Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Social networking V.S Real life contact

                   First thing I hear on the radio as I wake up: "A recent Canadian Survey states that 75% of social network users check facebook as the last thing before bed over kissing their partners. They also prefer to check their messages first thing in the morning before doing anything else." Essentially this means that 75% of Cellphone users who use their phones to go on Facebook or twitter prefer to grab their phones and start checking out Facebook first thing. Instead of rolling over and cuddling with the significant other it's way more important to hear about the latest pointless status updates from people they don't even really like to begin with. This, Canada, is quite sad.
                  I am a social network user. I am one of the 25% who would choose their partner over facebook. Why would I check statuses when my best friend/ soul mate is lying right beside me? I just cuddle nicely, wake him up with a kiss and we lie in bed until the dog gets impatent and I have to get out of bed to take her outside. Then I come in, get ready, make a fire in the fire place, tidy up some stuff, talk to my Husband for a bit as he gets out of bed and then Maybe I will go tweet something. I don't check Facebook as much because it's getting pointless. I'll choose chores over facebook. The dishes are indeed more important than FarmVille. I'm living a life where I don't need to make virtual lives I have a real life to keep me busy. Also I am one of the rare people who do not have a cellphone! GASP!
            I once had a cell, I did use it to go on Facebook, it was a distraction in life, I was constantly told to put the phone down. Now I do not have one and I realized how much my life has improved since we tossed our cell phones. No monthly bill, no more texts at 3am, no more daily interruptions, no more freaking out when the phone falls into the toilet...I have gotten used to living sans cellphone. I was asked why I refuse to go out and spend $549 on an iPhone. here's my reasoning: I don't need a stupid iPhone, I can buy a lap top with $549, I can buy a net book and pay $49 a month for roaming internet (I forget what that stick is called but whatever I'm highly tech unsavvy) I can use Skype for FREE, did I mention a new laptop costs about $549? Why the hell would I want a dinky little phone that I'm going to break anyways? So no I do not want or need an iPhone or any other cellphone for that matter. I like carrying my lap top around as it makes the perfect portable TV for my kid. It's wonderful.
             So, here's some advice to all you phone users. Stop placing your phones by your bed, sleep in and enjoy some quality time with your significant other. If you can't do that maybe you need to rethink your relationship! If you are not capable of communicating to the person you sleep next to it's time to seek some councelling. Go on a vacation and leave the phone at home! Go on a date and turn the phone off! Stop updating your facebook status, nobody cares anyways! Facebook and Twitter are not important, your relationship is! What happened to the good ol days where couples got out of bed together, made breakfast, talked about the daily plans and looked forward to an evening alone together?  I think it's quite sad that so many people rely on social network sites! Toss that phone and have a phone free day, it's worth it!

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