Thursday, October 28, 2010


                Here I was all happy I had sold my business to a wonderful person who I knew would do an awesome job. I was excited because I had kept the service going in my town. So naturally I told everyone who bought it. But of course because I always get screwed over by people she decided to last minute back out. I don't even think she was going to tell me that she was backing out. But I called her to give her some more information and she tells me "Well I'm not interested anymore goodbye." Ah CRAP! That gave me 3 days to figure out what to do! So the first thing all women do when they hear news like this is have a pitty party. And I threw a good one. I cried, I had my customers hug me and offer kind words...heck I'm ha;f expecting someones making me a casserol. R.I.P Harvest Cupboard. (yes the above pic is me eating out of an 11L icecream tub...and its almost full too)
               But crap happens. ESPECIALLY financial Crap. People lose jobs, the government screws us over some times, The Hydro is waaaaay too high where we live, people get scammed, our vehicles decide to break down on us only when we have no funds to fix it, the pets get sick, something breaks in the house...we all experience financial crap and it SUCKS! But I have 11 Liters of Maple Walnut icecream so I feel better already.
                Anyways I totally got screwed over. I had my half hour crying session but then realized that it's just money. It's not the end of the world and theres people in worse situations than me. People are facing epic crap right now and all I have is a mere $4000 debt. So when I started to look on the bright side I got a big smile on my face and I was all giddy again. People still have yet to figure out how I can be possitive in crappy situations. I had people ask why I was smiling and laughing. Well because crying and freaking out gets you nowhere and smiling feels better plus I have ice cream! AND we get to keep the frozen yogurt machine in our house! I am going to have a yogurt machine in my kitchen!!! How epic is that?
                     Some good came out of all this anyway. Our landlord for the unit offered up $2000 to keep the bins and counters attached to the floors or walls (Because taking them out would cause alot in damages...especially if It's me trying to pull them off the walls) So theres half our debt gone. And we get to keep some stuff. and I get to eat my maple walnut icecream...:D I was also told by alot of town folk that they really love my attitude so this made me feel better too. People were more concerned we were leaving Norwood than they were worried a bulk food store would close down. Mind you there's also the fair share of crabby people who dislike me (and everyone else in  this town).
           So I'm satisfied. Crappy I won't be getting alot of money but satisfied I'm getting at least something. And the fact that the store got us into our town in the first place is priceless. I can't really put a pricetag on moving here. I'm a Norwoodian and proud of it. Now time to get back to that tub of ice cream.

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