Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Seven of Nine (our super dog)

            I should not own a large breed dog. I'm tiny, Dogs like to take me for runs...sometimes I even turn into a kite. Want to see a dog fly a human kite? Come to my house when I walk my German Sheppard. I can NOT control my dog. Nor can I control my 4 year old kid. Taking BOTH for a walk is suicide. My kid runs ahead of the dog, my dog chases the kid and I look like a fool trying to stop my 100lb sheppard who still isnt done growing. Oh I'm so doomed!
           But there are things about my dog that I just love. Yeah shes crazy and hard to walk. Yes shes almost killed me twice with a stick (I shortened ALL the sticks in the yard) Yes I get mauled every morning. But shes wonderful.
               People tell me all the time that I should have gotten a small breed dog. Or medium. Not a dog who weighs more than me that I clearly can not control well. I hate small dogs. They are annoying, I already have 3 cats who run under my feet and small dogs are not equipped to handle my 4 year old kid. But my dog is able to withstand my kid. My daughter smacks the dog, bites the dog, jumps on the dog, yells at the dog, teases the dog and my dog continues to be patient and gentle with her. If I had any feeling that my dog could hurt my kid I'd get rid of it but my dog is amazing with children. She loves my kid, my kid feeds her good table scraps.
              My dog might be hard to walk but the other day I was damn glad to have her with me. I took her and my kid to the park. There was some families there and here were also some favorite people of course. The ones my dog HATES! I don't feel comfortable around this particular group at all. My neighbours kids hang out with them and they are nothing but an annoyance. One of them even snooped around my property last year which is the reason I insisted we get a BIG dog. Anyways one of them approached my kid which was not a very bright idea. Seven (the name of our dog) pulled on me with all her strength and pulled me over to where they were. She situated herself between Aurora and the guy. The guy was VERY stoned and totally out of it. Seven rarely puts her ears back and gets in a defensive position but she was ready to protect Aurora at any cost. The guys left 5 minutes later. Im sure he wouldn't have hurt my kid, but he was still completely wasted.
                 The rest of the park adventure consisted of Seven making sure I was paying attention to Aurora. If Aurora did anything dangerous Seven freaked out. I had no idea how over protected my dog was. But shes a German Sheppard  and they have a tendancy to protect their family and be very loyal. My dog is loyal to me just not very obedient. She is the best family pet ever. Yeah she tore up a few things, including one of our couches but those things can be replaced, a great family pet can not. I hate it when people love their stuff more than thier pets...animals shouldn't be given up because they are bad, they are bad  because their owners have no clue how to train them. My problem is I love my dog and rarely discipline her and shes a female. If I had a male sheppard I would not have as many issues.
               My dog rocks. I feel very safe with her around. Shes saved me from coyotes, she protects my kid, she intimidates people I dont trust and shes the best alarm system ever. She might own me but I'm like her puppy. If anyone messes with me she will protect me. She may not listen to a single word I say but she has loyalty. She wont go anywhere without me. So yes I feel very safe. Unless shes running at me with a 4 foot branch in her mouth.

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