Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Goslin Christmas

I can picture all sorts of family Christmases. People relaxing in a livingroom while kids are occupied by their gifts. People going insane because they have to visit the inlaws. Couples sleeping in and enjoying a day off together...I'm sure there are all sorts of Christmas celebrations. I anticipate my Christmas this year will be crazy. It usually is every year. It has been since I started to spend every Christmas with Nick's  (My Husband) Family. The Craziness starts on Christmas Eve and snowballs from there.
Mom tends to wrap gifts as soon as the kids go to bed on Christmas eve. By the time the kids are in bed she likely has consumed great quantities of alcohol. It is a Christmas tradition to watch her wrap gifts under the influence of Alcohol. It's Christmas eve and the family enjoys a few drinks. I don't particularily like getting drunk (I have been drunk once in my life and that was accidental) and I only drink maybe 4 times a year if that. I'm not a fan of alcohol but I will drink a little. I usually go for Rum as it makes me more hyper than buzzed. I might look drunk, I might act drunk but I could pass a sobriety test. Last year durring Mom's escapade she mixed up gifts and started to get silly. For example she bought My 12 year old Sister In law a Bra, Prenguin kleenex holder and shampoo so she put the bra around the penguin and stuffed the bra with shampoo. See Picture below. It's all fun, and we probably finally get to bed by 1am...after leaving cookies and eggnog out for Santa.

What time do the kids get up? Approximately 5am. And they ALL get up. There is nothing more refreshing than having 4 kids jump on you at 5am yelling "It's Christmas!" The bloody sun hasn't even risen yet! But since my husband and I sleep in the livingroom we end up on supervision duty. The kids find their Santa gifts and open thier stockings. My Husband and I groggily try and make coffee. As we wander amok like zombies the kids get a head start on sugar from their stockings.

When everyone is finally awake I get conned into work. If it's nice out we have to lead the horses out. If it's crappy out there we still have to go and place horses in the arena so we can clean stalls. Then we go out again to feed them and water them and then before it gets dark we have to take them in. One year I almost dropped dead from treading through a foot of fresh snow to get to the horses. But it's all fun. I love animals so it's enjoyable. I spend time with the cats too. The cat in the picture below is Jaimes, she is the mother of one of my cats. She is an amazing cat.

When Trevor's (Trev is Mom's Fiancee) parents arrive we are in full force Christmas present opening. It gets pretty crazy. I got burried in wrapping and tissue paper and my husband tried to fit me into a large christmas bag. By the afternoon my Hubby has had at least 4 coffees and has plenty of energy. So we all madly open our gifts. There will be even more craziness this year as now Trevor's Step Son and his wife and 2 girls live with them now so thats another 4 year old and 13 year old. That means more people crammed in the livingroom, more insanity and more mess. Mom and I run amok trying to tidy as the gifts are being torn open. When kids get something thats not very entertaining they toss it aside. Half the time the kids dont even look at their presents they just move it aside and yell "MORE!" My kid prefers quanity over quality, she simply likes opening the gifts. If I gave her a box with bubble wrap inside and wrapped the box up my kid would be in heaven. Infact as I recal she was quite interested in Bubble wrap last year.

When all the gift opening is done we have to place bateries in all the gifts that require it, we have to open those dreadful toys that are secured like Alkatraz and we have to split up the kids who fight over borrowing one anothers gifts. Aurora, her 6 year old Auntie and now another 4 year old girl will likely fight over sharing. While this goes on my 11 year old Sister and the Boarders 13 year old daughter will give each other attitude and might possible get into a physical altercation while my 13 year old sister tends to hide out in her room from all the insanity.

Of course dinner has to be made too. And kids need to be supervised in the pool. The Indoor pool is open for the winter and it gets daily use. We are also adding our dog to the craziness. The foot tall red dragon that I have a blog for will attend as well (I love you Anadralius).  There will probably still be puppies at the farm durring Christmas and they will be 7 weeks old and all over the place. I predict a very crazy Christmas with the Goslins this year and I honestly can't wait. Who knows what insanity we can all get in ^^.

But whatever Christmas Tradition or Celebration you have, I hope you have a very Blessed Christmas. Cherish time with your folks no matter how insane they are, spend some time with good friends, family etc. I give a special blessing to my friends who are donating their time to cooking a meal for the free community dinner on Christmas day, They provide a time for those who can't afford a dinner or are lonely on Christmas. So Blessings to all. Much love! xoxoxoxox ~Jess~

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