Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I went boom like Krakatoa

   November is a bad month for me. I'm seasonal Bipolar and for some reason November and April just suck for my chemical balance. Damn those stupid brain chemicals. Anyways I vowed to have a good November this year. It's the 2nd of November and I have already failed. A little whining and complaining is perfectly okay but what I did today was crazy. I pulled a Krakatoa here. I just went BOOM.
                All was cherries. I had just successfully dealt with Bell Canada. I transferred my store's phoneline to my house because I had heard that a certain someone was using the phone line at the store. I wasn't about to let that happen. That Wench doesn't deserve to use MY phone line. So I called Bell and they would not let me cancel but they said I can change locations. So Thats what I did. This is pure genius because when people call the bulk food store I can tell them "Sorry we don't exist." I won't even explain that theres another bulk food store in town...okay this isn't the point but I had to add my victory.

               So everything was all fine and dandy until my dog attacked me. Playfully but I got mad so I elbowed her. I got her in the mouth...it didn't phase her but I hit a nerve and my whole arm went numb. I freaked out. I was in pain and I had to express this. So I got mad at the dog. I took her to the other half of the house, and slammed the kitchen door really really hard...so hard that CRASH! Krakatoa happened. (For you non natural disaster fans, Krakatoa is a volcano that literally blew up like a bomb and was heard as far away as 3000km in 1883) The window on the door...it shattered. Quite nicely too. I stood there in shock. Then I cursed ALOT and I kept cursing and screaming and I almost had an anxiety attack but my pissed off nature totally got our room mate to get off his butt and help. He cleaned up the mess...I went and calmed down. I kept thinking "Oh crap I broke the door!"

    Am I in crap? Probably. Will I laugh at this later...Oh hell yes. The door is just fine, there's just no more glass...The door still does it's function. It keeps the Dog locked on the other half of the house. It won't do very much good keeping the stove from activating the fire alarm but I guess that's a price to pay. It also won't do much good from keeping others locked on that half of the house...so much for that fun. But hey now I don't have to worry about Nick purposely locking the door on me. This is great...maybe it was meant to be after all. But I'm still in a lot of trouble for my outburst >< KRAKATOA!

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