Monday, November 8, 2010

Meandering thoughts (Nov 8th 2010)


                 I have bloggers block again...everytime I start writing I promptly erase it. So I may as well blog about life. I may disturb people If I let loose whats actually on my mind. Most makes no sense anyways unless your mind is broken like mine.
               Back to Gaming: It Has been a busy October for me, one filled with stress and all the fun stuff. But Now I'm unemployed (as in making no money) but I'll eventually get a job. I only need a few days a week. It's rather tough going from full time to being at home. My Kid is in school Mondays, Wednesdays and some Fridays so I have time to clean and do all sorts of important stuff like sit on my butt and blog. But anyways October I didn't have our friends come over for gaming. I find that Pen and Paper roll playing is a lot better than gaming online. I guess I could play WOW all day now that I have the time, but I enjoy the sitting around in a circle for a few hours having a laugh and pissing off my renter. We tend to have our minds wander so we'll go off topic a lot and talk about life or other gaming stories. I'm anticipating the guys will show up at my house tonight and we'll play one of the many RPG's we play. In 2006 I learned how to play Dungeons and Dragons but now I have expanded my pen and paper roll playing experience to Silver age Sentinels (a Super hero campaign), Dead Reign (Zombie appocalypse RPG...really fun), Battle Lords, Star Wars, PathFinder, Rifts, Shadow Run etc etc etc. I know I sound like a major geek...well I am! :D I am looking forward to rolling some dice.
              The Hoarding situation: Almost dealt with. I regained my living room back in one day. However the spare room is horrific! I can now actually walk in it though. There are boxes and stuff on the bed and I have to sort through them. Alot will be sold at next years yardsale.As for knick knacks and stuff I have been finding random places for them. I threw a small Christmas tree in the bathroom right above the toilet! The tree toper is a roll of toilet paper, I have a TP garland and I threw some decorations on it as well. I'm sure while the guys take a pee they will be in Christmas Cheer...
             The Business Situation: You know the lady who screwed us over really is doing a nice job at fixing up the store. She brought in some new bins and such. As much as she totally screwed us over I forgive her. That store was her dream and now she's living her dream. I can still order candies and stuff at the same cost I always have because I'm keeping my HST number/vendor permit. I forgive her, and I'm happy she gets to live her dream. It wasn't MY dream we just randomly bought the place. If not for that store we would not be in a  wonderful crazy community. I love Norwood so much, and It was just meant to be. Most people would dwell on the fact they got screwed over...but I'm over it. After all it's just money and I honestly never cared much for money...I just can't be greedy I'm more of a giver, I love to bless everyone. So I am satisfied with my situation and I hope the rumors going though town just stop. The Bulk food store was not my new dream is missionary work and I hope to get the funds to go over seas on a few missions trips.
            Operation Christmas Child: My 6 boxes are almost complete and will be shipped out November 17th. I got funding for 4 of them which is awesome! They will likely go to Haiti and will bless the children there sometime in April. Yes the boxes do get to the destination, last year some went to Kyrgyzstan and my friends who do Missions work there witnessed the kids at the Orphanage receive their boxes. I saw pictures of their reactions and I was brought to tears! It was amazing! So I just LOVE making up as many boxes as possible and sending them out :D

             Haggle time!: Our Church is doing a Live Bethlehem walk through. Live animals and such. We have a big feild to do this in so people get to walk through to hear the story of Bethlehem. I get to be a Merchant and I get to Haggle everyone. My plan is to fill bushel baskets with fruit (Apples, clementines etc) and try to push them on people. I'm sure I can come up with some pretty funny trades. "Trade Baby for Orange? Yessss?" haha Oh my this will be fun indeed. I'm not the only merchant I have my friends joining me as well and I know we shall have a blast with this!
            The Parenting front:  Terrible two's? They were nothing! Terrific Three's? Nothing...Four year olds? Oh Lord help me! I'm getting somewhere with my daughter but she does not respect me at all. I got bitten yesterday at Church and had to take her out into the hallway to lecture her. She behaved better after that. But last night I couldn't get her to bed without a fight...taking things away really angers her. So hopefully I can get her to learn respect. Parenting is tough. But all the fun tantrums are seriously worth it. There are days where it's pure joy, my kid always puts a big smile on my face and best of all she looks up to me! My Daughter also has more control over the dog than I do...apparently the dog sees her as a bigger threat. Oh oh.

          The Dog Training: I need the Dog Whisperer...>< but I am getting somewhere. I'm home most days so Seven gets more exercise and she's doing a lot better outside with me. She listens a bit more. I also make sure I win every tug of war. I step out the door first and I make sure I'm getting her to obey. The food issue isn't a problem which is good. My dog takes food out of my hand very politely and I can go near her when she eats. In fact I can reach into her mouth and take stuff away and she doesn't fight me she just sits nice waiting for me to give it back. She jumps on me alot and tries to put up a dominance fight but I have not been bitten (Just nipped) I can put my arm in her mouth and she won't maul me. She's a great dog but I have a lot of training to do.

            Marriage: Just some marriage advice. To make a marriage work you must learn how to argue. Do not insult or dig up the past EVER. This goes for everyone,Married, single or in a relationship. Nick and I have been working on this and we have fair fights. After our fight one of us or both admits that we are wrong and we forgive and forget. It works. Holding grudges is bad, don't do it! Grudge holding only hurts you in the end and there is no point. Just release it! Also it's sometimes good for both people to take a breather so they can think and stay on topic. If you can't stay on topic then is it really worth arguing over? Is it really that important? Work something out! I have been married 3 years, I'm 23 years old and our marriage has been going up hill. I'm working on my attitude and My Husband is working on his. I'm also trying harder to let him know every plan and not do anything behind his back. (Like shopping :P) Oh and the best place to argue is the grocery turns into a fun game. Unfortunately the town no longer takes us seriously but our friends Sam and Derrek the pros certainly still have the spark and can clear the whole damn store :D Its fun to watch actually. So yes...Marriage advice FIGHT FAIRLY! Relationships/marriages are Not perfect and never will be. So accept it.
             And this concludes my meandering thoughts...There will be more. mainly for you Sammie...when I get the stomach flu I will be sure to post all the details to seek vengeance >< 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes and before anyone asks...I feel better and haven't had any anxiety sinch um..breaking that door. I did not get in trouble but I am sent to deal with the fire alarm every single time it goes off while we're cooking >< I guess it's an okay punishment lol
