Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Running Amok in Norwood.

           I hear my city friends complain about Boredom all the time. They then assume that if they are bored in the city I must be bored in the country. I live in a town with a population of 4000ish (Although the sign says 1300 which is lies, there's at least 4000). It is a half hour drive to get to a major city. But We're surrounded by other small towns. I must admit that I don't get bored all that often living here. I was more bored living in the city.
          Today I helped my friend set up crafts for tonight's Church Kid's group. Kids will be making snowmen and snow globes for the winter theme. There's usually 40-50 kids in attendance. That's roughly half the kids in town. The kids can either stay in and make crafts or go outside and play hockey. So Tonight should be fun packed. I get to man the craft station and make sure My kid stays out of trouble.
         I then proceeded over to the local Coffee/music shop. There are all sorts of cool treasures in there, the best being vanilla Cinnamon Lattes. The fact I can get a latte in a small town is pretty awesome. They are doing very good in this town because it is a really cool place to chill out. I explained Dungeons and Dragons to my friends and then explained a Zombie appocalypse RPG. I am trying to recruit some newbies to play D&D. So far I have two of my local friends. I'm New at DMing so having an inexperienced group is ideal. I have brought 2 people to the dark side of geekdom! Possible 3!
          I then went to look after a friend's kids for about an hour. They are home schooled but their older siblings attend highschool so I look after them until their siblings return home. We looked at a Where's Waldo book...I haven't seen one of those for ages. It was a really tough one too so it was lots of fun. Where's Waldo Rocks. We then went to the school to get my munchkin. My daughter has another bag of valentine treats. I assume she will get nice and hyper for tonight's craft night. I'm in for it.
        My daughter and I went to the grocery store. I got my stuff, went around the corner and there was this guy sharply dressed. Like Rock Star Style. Who dresses like a Rock Star in Norwood while at the local Foodland? Well A rock Star of course! Turns out The band members of Three Days Grace are home till March. Brad Walst the Bass player in the band was at foodland with his son (Who is in the same grade as my kid but in the other class). His son was happily riding on the edge of the cart. I said Hi, then walked on. I don't really get all giddy when I see celebrities. I'm so used to seeing these guys in my town that it's become normal to treat them like regular town folk. Brad is quite down to earth, I have never seen him snub anyone and when he's walking about people have regular Norwood Conversation with him. Well...except for my friend Sam who totally got caught off guard when he walked in to the Cafe in December. Way to Go Sam!
           So That was today's adventure. And I live in a Hick Town. There is always something to do. If I'm bored I simply go for a walk and talk to about 10-20 people. This is the best thing about small towns, people are friendly, everyone knows you and all the best gossip can be overheard at Foodland.

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