Saturday, December 25, 2010

Were the predictions accurate?

            All my Christmas predictions were accurate. The only one that changed was what time the kiddies got up to open Stockings. I said 5:30...however my kid decided 4am was perfect. So she dragged down my 11 year old Sister Kassy and her 13 year old room mate Chey. I am attuned to the sound of sneaking...whispering constitutes as sneaking. It's a mom instinct. We look asleep but we're not. So 3:56am they come past my Husband and I ><. I smack my head and roll off the couch to grab the camera. I am in full zombie mode but my kid's energy is much too funny to pass up. I'll upload a video eventually as it is epic.
         "Santa came! He gave me CHOCOLATE! Santa Loves me! Look!" She says as the other two girls open their stockings. They take a grand total of 10 minutes to gawk over the contents of the stockings. My daughter is wide awake but I force her to go back to sleep until the sun comes out. I mean come on! 4am??? There is no way I am staying awake.
        Gift opening officially began around 7am. I didn't even move from my corner of the sofa. We got the whole thing on video so we can reflect on how silly we all act in the morning. I was quiet until I opened a very nice card from Nick. It was so sweet. This is the first year we didn't buy each other gifts to open,  we didn't really need to. We had a wonderful time. Mom got us a very nice chess set, and a ceiling pot/pan holder (Kitchen organization woot). I got decor for my bathroom: some nice candles, a new toilet paper dispenser, stuff for the bath etc. The toilet paper dispenser is extreamely epic, it is by far the coolest toilet paper holder ever, infact I am looking forward to using it! My daughter got a whole bunch of stuff, the most useful things being more mitts and hats (Because 4 year olds can go through 5 pairs every time they play outside). I got a black dish ware set, I was quite impressed, black is my favorite colour! All in all it was a pretty sweet Christmas.
The festivities continued with much dog piles, the playing of Rockband and Guitar Hero, fighting over who gets to play Rockband/guitar hero, screaming, whining, laughing, more screaming, messes, insanity, chess playing, playing with puppies, feeding horses, more screaming, a few more dog piles...pretty crazy family. I'm so glad I am a part of this family. Just being with family is a big enough gift, all the cool stuff I got can't even compare with this <3. It has been a very wonderful day.
       I hope everyone has had a very wonderful Christmas. But just remember, without Christ there is No Christmas there's just holidays. So Merry CHRISTmas <3 Jesus is the reason for the season. And no worries, he is available all year round ;). But whether you are Christian or not I wish you a very merry Christmas and a blessed new year! Love ya! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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