Friday, December 31, 2010

New years eve partay's over the years.

             The biggest party I ever attended on New years eve had 8 people in attendance and we watched a movie that my friend got his hands on that hadn't eve been released into theaters yet. I've never gone to an actual New Years bash. Never been to a nightclub, haven't checked out any of those big street parties...I've watched them on TV though (In the warmth of my own house laughing at those who obviously look frozen).
             Bringing in 2004 was probably the most memorable party. There was Me, my two friends and Nick. We Prank called people durring the early hours of the party, had some pizza then snuck out at midnight and egged my ex boyfriend's house then meandered to the Highschool to toilet papered the trees and goal posts. Then we went back to my friend's house and watched Finding Nemo. Yep...those were the days. Was pretty hard to keep a strait face when my Dad informed me someone had TPed the school.
             Bringing in 2005 sucked.  Nick and I watched New Years eve parties on TV with my mom in attendance.
             I slept over at Nick's parents house for 2006. Nick and I crashed at 11pm because we both had the flu. Then we got a big storm the next day where it snowed then the temperature went up to like 20 celcius over night with Thunder storms and then there was a deep freeze.
             Bringing in 2007...I skipped that party and went to bed at 10pm.
             Ooooh 2008 we played Dungeons and Dragons with some friends and had fireworks at midnight! And a Roman candle fight.
             2009 we watched the CGI Resident Evil that wasn't to be released until March. This was the party I actually had 8 people in attendance. It was pretty fun. We played Poker too if I recall. Nobody got naked which is good.
           2010 we had 3 friends over and watched Family Guy. And some movies...and we totally missed the countdown.
            Bringing in 2011...My Husband and I are vegging on the couch surrounded by junk food. We plan to play X box. We're going to play some Black Ops with the other 800 000 or so people who also have no New years eve plans. So Technically I'm attending a BIG party with a bunch of strangers who are also vegging on their couches eating junk food. Yep I'm partying hard tonight!
              See my party life is rather boring. I don't drink often and I've never exprerienced a hang over. I don't even know why people have to go get hammered to have a good time. I'm going to have an awesome time tonight getting my ass kicked in Black Ops...maybe I'll even kill a few players :O I actually dislike COD but my Husband is so damn happy that I suggested we play together that this makes it worth it. So I'm looking forward to tonight! Attending some stupid ball drop party just isn't my cup of Java. I could always head over to the Town Hall or the Legion but an Elvis Party or an old fart party isn't my cup of Java either. So It's just my Hubby and I and I wouldn't have it any other way <3.

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