Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wandering about (November 10th)

Again I have no juicy content to blog about other than my boring life. But hey Blogs are supposed to be online Journals right? So what the goes.
               My day started with (other than waking up and getting dressed that is) taking the pooch outside bright and early. We do not have a fenced yard so I have to supervise, besides she won't go anywhere without me. I've thrown her outside and she stood at the back door whining and giving me the puppy eyes. She's special. Anyways I took her out by the pond where she attacks syicks larger than me (Twigs are likely fatter than me) as she was doing her thing I was watching the Otters play in the pond. Yes we have otters and they are fun to watch. There's about 6 of them, there could be more but the most I have seen at once is 6. I thought it was pretty nice to watch them frolic about...I was so distracted that I forgot I was freezing my butt off out there. Sigh it will only get colder too. There's ice on the pond every morning which a reminder of my favorite season...Winter.
                Ah Winter. In my town Snow Days do infact occur because if the buses do not run only half the kids will infact be at school. I liove in a hick town, most kids are bused from the more rural areas of this town. It's a big farm comunity. So My kid will likely encounter a few snow days. I took my daughter to school, the walk went well until we got to the classroom where she decided to manipulate me. Because it's fun to cling to mommy! But no worries as she was breifly distracted I ran for it. She took a fit but likely forgot within a few minutes like all kids tend to do. I think kids have a natural instict to give parents a hard time. So anyways I ran away from the school and meandered over to Home Hardware.
              I bought my dog a haltee. I can't walk her, I have tried EVERYTHING but my poor arm and back can no longer take  the force of a German Sheppard. So It's haltee time. Wonderful humane invention it is. It goes aroung the dogs mouth (But its not a muzzle) and if she pulls her head kinda gets forced back and dogs dislike it.  So I finally bought the damn thing. I can't say I didn't try to train the dog without one first. While I was at Home Hardware I encountered my favorite person (The lady who now owns the bulk food store) amazingly she was all smiles and nice to me. Which is cool I smiled as well as if nothing even happened and went on my merry way. Why? Because I'm going to have a Merry day!!! YES I got my Haltee and I am anxious to try that sucker out.
            Oh why oh why didn't I buy the damn Haltee earlier? No more pulling! AND I can actually get my dog to fall into a heel possition without force. The thing works but My dog has some getting used to it. But It is easier on my arms. And it is easier to get a dog to follow simple comands.  Best $20 I have spent in a long time. OI can walk my dog without getting injured!!!
            I got summoned to  Babysit today. Wasn't part of my plans but hey, why not? My friend's Boys are 4 and 11. I took them to the cafe to get hot chocolate and they had a blast. Wonderful kids. We then went to their house and watched Toy Story 3. I actually cried at the end of of the movie it was so beautiful! Best of the three Toy Stories for sure. It was funny too. So I got a bit of money to babysit and I will likely do it again next week.
             Got home, walked my dog again. Then Went to get Aurora from school. Teacher had no big issues which is good. My kid is kinda a little crazy and going through some issues with attitude. It's been bad but we're establishing some respect. Parenting is not easy. But I love it. So I took her home and she watched a movie while I cleaned. I actually managed to clean in 2 hours and then head over to Church to go to the Kid's group.
         I volunteer to help run a kid's club at church. Youth group happens in the same night but I help out with kids aged 5-11. About 40-50 show up and it gets really crazy. Aurora had to come as well because my husband wasn't going to be home from work to look after her. Tonight was Pep Rally night so it got INSANE! Wooo Team GOD! (Way better than team Edward or Jacob haha)  The kids had a blast, Aurora had a blast and we all had fun. Good times. For once I can say my kid did exceptionally well. Last week she had a big fit. Wasn't very fun.
                  I got home and did my Ladie's Bible study homework. I sat by the fire :D while the guys brought in wood. I should have helped my hubby bring in the wood though as our room mates complaining annoys me alot. It annoys me so much I try alot harder to reduce my complaining. Sometimes it takes experiencing for yourself to realize what your putting others through.
               and that was my day. Oh and Call of Duty Black Ops is a fun game. I hate COD because I suck at shooting games...but this game is actually quite funny. Well the Zombie part anyway where you get to be either Fidel Castro, JFK or Dick Cheney lol. Political fun! The stuff they say is epic. Who ever wrote this game is a genius haha! So yeah You get to tag team between the three politicians and kill the zombies who are invading the Pentagon. Good times. 

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