes at Tim Hortons

14. What is your favorite beverage?

15. A guy with multiple personality disorder is threatening to jump off a building. Is this a suicide threat or a hostage situation?
Niether, one of his personalities will save him. That or he will lose the argument with himself eventually and just give up on the suicide attempt.

16. Describe the best way to drive a Mime into insanity. Play a blank tape full blast

17. What was the best thing before sliced bread?

18. What would happen if women ruled the world?
What? We don't rule the world? since when?

19. What was your worst Highschool experience?
Grade nine and ten...I'd like to delete those years from my memory

20. If you were a hoarder what one thing would you hoard?
Army of miniturized giant space hampsters.

21. If you survived the zombie outbreak what weapon would be ideal to use and why?
A Cleric...Well think about it, Clerics can cast "Turn Undead"

22. What is your favorite type of weather?

23. If a tree fell on your house what would you do?
Look up at it and say..."well there's the fire wood for next season."

24. If you could delete all the songs from a singer or band which singer/ band would you choose?
I can't simply choose all Rap musicians? Alright fine...uhhh 50 Cent

25. What type of music do you absolutely hate?

26. If you are stuck in a jail cell and have to losten to 5 songs over and over again for a year which 5 songs would you choose?
5 of the songs from Fallout 3...for some reason I can play that game and the songs never get irritating. "Bingo Bango Bongo I'm so happy in the jungle I refuse to goooo"

27. If you are on death Row what would you choose as your last meal?

28. What 3 items would you have to buy at a grocery store for the clerk to give you a funny look?
Metamucil, Exlax and a plunger

29. What is the worst thing you have ever seen in your life?

30. You Tube Video you wish you had not watched?
"Look at my horse my horse is amazing, give it a lick 'mmmm it taste just like raisins.'"

31. Naughtiest thing you have ever done?
Sorry I can't disclose that information they are still looking for the suspects

32. Who do you think shot JFK?
The Decipticons

33. If you could own any vehicle what vehicle would you want to own?
A Banshee...the ones from Halo!

34. Can the world function with more than 1 God?
Think of the cataclysims and all the times we'd have to fix all their problems

35. Intelligent Design or Series of fortunate random events?
Yeah sure why not...I guess it's totally cool to belive that houses can just build themselves because that's actually more possible than Earth being here without a maker. So next time you see a building building itself perfectly you can stand back in awe and continue on your atheist ways...it's all cool. If I am here by accident then life is not worth living.

36. If we evolved from apes why are apes still in existence?
Well you see there was this commitee and some of the apes didn't want to change so they remained apes as the other half evolved. Now there are all these complications. It was so much simpler being an ape.

37. If you could go for a vacation right now where would you go?

38. Will the world end in 2012?
No it's merely the zombie wave...but some humans will survive so we can end the world at a later date

39. If the wind speed is 35kph and the trees are horizontal how many pancakes can you fit into the dog house?

40. Movie you are looking forward to watching?
ooooo so many...The last Harry Potter movie infact we won't even go see part 1 until part 2 comes out.

41. In a war who would win, The Death Star or Borg Cube?
The Borg would assymilate the Deathstar making a more challenging opponent for everyone. Think about it...assymilated storm troopers.

42. What is the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to you?
some old guy kept asking me for ways he could get horny...it was quite disturbing.

43. What is your phobia?

44. Weirdest thing you have ever said?

45. What was your favorite TV show as a young kid?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

46. Who in your oppinion is the stupidest celebrity parent(s)
When Lady Gaga has a kid...

47. What celebrity are you getting sick of hearing about/seeing?
Justin Bieber

48. How many Mennonites does it take to change a light bulb?
none but it takes one to light a candle

49. What would be the last words you say before you die?
"Hey everyone! Watch this!!"

50. Are you insane? True or false?

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