Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Terrible what nows?

          I was chatting with a mother of an almost 2 year old boy the other day. Her son started to get a wee bit cranky. She looked at me and said "He's going through the Terrible twos. I can't wait till it's over!" I almost said something but I just kept it to myself. As a Mother of a 4 year old, I know that the "Terribles" never really end. But I was once in the opinion that they would. I was fooled too, just like all parents are. No kid is perfect, even kids who are angels out in public. All parents have to go through guiding their kids even if it means dealing with HUGE temper tantrums. Tantrums are what kids do best.
           I was a holy terror as a kid so chances are my kid will be one too. But it's worth it, because all the cute things and the fun times simply outweigh all the disasters. The Disasters actually have to happen for children to learn. If they don't make mistakes they won't learn from them. Raising children is like having your own Natural Disaster in your home. After the disaster happens we all just look back and reflect on it. "Remember that time our kid put the kitty in the toilet?" "Remember when Jimmy decided to drop his drawers and pee on a plant in the grocery store?"
          I felt a bit jipped today because everyone is getting bad weather except us. I didn't have any good content to blog about. I was in need of some disaster but all I have is nice temperatures, a bit of drizzle and no big system approaching. But then I got some blog inspiration from my daughter. Today she managed to destroy my clean livingroom, stain the couch with food, get playdough all over the floor, harass the kitty at least 6 times even though I told her not to, let the dog outside without my permission, give me attitude, demand that I let her eat chocolate...and the day isn't over yet. She's putting me to work today. But all these imperfections make her who she is. Just like how storms actually benifit us even if they cause destruction. People always complain about all the imperfections (It sucks that my basement was flooded, it sucks that I have to evacuate because a Hurricane is comming...) but don't realize that the Earth's disasters have to occur for the ecosystem to function properly. So essentially when Children act up and make mistakes it all happens for good reason. If kids were perfect wouldn't they be boring? If Kids were born smart wouldn't that just make adult lives pointless? Adults get a kick out of the silly things kids say and do. Yes it all comes with some disaster but it's so totally worth it.
          I love my little Tornado. Even when she decides to become an F5. And I have news for all new moms. The Terrible two's are a breeze...the wind gets stronger as the years go by. We were all teens once, we know right? Oh man I am so DOOMED! >< But Bring it on. Bring on the Terrible Storms.
~I Love you Aurora!~ Through every storm~

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