Friday, December 31, 2010

O'Malley's First 'Nip


O'Malley's First Cat Nip experience. 

New years eve partay's over the years.

             The biggest party I ever attended on New years eve had 8 people in attendance and we watched a movie that my friend got his hands on that hadn't eve been released into theaters yet. I've never gone to an actual New Years bash. Never been to a nightclub, haven't checked out any of those big street parties...I've watched them on TV though (In the warmth of my own house laughing at those who obviously look frozen).
             Bringing in 2004 was probably the most memorable party. There was Me, my two friends and Nick. We Prank called people durring the early hours of the party, had some pizza then snuck out at midnight and egged my ex boyfriend's house then meandered to the Highschool to toilet papered the trees and goal posts. Then we went back to my friend's house and watched Finding Nemo. Yep...those were the days. Was pretty hard to keep a strait face when my Dad informed me someone had TPed the school.
             Bringing in 2005 sucked.  Nick and I watched New Years eve parties on TV with my mom in attendance.
             I slept over at Nick's parents house for 2006. Nick and I crashed at 11pm because we both had the flu. Then we got a big storm the next day where it snowed then the temperature went up to like 20 celcius over night with Thunder storms and then there was a deep freeze.
             Bringing in 2007...I skipped that party and went to bed at 10pm.
             Ooooh 2008 we played Dungeons and Dragons with some friends and had fireworks at midnight! And a Roman candle fight.
             2009 we watched the CGI Resident Evil that wasn't to be released until March. This was the party I actually had 8 people in attendance. It was pretty fun. We played Poker too if I recall. Nobody got naked which is good.
           2010 we had 3 friends over and watched Family Guy. And some movies...and we totally missed the countdown.
            Bringing in 2011...My Husband and I are vegging on the couch surrounded by junk food. We plan to play X box. We're going to play some Black Ops with the other 800 000 or so people who also have no New years eve plans. So Technically I'm attending a BIG party with a bunch of strangers who are also vegging on their couches eating junk food. Yep I'm partying hard tonight!
              See my party life is rather boring. I don't drink often and I've never exprerienced a hang over. I don't even know why people have to go get hammered to have a good time. I'm going to have an awesome time tonight getting my ass kicked in Black Ops...maybe I'll even kill a few players :O I actually dislike COD but my Husband is so damn happy that I suggested we play together that this makes it worth it. So I'm looking forward to tonight! Attending some stupid ball drop party just isn't my cup of Java. I could always head over to the Town Hall or the Legion but an Elvis Party or an old fart party isn't my cup of Java either. So It's just my Hubby and I and I wouldn't have it any other way <3.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Terrible what nows?

          I was chatting with a mother of an almost 2 year old boy the other day. Her son started to get a wee bit cranky. She looked at me and said "He's going through the Terrible twos. I can't wait till it's over!" I almost said something but I just kept it to myself. As a Mother of a 4 year old, I know that the "Terribles" never really end. But I was once in the opinion that they would. I was fooled too, just like all parents are. No kid is perfect, even kids who are angels out in public. All parents have to go through guiding their kids even if it means dealing with HUGE temper tantrums. Tantrums are what kids do best.
           I was a holy terror as a kid so chances are my kid will be one too. But it's worth it, because all the cute things and the fun times simply outweigh all the disasters. The Disasters actually have to happen for children to learn. If they don't make mistakes they won't learn from them. Raising children is like having your own Natural Disaster in your home. After the disaster happens we all just look back and reflect on it. "Remember that time our kid put the kitty in the toilet?" "Remember when Jimmy decided to drop his drawers and pee on a plant in the grocery store?"
          I felt a bit jipped today because everyone is getting bad weather except us. I didn't have any good content to blog about. I was in need of some disaster but all I have is nice temperatures, a bit of drizzle and no big system approaching. But then I got some blog inspiration from my daughter. Today she managed to destroy my clean livingroom, stain the couch with food, get playdough all over the floor, harass the kitty at least 6 times even though I told her not to, let the dog outside without my permission, give me attitude, demand that I let her eat chocolate...and the day isn't over yet. She's putting me to work today. But all these imperfections make her who she is. Just like how storms actually benifit us even if they cause destruction. People always complain about all the imperfections (It sucks that my basement was flooded, it sucks that I have to evacuate because a Hurricane is comming...) but don't realize that the Earth's disasters have to occur for the ecosystem to function properly. So essentially when Children act up and make mistakes it all happens for good reason. If kids were perfect wouldn't they be boring? If Kids were born smart wouldn't that just make adult lives pointless? Adults get a kick out of the silly things kids say and do. Yes it all comes with some disaster but it's so totally worth it.
          I love my little Tornado. Even when she decides to become an F5. And I have news for all new moms. The Terrible two's are a breeze...the wind gets stronger as the years go by. We were all teens once, we know right? Oh man I am so DOOMED! >< But Bring it on. Bring on the Terrible Storms.
~I Love you Aurora!~ Through every storm~

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Were the predictions accurate?

            All my Christmas predictions were accurate. The only one that changed was what time the kiddies got up to open Stockings. I said 5:30...however my kid decided 4am was perfect. So she dragged down my 11 year old Sister Kassy and her 13 year old room mate Chey. I am attuned to the sound of sneaking...whispering constitutes as sneaking. It's a mom instinct. We look asleep but we're not. So 3:56am they come past my Husband and I ><. I smack my head and roll off the couch to grab the camera. I am in full zombie mode but my kid's energy is much too funny to pass up. I'll upload a video eventually as it is epic.
         "Santa came! He gave me CHOCOLATE! Santa Loves me! Look!" She says as the other two girls open their stockings. They take a grand total of 10 minutes to gawk over the contents of the stockings. My daughter is wide awake but I force her to go back to sleep until the sun comes out. I mean come on! 4am??? There is no way I am staying awake.
        Gift opening officially began around 7am. I didn't even move from my corner of the sofa. We got the whole thing on video so we can reflect on how silly we all act in the morning. I was quiet until I opened a very nice card from Nick. It was so sweet. This is the first year we didn't buy each other gifts to open,  we didn't really need to. We had a wonderful time. Mom got us a very nice chess set, and a ceiling pot/pan holder (Kitchen organization woot). I got decor for my bathroom: some nice candles, a new toilet paper dispenser, stuff for the bath etc. The toilet paper dispenser is extreamely epic, it is by far the coolest toilet paper holder ever, infact I am looking forward to using it! My daughter got a whole bunch of stuff, the most useful things being more mitts and hats (Because 4 year olds can go through 5 pairs every time they play outside). I got a black dish ware set, I was quite impressed, black is my favorite colour! All in all it was a pretty sweet Christmas.
The festivities continued with much dog piles, the playing of Rockband and Guitar Hero, fighting over who gets to play Rockband/guitar hero, screaming, whining, laughing, more screaming, messes, insanity, chess playing, playing with puppies, feeding horses, more screaming, a few more dog piles...pretty crazy family. I'm so glad I am a part of this family. Just being with family is a big enough gift, all the cool stuff I got can't even compare with this <3. It has been a very wonderful day.
       I hope everyone has had a very wonderful Christmas. But just remember, without Christ there is No Christmas there's just holidays. So Merry CHRISTmas <3 Jesus is the reason for the season. And no worries, he is available all year round ;). But whether you are Christian or not I wish you a very merry Christmas and a blessed new year! Love ya! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Friday, December 24, 2010

I even confuse the Doctors...sigh*

Ever since My Husband went for Appendix removal Surgery last Spring I get worried everytime I get a little cramp. I know it's paranoia but I happen to be special so you never really know what the heck might be wrong with me. I spent Monday morning beside the toilet having stuff come out of both ends. I'll spare everyone the details because I already vividly explained to my best friend what happened because I was paying her back from her puking TMI endeavor. But anyways because I was having such a party beside my toilet I probably pulled a few intestinal muscles. I really did a number on my body. I have hardly any muscles and fat to begin with so I wrecked havoc using my poor muscles.
           Yesterday Morning I woke up with pains. But it was odd, I only had cramps when I stood or walked. I could sit fine, move around fine, lay down any way but when I got up it hurt. I was whimpering from point A to Point B. My Husband was concerned and thought that I should go to the emergency room. So I lied and said it was going away. It didn't. I felt fine sitting but felt like crap standing. Then everyone on Facebook (Why do I listen to these "Experts"?) told me all these Appendix horror stories so I decided I should go spend some time in Emerge. So the Hubby came home from work, we callled an ambulance and off we went. I probably could have gotten a ride, however, $45 is worth paying to not sit in the waiting room. Ambulance ride =instant access to room. It's a room with just a curtain but who cares? It has a bed!
              I got my blood taken, I peed in a cup, I chilled out for 4 hours while they tested my blood. Everything came back fine. And the Doctor was stumpped. It confused him that I only had cramps in the entire abdomen (Front to back) when I stood or walked. Tylenol took the pain away. It wasn't gas because it would have gone away within a few hours. And I tried everything to make sure it wasn't just gas. He made note to admit me instantly if I do happen to return with more pain. It could be the appendix just slightly acting up or it might just be a very strange abdominal muscle injury. But I had them confused. I still have no clue what was wrong with me but it's gone now. My muscles do feel strange so I'm assuming they are repairing from Monday's potty party still.
            But hey, what a great way to spend Festivus (The 23rd of December...a Seinfeld made holiday lol). I got to relax for a few hours, I got to go for an ambulance ride :D I'd say it was an okay day.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Goslin Christmas

I can picture all sorts of family Christmases. People relaxing in a livingroom while kids are occupied by their gifts. People going insane because they have to visit the inlaws. Couples sleeping in and enjoying a day off together...I'm sure there are all sorts of Christmas celebrations. I anticipate my Christmas this year will be crazy. It usually is every year. It has been since I started to spend every Christmas with Nick's  (My Husband) Family. The Craziness starts on Christmas Eve and snowballs from there.
Mom tends to wrap gifts as soon as the kids go to bed on Christmas eve. By the time the kids are in bed she likely has consumed great quantities of alcohol. It is a Christmas tradition to watch her wrap gifts under the influence of Alcohol. It's Christmas eve and the family enjoys a few drinks. I don't particularily like getting drunk (I have been drunk once in my life and that was accidental) and I only drink maybe 4 times a year if that. I'm not a fan of alcohol but I will drink a little. I usually go for Rum as it makes me more hyper than buzzed. I might look drunk, I might act drunk but I could pass a sobriety test. Last year durring Mom's escapade she mixed up gifts and started to get silly. For example she bought My 12 year old Sister In law a Bra, Prenguin kleenex holder and shampoo so she put the bra around the penguin and stuffed the bra with shampoo. See Picture below. It's all fun, and we probably finally get to bed by 1am...after leaving cookies and eggnog out for Santa.

What time do the kids get up? Approximately 5am. And they ALL get up. There is nothing more refreshing than having 4 kids jump on you at 5am yelling "It's Christmas!" The bloody sun hasn't even risen yet! But since my husband and I sleep in the livingroom we end up on supervision duty. The kids find their Santa gifts and open thier stockings. My Husband and I groggily try and make coffee. As we wander amok like zombies the kids get a head start on sugar from their stockings.

When everyone is finally awake I get conned into work. If it's nice out we have to lead the horses out. If it's crappy out there we still have to go and place horses in the arena so we can clean stalls. Then we go out again to feed them and water them and then before it gets dark we have to take them in. One year I almost dropped dead from treading through a foot of fresh snow to get to the horses. But it's all fun. I love animals so it's enjoyable. I spend time with the cats too. The cat in the picture below is Jaimes, she is the mother of one of my cats. She is an amazing cat.

When Trevor's (Trev is Mom's Fiancee) parents arrive we are in full force Christmas present opening. It gets pretty crazy. I got burried in wrapping and tissue paper and my husband tried to fit me into a large christmas bag. By the afternoon my Hubby has had at least 4 coffees and has plenty of energy. So we all madly open our gifts. There will be even more craziness this year as now Trevor's Step Son and his wife and 2 girls live with them now so thats another 4 year old and 13 year old. That means more people crammed in the livingroom, more insanity and more mess. Mom and I run amok trying to tidy as the gifts are being torn open. When kids get something thats not very entertaining they toss it aside. Half the time the kids dont even look at their presents they just move it aside and yell "MORE!" My kid prefers quanity over quality, she simply likes opening the gifts. If I gave her a box with bubble wrap inside and wrapped the box up my kid would be in heaven. Infact as I recal she was quite interested in Bubble wrap last year.

When all the gift opening is done we have to place bateries in all the gifts that require it, we have to open those dreadful toys that are secured like Alkatraz and we have to split up the kids who fight over borrowing one anothers gifts. Aurora, her 6 year old Auntie and now another 4 year old girl will likely fight over sharing. While this goes on my 11 year old Sister and the Boarders 13 year old daughter will give each other attitude and might possible get into a physical altercation while my 13 year old sister tends to hide out in her room from all the insanity.

Of course dinner has to be made too. And kids need to be supervised in the pool. The Indoor pool is open for the winter and it gets daily use. We are also adding our dog to the craziness. The foot tall red dragon that I have a blog for will attend as well (I love you Anadralius).  There will probably still be puppies at the farm durring Christmas and they will be 7 weeks old and all over the place. I predict a very crazy Christmas with the Goslins this year and I honestly can't wait. Who knows what insanity we can all get in ^^.

But whatever Christmas Tradition or Celebration you have, I hope you have a very Blessed Christmas. Cherish time with your folks no matter how insane they are, spend some time with good friends, family etc. I give a special blessing to my friends who are donating their time to cooking a meal for the free community dinner on Christmas day, They provide a time for those who can't afford a dinner or are lonely on Christmas. So Blessings to all. Much love! xoxoxoxox ~Jess~

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finding gratitude within the Holiday Rush

           December. The month of being busy and rushing about. There is shopping to do, partys to attend, parking spaces to fight for, lines to wait in, food to buy, food to cook, unexpected gifts to run out and purchase, traffic to sit in, Parades to attend, if you have children there is Santa to visit, concerts to go to, gifts to buy for their friends, school events, special Christmas Hockey Tournaments...then when all the shopping is done there is family to visit. Then Boxing week deals to hunt down. Then a New Years bash to attend. Heaven forbid you decide to host a holiday party, thats extra running amok! There's no time to fit in rage and depression! That's what January is for.
             January comes along and nothing...the kids go back to school, there is no more traffic, the pretty lights get turned off slowly but surely even if there are the few homes that have them on until Summer. The only thing to look forward to in January is that dreaded Credit card bill (Unless you are like me and do not use one...I learned a lesson and I'd like to stay the heck away from borrowed money). But January is a depressing month, for some anyway. There are those who look forward to doing nothing. I look forward to doing nothing. Being less busy is a good thing.
              Are people really getting into the spirit of Christmas or is it just a time to rush about buying random crap for people? I did all my shopping early and for good reason. I want to enjoy the holiday season, I don't want to make it seem any different than other months. However when I go out I notice the rush and all the stress in people's faces. One thing is on most people's minds, and we all know what that is: Find the perfect gift.
              I got a bit caught up in the rush but I stopped myself. I wanted to buy myself something really nice but decided that having a warm house was much better so I paid the Hydro instead. The ability to pay Hydro is a gift in it's own. I'm grateful for heat, hot water, lights, an oven, the ability to blog etc. Most people won't see a Hydro bill as a gift but I encourage everyone to think about it next time they pay Hydro. Be grateful for it. This holiday season there are homeless people, people who live day to day, people going without heat and hydro, people who can't afford a nice meal. We're so fortunate. Christmas isn't about us! It's about sharing joy and giving hope to others. My friends asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told them to go and donate some food to the food bank so those less fortunate can eat. I don't need anything. And if someone is going to get me something then at least make it something I Need and not want.
             So while you are all out there rushing around, just remember that you are fortunate. You are blessed. Even if your house is falling apart like mine is, you are blessed. We have so much and we don't even take the time to realize it. It's time for people to stop thinking about getting all the latest stuff and to start thinking about how blessed they are.
           Have a Blessed Christmas everyone.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Richter scale of Life's poop

Here's a litle education on the Richter scale. A Richter scale is what measures intensity of earthquakes. I came up with a lif version Richter scale that I thought I'd use in any future blogs about my disasters of life. I doubt people want to hear the happy, joyful news...I'm sure my disasters are more amusing. 

0-1: Very Minor Annoyance
        Only detected by Seismometer
-Your Neighbour's dogs bark for a few seconds...nothing unusual
-White noise

1-1.9: Minor annoyance
          Still only detected by Siesmometer
-slightly annoying song on radio
- internet a wee bit slower than usual
-It's getting a little bit warmer/colder in  the house

2-2.9: Annoyance
          you can just feel earth tremble a bit
-Neighbour's dog won't shut up
-You drop something and have to pick it up
-Light turns red
-Longer than usual line at Tim Hortons

3-3.9: Moderate Annoyance
            You certainly feel ground tremble but it's nothing of concern
-You get up, open door and yell at Neighbour's dogs
-You drop food on floor
-Stub toe lightly, enough to cause a small reaction
-coffee spills a bit onto your hand

4-4.9: Major annoyance
            Stuff actually moves a bit...
-You yell at neighbour's to tell them to shut their stupid dogs up
-You drop alot of food on the the whole turkey or cake
-you hit elbow off something
-something falls slightly ou of reach
-elastic breaks, socks get damp from random puddle on floor, it started to rain and you have no umbrella or jacket

5-5.9: Really BIG annoyance
          Stuff not only moves it falls of shelves
-Throw Rock at Neighbour's dogs
-hit head off something
-have to pay money to get something the car or house
-ran out of cash, need to pay bills, can't obviously pay them on time
-burnt dinner to point of trashing it
-Leafs lose again and you have to listen to Leaf's nation fans complain
-Justin Bieber
-The Hills, Jersey Shore, Glee...MTV

6-6.9: Really, Really big annoyance
-Flooded basement
-Tree falls on house causing some damage
 -You get cops called on you for harrassing the neighbour
-That guy shows up to shut your Hydro off
-phone disconnected, now you have to call phone company to re connect it and that could take weeks

7-7.9: Epic annoyance
          Damage to buildings.
-an actual earthquake damages your home
-tree falls through house
-tree falls on car
-have to go for surgery
-child birth
-death of pet

8-8.9 Catastrophic annoyance
           Total damages...
-your house is gone
-you become paralysed
-Diagnosed with cancer
-Zombie appocalypse happens
-death of friend/ family member

9-9.9 oh @#$% annoyance
         -Total devastation
-Nuclear winter
-you die
-earth becomes a total wasteland
-The Borg show up and assymilate earth

10- An asteroid destroys planet...or something like that

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

well I didn't see this one coming...

            Welcome December 1st! Take a look at the picture above. Please note that the little Red dot is where I live. Also note that green indicates rain and blue indicates snow. It was supposed to rain today...all day with the possibility of mixed precipitation. I went out in the morning knowing it was going to rain all day. On the way home it began to snow. I thought nothing of it...until I looked at the radar (Picture above).
             This actually makes me a little giddy even though I hate snow because I'm the only person in the household who ends up shovelling the driveway. I finally get to blog about my favorite topic! The weather. The weather interests me. I like to look at it in a scientific sence. My Husband and I love to observe the weather. We talk about the weather. We have no life and we are Canadian so thus we are overly obsessed about weather. Kind of like everyone else in our little town because there's nothing better to chat about. So Seeing a system that was not expected at all makes me happy inside. Because theres nothing better to complete my day than to bash The Weather Network (Those idiots who clearly can not predict weather systems worth crap as they are indicating that we are still getting rain)
 Because the above picture is just an illusion! It sure is raining out there. Enough that I can build a snowman. The radar tells the truth, the snowman tells the truth and yet the Weather Network still has not figured out that it's SNOWING in Peterborough Ontario. They say we may get wet snow. Now "wet" snow is a snow mixture with a bit of rain, it tends to come down in the form of snow but doesn't stay on the ground. What we actually got was Heavy snow! It's snowing alot, it's packing snow so people can make snowballs easily AND it stays on the ground so you can build forts and snowmen! It's also Heavy! Not fun to shovel and is certainly causing people alot of shock right now.
           So far 5cm have fallen. Not a big deal, this isn't a Snowmageddon or anything. Really to me it's a light dusting of snow. I used to live in the Maritimes so I have no excuse to complain about a mere light dusting when they consider 20cm a light dusting (Go to New Brunswick in March, thats when they get plastered). But I have every right to vent about the fact that it's obviously NOT raining out there anymore and the weather network is stupid.

Now that I'm done venting about the weather network I must add that the snow is pretty. My daughter will be overjoyed on her walk home today after school, and this snow gets me in the mood for christmas. Must get those damn lights up so I can joyfully turn them on :D It's December 1st! 25 more days until I have to endure screaming kids. I used to be one of those giddy kids and now Karma is getting me for annoying my family all those years... Well time to go get the munchkin and play in the snow when we get home! :D Oh and make plans to go crazy on Christmas day just for the heck of it!