Monday, November 15, 2010

The epic 7 years.

 November 14th marks an anniversary. It was 7 years ago that I began my realtionship with Nick Goslin. I decided to write a time line blog about our 7 years as a way to celebrate our anniversary. So this one is for you Nuffins!

November 14th 2003: I agreed to date Nick Goslin. He had been asking for a month and was being persistent so I finally agreed. We were at the AMC movie theaters in Whitby Ontario watching Scary Movie 3. We shared our first kiss that night.

2004: I had alot of issues. In 2004 I made the decision to quit taking meds for my issues and just deal with them on my own. I stopped taking Paxil. I'm glad that I did. But it was a roller coaster of a year. I was up and down, I was destructive, I was abusive towards Nick, yet Nick had alot of patience with me. He stuck with me. We entered Grade 12 that year and things began to look up. We had friends, Teachers really helped me out alot and understood me, and we had alot of encouragement.
April 2nd 2004: Nick accepted Christ and was Baptized. :D I was so happy for him! Church really helped us alot with some issues.
2005: Nick and I were involved in alot at school. We were in 3 clubs, we helped teachers out alot and I became accepted for once in my life. Nick as well. Both of us were losers in grades 9 and 10. I was pretty much a loner unless my "Friends" wanted to use me. Nick and I had alot of friends and I became more of a social butterfly.

June 3rd 2005: Nick proposed to me at Prom. I said yes. Everyone applauded which I didn't expect. I'm pretty sure at least 75% of the class had doubts.
September 7th 2005: Nick's birthday. Could you imagine turnin 18 and finding out your fiancee is pregnant? Nick claims it was the best Birthday gift he's ever gotten. We had actually requested to get married as soon as he turned 18 but nobody would marry us as they said we were too young. They even refused when I told them I was pregnant. We pretty much got shunned from our church at a time I needed their support most. So naturally Nick and I both fell away and put God in a corner. But here I was with a huge life changer! But we were in it together.
2006: I was pregnant. Nick dropped out of college (Not due to my pregnancy but due to the fact his program just sucked) and our master plan of me getting kicked out of my parent's house backfired as my mom went nursery crazy. But I have to thank my mom for being supportive and helping me out. Nick's mom was very supportive too, she gave me advice, she never once got mad at us and she looked forward to being a grandma.
May 13th 2006: At 3:30am a beautiful baby girl was born. Aurora Goslin. 3 hour labor. Natural birth, no epidural. Epidurals are for wimps. My new life as a mom had just begun.
July 2006: I got a job at the same Food Basics Nick was working at. Yay we worked together! I was put into the grocery department to do the load. I was good at it despite the fact I am tiny. I even put dibbs on the heavy skids (Laundry detergent is easiest to stock) Nick got fulltime shortly after I got employed there so we were finally making enough cash to save for an appartment.
2007: In January we finally got our own appartment. 2 bedrooms. Downtown Whitby. It was awesome! We had our own place!
July 11th 2007: Nick and I tied the knot. We had a beautiful wedding in Whitby. We were supposed to go on a honeymoon BUT due to certain events that got cancelled and...

November 2007: We randomly decided to buy our own business in a small town with a population of 1300. Bulk Food store. We found a nice house that backs up into a large pond, we fell in love and bought it. We are now home owners! We were supposed to go on a cruise in November but guess it got cancelled for a reason.

2008: We had lots of fun. The first winter at our house was horrid with lots of snow. Nick got random jobs so in the summer of 2008 I started to bring my daughter to work with me while he was at work.  We had a friend move in in October 2008. But the greatest thing that occured was that we felt something was missing so we decided it was time to go to church. Thank God we did because it saved my life.
2009: Nick was working at Foodland. I continued to have my daughter work with me. People got used to her there.
February 2009: We almost lost the house. We had financial issues. I was about ready to give up with life. But on a day where I was alone with my kid at work, bill collectors called all day and I was about to just scream my life stopped infront of me. Everything was silent as The song "Jesus take the wheel" came onto the radio. I will always remember this day. I got on my knees and just started to praise God. I was filled with the spirit. It was amazing! My life Changed from this day on. My attitude changed, the way I saw life changed, my problems were just gone. I never freaked over money issues again (well on an epic level anyway). Everything worked out. We did not lose the house.

September 2009: Nick got a roofing job, he was away from home from September till mid november. It was really tough but we managed.

December 2009: Seven of Nine came into our lives. Time for a puppy. Nick's mom bought us a German Sheppard Pupy for Christmas. She was only 2 weeks old on Christmas so we had to wait. We called her Seven of Nine because there were Nine pups in the litter and we wanted to name her after a star Trek Character. So she is named after the Borg from Star Trek Voyager.

2010: Nick went back to roofing in the spring. I wasn't as anxious. I had a dog for protection. However by mid summer Nick lost his roofing job and had to go find a full time job elsewhere. He was hired at Tim Hortons. So less pay but free coffee. He drinks at least 2 batches of coffee a day. Nick has a new dream. While talking to a Combat medic at the Toronto Exhibition, he decided that he too would love to be a doctor. Nick has always wanted to be a doctor but we can't afford schooling. The Military on the other hand will pay for his schooling and give him an income! So long as he signs 4 years of his life away. This is fine. My dream is to be a missionary, a job where I make no income. Nick being a Doctor that deals with civilian injury and sickness will be perfect. We have a dream and we are holding on to it.

September 2010: We decided to close our Bulk Food store business.
October 2010: Had an offer so we sold most of our product that month so the new owner could come in and start fresh. However the new owner backed down last minute. We were given $2000 by the units landlord to keep the counter, shelves and some stuff there.
November 2010: I no longer work full time. It feels weird. But Now I'm training the dog and I have more time for house chores. The lady who backed down will be opening a bulk food store there. She may have screwed us over but I forgive her.

November 14th 2010: marks our 7 year anniversary. I shared 7 years of my Life with Nick Goslin. I wouldn't trade it for the world. It has been a topsy turvy 7 years. But I feel that our relationship has gotten stronger. We works stuff out, we always continue to work on the relationship and Nick is honestly my best friend. If I have a choice to go hang out with anyone it will be Nick. We went through alot. Some stuff I won't even mention. We survived, our relationship is no longer volatile. I'm having an easier time with my anxiety issues. Who knows what the future holds...So much happened in our 7 years that I would never have planned or expected! Mother at 19? married at 20? Homeowner at 20? Missionary vision at 21? It's been an adventure and I am looking forward to the next hurdle. Bring on the mountains I am ready to climb those suckers with my Best Friend/ Husband by my side.
          Dedicated to Nick Goslin. <3 I love you so much. Thankyou for everything. Thankyou for putting up with me. You are honestly an amazing person. I am so so so grateful that you chose me. Will you chase storms with me?

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