Monday, February 28, 2011

Joining the Lemon Club

           My husband came running into the room and demanded to know our budget for the month. "We're poor, like every other month. What the heck needs fixing this time?" I ask.
Nothing needs fixing (Other than our plumbing, the deck, the windows need t be replaced because they suck, we need a slidding door, a new set of faucettes for the tub, some tiles around my toilet might be nice...) not right away that is. But My husband got an offer that he swears he can not pass up.
          Our friend's friend stalled their Lemon A.K.A 1996 Pontiac Grand Am, not really a bad car per say but I call anything that's old either a Lemon or an antique. 1996 is much too new to be antique yet. Okay, Okay I'm going to admit it, I know absolutely NOTHING about cars! I've asked famous questions such as "Which one is the gas peddal?" "How do you turn the car on/off?" and "Where is the engine?" It's not like the car parts under the hood are labled! (actually they are for idiots such as I). When it comes to cars I am pretty much hopeless, but if an appocalypse occurs and cars no longer function anymore I do know how to steer a horse so I'm good!
         Anyways the car needs a new Fuel pump to get it started. It's in a parking lot literally a 2 minute walk from my house, the owner is getting a new car and doesn't want to pay to tow the Car so her friend offered it to us for the great value of $200. It has to be moved by Wednesday so we have till then to make our tough decision. (Then proceed to push it up the Hill to our house)
     I was worried that I'd end up in the same predicament as my friends and their wonderful Car that likes to piss them off so much. Cars cost money, they break, Gas is expensive and it has to be insured. But Nick won't have his G2 till possibly May so we can't really drive it till then anyways. It's a perfect car to drive to work and back. I was thinking of saving for a decent car but I've come to the conclusion that we've never really been able to save money. Emergencies always happen (Like when new video games come out and we REALLY want them?) So If we buy the car, fix the car, insure the car then when the car breaks it's simply an investment. We put the money towards fixing the car and voila technically it's like saving. It's pretty good for a first vehicle. And if it does break, so what? I'm used to being trapped in my town anyways it's not like anything will really change.
          And on the bright side...a car means more blogging opportunities. I need something to complain about, I need to join the Lemon Club so that My friends and I can discuss how much we despise our POS cars! It Might get us to stop complaining about people and celebrities and how much we hate certain literature. I think it's time, time to join the Lemon Club. You heard me Nick, wonderful Husband of mine, I said yes...but you better buy Seat Covers with a dragon pattern on them OR ELSE!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Never a dull moment in my family ^^

            We visited the inlaws this weekend up at the farm. I love going over there because it's so much fun and theres never a dull moment. Next weekend I'm going up aswell but I have some work cut out for me as I have to get the canteen ready again and train a bit with the horse I'm supposed to show. But this weekend was a weekend of fun.
          Aurora finally got over her swimming fear. She's always been too afraid to go down the steps in the pool and she's terrified of going in the pool with people. She had a bad experience falling in a lake last summer and has been afraid of deep water ever since. But she saw Marissa (Who is the  year old daughter of the the boarders and who is also my 18 year old Sister in Law's Neice) having fun swimming with an inner tube so out of nowhere Auroa asks if I can help her go in the tube so I just plopped her in and voila now my daughter is swimming about and now I can't get her out of the pool because she's having too much fun.
          Later that night we watched "The Last Airbender." My 13 year old sister and the Boarder's 14 year old daughter were watching the movie with us. They rather enjoyed the movie. I must admit I actually like the movie despite the fact some things were changed from the original series. M. Night Shyamalan took an entire season of an animated series and made it into a movie. The acting isn't that bad even though they should have gotte a better actor for Prince Zuko. Before I ramble on about Avatar The Last Airbender I'll just say that after the movie Nick explained to the girls the entire series. The series is awesome, funny and entertaining so they were asking questions and he was providing answers. We were up until 2am discussing Avatar. This is when I came across the You Tube Video of the CSI episode where Justin Bieber gets shot by Nick Stokes. So Nick tells me to lower the volume on my lap top and I yell out "No! I'm watching Bieber get shot!" Thats when Missy and Chey come running over like two excited teens...but not because they are Beliebers, because they reall want to see Bieber get shot. They cheered, laughed and then explained about how much they can't stand him. Thank goodness, I have awesome sisters.
           At Dawn my little Munchkin snuck downstairs and managed to sneak past my Husband and I. Normally we hear her, but this time she was silent. She silently raided the fridge and stole cake. Then she silently raided the fish tank and took the Guppy out. Aurora denied taking cake but had chocolate Icing all over her face. We then discovered that the Guppy was missing and the net was still in the tank. Aurora admitted to taking the guppy but we never found it. None the less she got in big trouble because she has been told numerous times Not to touch things without asking. She's at a wonderful age in life, 4 years old where she thinks she can get away with everything. I've been watching her like a hawk lately.
      Everyone went swimming...except the adults. There is an indoor pool in the house. So the kids went into the pool and this is when Trevor (Dad) decided it would be fun to tos me into the pool with all my clothes on. So he gets Nick, they get a hold of me but Aurora comes to the rescue. This didn't stop them from throwing Mom into the pool though. As soon as Mom got tossed in I knew I was next so I just simply jumpped in on my own. I would have been thrown in anyway so why not ruin their fun? This is the kind of crap that occurs when we visit family.
          There is never a dull moment. My side of the family can be pretty dull, we go visit, we sit around...that sums it up. We go visit Nick's family and craziness breaks loose. There was obviously a reason I was the perfect Wife for Nick, it's because I have to be insane to be a part of this family. And I couldn't be more pleased. I love my family! <3

Saturday, February 19, 2011

More Solar Ramblings...

SQUEEEEE! So I logged on to Yahoo and an article so totally just backed up what I have been blabbering about the last few days. Incase you haven't noticed I might be somewhat obsessed with Solar Storms and the potential for disaster. I find this subject cool due to the fact that my Natural Disaster's class did not mention Solar Storms. Yes in highschool there was a grade 11 class dedicated to Natural Disasters, most of the time we watched videos, in some instances we watched the same video 2-3 times because our teacher was too lazy to teach the class...this resulted in mini natural disatsters happening in class as Mr. Stubbs took a nap in the Geography office.
       Anyways Instead of blabbing on and on I'm just going to copy and paste the article which I found on yahoo news today. However if you don't want to read the entire article I included the cliffs notes at the bottom of the page.

The sun let loose its most powerful eruption in more than four years Monday night (Feb. 14), disrupting radio communications in China and generating concern around the world. But it could have been a lot worse, experts say.
Despite its strength, Monday's solar storm was a baby compared to several previous blasts, and it provides just a hint of what the sun is capable of. A true monster storm has the potential to wreak havoc on a global scale, knocking out communications systems, endangering satellites and astronauts and causing perhaps trillions of dollars in damages.
The sun's activity cycle is ramping up, so more storms will likely be coming our way over the next few years. The sun has grown more active over the last several months after rousing from a quiet period in its 11-year weather cycle last year.
That's not to say the big one is imminent, experts say — but you never can tell. And analysts warn that with humanity more dependent than ever on the high-tech equipment that can be affected by a solar storm, the stakes are higher than in the past.
"Even if this is a really lackluster solar cycle — as it looks like it's shaping up to be — that doesn't mean you can't have a real bell-ringing event," said Joe Gurman of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, project scientist for the agency's sun-studying STEREO spacecraft.
The roots of solar storms
Solar storm events come in several different flavors.
Solar flares are intense bursts of radiation that send waves of photons streaming toward Earth. The scale measuring their strength has three general categories – Class C, Class M and Class X – with Class X flares being the most powerful.
Monday's Valentine's Day solar flare registered a Class X2.2 on that scale.
Other storms, known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), are large clouds of plasma and magnetic field that erupt from the sun's surface, sending lots of particles our way.
Both flares and CMEs have the same root cause — a disruption of the magnetic field in the sun's outer atmosphere. And both events can affect life here on Earth. Major flares, for example, can interfere with satellites, causing disruptions in GPS and high-frequency radio communications that can last from a few minutes to a few hours.
These impacts are felt almost immediately, since it only takes light about 8 minutes to travel from the sun to Earth.
"It's like the sun is a giant noise source," said Bob Rutledge, head of the forecast office at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center. "It can disrupt anything that depends on a link between the ground and satellites."
But the most severe damage comes from powerful CMEs. The particles from these outbursts take longer to reach us — up to three days or so. But when they get here, their interaction with Earth's magnetic field can cause massive "geomagnetic storms," which have the potential to wreak long-lasting havoc on power and communications infrastructure around the globe.
"They can cause a lot of trouble," Rutledge told
Last year, NASA launched its so-called Solar Shield project to serve as an early-warning system for serious space weather events.
Powerful impacts possible
Monday night's storm produced both a big solar flare and a CME. Wdespread satellite or communications disruption, however, is likely not in the cards.
"We don't expect this to cause any kind of lasting damage to our infrastructure," Rutledge said.
But Earth has been walloped by monster solar storms before. One of the most powerful hit us in 1859, a blast that Rutledge estimates may have been 30 times more powerful than Monday's event, though it's tough to put hard numbers on such comparisons.
The 1859 storm shorted out telegraph wires, causing fires in North America and Europe, and spawned spectacular auroras — the light shows visible near Earth's poles — bright enough to read by, according to some accounts.
If the 1859 storm occured these days, it would likely have devastating impacts, since our electrical and communications infrastructures are so much more developed. A recent report by the U.S National Academy of Sciences found that such a severe storm could cause up to $2 trillion in initial damages by crippling communications on Earth and fueling chaos around the world.
It might take up to 10 years for authorities to re-assert control and get everyting fixed, the report concluded. For comparison, Hurricane Katrina likely inflicted somewhere between $80 billion and $125 billion in damage.
What does the future hold?
The sun works on an 11-year activity cycle, and it's currently gaining strength. Forecasters now expect peak activity might occur in 2013 or 2014, Rutledge said, though nobody knows for sure.
So more flares and CMEs should be headed our way over the next several years. So far, the sun has been relatively quiescent during this cycle, so perhaps peak activity won't compare to the maxima of previous cycles, researchers said.
But a big, Earth-shaking blast could come screaming at us all the same, and researchers are monitoring the sun closely.
"This has been a remarkably quiet solar cycle," Gurman told "But that doesn't mean there won't be a big event."

-The Sun has JUST begun it's solar maximum cycle
-A large storm pointed directly at Earth can cause havoc and TRILLIONS of dollars in damage.
-Store Up Twinkies...and extra water...and lots of soda pop...and canned beans are good too
-If the 1859 type storm occured (An Aurora Borealis seen around the globe) today it would cause alot of havoc...because we rely on technology. Big storms have hit earth in the past therefore they will hit again.
-if a big storm hit it could take up to 10 years to fix everything and regain other words think widespread panic, hoarding, looting, mass murders, people going insane, chaos, a zombie appocalypse without zombies...
-The scientists say they don't expect massive damage...don't belive them, they are clearly lying and trying to keep us all calm. Do not remain calm. Go out and stock up on survival gear and lots of food. This will boost the economy, if the storm doesn't actually happen then hey at least the Economy got a bit better.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My new Job adventure.

             So I FINALLY found employment. I only get 6-8 hours a week to start but that's better than nothing. Come Spring I am supposed to work at a restaurant as a waitress/Kitchen prep and that will be evenings so I can totally do both jobs. If I advance in my job then in 2 years I will be full time. This means I get paid $13.50 an hour, and I get to stay home and work. I am very excited, the picture above is my excited face...mind you I totally found a big peice of bubble wrap in the closet so I was quite happy.
          I am now an employee for a Company called Beacon Live. This is an online/on the phone conference call center. Today people no longer have to travel to go to company meetings and conferences, people can access conferences in the comfort of their own home. I am an operator. I trouble shoot, take information, direct people to the right conference room etc. It's pretty simple. So I get to have a few 2-3 hour shifts each week and sit in my office.
           I have not started my job yet. I begin training next week. But I am beyond excited. My office is cleaned and organized, infact I can get my stupid taxes done now and not have to look at them till next year. I can work in my PJ's, I don't have to worry about my hair or makeup, I don't have to stress over what to wear, I can put my feet up, heck I can lie down on the bed in my office and work! It's SWEET! These are the perks of home offices. Also no office drama. However if I want Drama all I need to do is Log on to twitter and voila instant drama and fun.If I need a double dose of Drama I just have to log in to Facebook.
           I was also beyond excited to personalize my office...It's not done yet...I need more geeky pics. But here are some photos of it so far...
Every geek Office must have a picture of Wolverine.
Grad photos, Aurora's artwork, My Husband's accomplishments...all part of the complet office feel.

Part of my D-Day collection. Just because World War 2 is interesting. I'm a History nerd...

and there's the bed...yes those are Darth Vader sheets...that's my lovely girl Seven of Nine (yes named after the Borg) sitting pretty.

I'm certain I will have many office adventures...and boredoms. If I get bored chances are the D&D minis and the camera will come out and I'll take some lame (Possibly funny) photos. So I guess we will have to see. May the Schwartz be with me!

Explaining Scientific Sun stuff...

Geomagnetic Storms:
I unfortunately did not see an Aurora Borealis display as the Geomagnetic storm was smaller than they anticipated. But I did get to learn a whole bunch of cool things about the sun last night. My Husband and I looked at video, pictures and we watched the Star Gate Universe episode where the Ship goes into the sun and powers the ship up. Anyways beyond my geeky life I've decded to try and explain Geomagnetic storms to non scientific people. 
A Geomagnetic storm is a disturbance in the Earth's Geomagnetic atmosphere caused by CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections). For those who still don't understand what a CME is it's a solar flare that gets shot at Earth, it arrives within 3 days and hits the Earth's atmosphere which usually results in a display of Northern/Southern Lights.

Geomagnetic storms Disrupt Shortwave radios and Amateur Radio signals. It Can also disrupt GPS, the signals that airplanes use to distinguish their location and Land to Sea communications. Solar flares can also damage Satelites, and cause blackouts in the power grid (Mainly in long distance grids that are vulnerable). A large enough (and this is VERY rare) CME can potentially damage most satelites in orbit and cause wide spread black outs. This is very unlikely as there has to be a REALLY BIG CME that shoots out of the sun Directly at us. Scientists are studying CMEs incase the Sun does decide to shoot out a really big flare. We would have 3 days warning. A large CME hit the Earth in 1989 causing power outages and an Aurora Borealis that was seen as far south as Texas. 

Solar Flares are classed into 3 different Classes. They are measured by their X-Ray Brightness in the wavelength range of 1-8 angstroms. An Angstrom is a measurement of length. The three classes are: C Class-Very small, few noticeable impacts on Earth
M Class-Medium sized, can cause radio disturbances.
X Class- Large sized, can cause global wide radio disturbance, black outs and long lasting Geomagnetic storms.

Above is a Graph.
The Classes are also given subdivisions ranging from 1-9. The above graph shows that an X2, M5 and a X6 hit the Earth on July 4th 2000. Can you say Independance day Fireworks? That was the last Solar Maximum (When the sun releases Big Flares) and we are comming into another solar Maximum. If we get mose X Class solar Flares chances of seeing an Aurora Borealis are more likely. Last Night (Feb 17 2011) Yellowknife Canada saw a beautiful display of Northern Lights.

The above picture was taken this morning at 1am in Nunavut.

So if you were ever wondering what causes the Northern Lights, now you know. CMEs do. It's all thanks to solar flares. And yes the Northern Lights are visible from Outer space. Infact they look even cooler in outer space.
           So there you have it. Space weather is pretty cool...Look how epic Northern Lights are. I'm looking forward to more cool space weather. Because weather isn't just occuring here on Earth it's up there too. But if you think I'm excited you should see how Giddy My husband was when he was on the Space Weather web site. I'm somewhat of a space person but my Husband is a true space person. He'd LOVE to work for NASA. Me on the other hand, I would totally jump at a job with USGS given the chance. I'm hoping one day I will be able to actually see a Volcano Erupt but until then I can look forward to seeing the Northern Lights in my back Yard. Fingers crossed.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

When the Sun has a temper tantrum.

Geomagnetic Storm
I am BEYOND EXCITED! I Just found out that there is a solar flare headed straight for Earth RIGHT NOW! The Sun has been very active the last few days and it's predicted it will become more active as the year goes by. Yesterday radio signals were intterupted in Southern China due to a prequell of the bigger flares that are on the way. I didn't know this but on Monday the Northern Lights were visible further south than usual because of flares from the geomagnetic storm. The bigger one that is incomming may create nice displays of the Aurora Borealis tonight and tomorrow night.
A powerful solar eruption that triggered a huge geomagnetic storm has disturbed radio communications and could disrupt electrical power grids, radio and satellite communication in the next days, NASA said. A strong wave of charged plasma particles emanating from the Jupiter-sized sun spot, the most powerful seen in four years, has already disrupted radio communication in southern China. (yahoo News)

I have been following news articles the last few years about the predicted solar flares. If the flares are strong and hit dead on, they can cause major disaster. The flares don't harm us but they do harm satelites, power grids, computers. Infact think of the flares as a HUGE magnet. If it breaches the atmosphere ALL computers will be wiped. This is unlikely but still possible. What would happen is all computers got wipped? Alot of info will be lost, it will be the most expensive disaster in history, there will be mass confusion and a HUGE amout of stuff will be destroyed or dammaged. If a Nuclear power plant goes offline it will take MONTHS to get it up and running again. It is already predicted that the power plants are on stand by...they may shut down in an emergency (If there is ample proof that the flare will hit dead on with alot of power) I don't know about you but I'd prefer the power plants to go offline for a few days V.S a few months.
          They estimate this storm will disrupt GPS, Radio waves, and satelites are vulnerable to these storms. Southern China already experienced disruptions yesterday with Radio signals. This isn't as bad as an entire power grid being blown but planes can lose contact with airports, ships can lose contact with shore, and old men everywhere who are HAM radio hobbiests will be royally pissed off.
"Three CMEs are enroute, all a part of the Radio Blackout events on February 13, 14, and 15 (UTC). The last of the three seems to be the fastest and may catch both of the forerunners about mid to late ... February 17."
The China Meteorological Administration reported that the solar flare caused "sudden ionospheric disturbances" in the atmosphere above China and jammed short-wave radio communications in the southern part of the country.
The CMA warned there was a high probability that large solar flares would appear over the next three days, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) said meanwhile that the solar storm would result in spectacular Northern Lights displays starting Thursday. (Yahoo News)

For the most part I really hope I get to witness a display of Northern Lights. I'm looking forward to following the sun's weather over the next year. This is just the start. The Sun hasn't even unleashed it's full potential yet. We might get to see many cool Northern Light spectacles over the next few months. So Stay tuned, the sun will be interesting for a while.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Running Amok in Norwood.

           I hear my city friends complain about Boredom all the time. They then assume that if they are bored in the city I must be bored in the country. I live in a town with a population of 4000ish (Although the sign says 1300 which is lies, there's at least 4000). It is a half hour drive to get to a major city. But We're surrounded by other small towns. I must admit that I don't get bored all that often living here. I was more bored living in the city.
          Today I helped my friend set up crafts for tonight's Church Kid's group. Kids will be making snowmen and snow globes for the winter theme. There's usually 40-50 kids in attendance. That's roughly half the kids in town. The kids can either stay in and make crafts or go outside and play hockey. So Tonight should be fun packed. I get to man the craft station and make sure My kid stays out of trouble.
         I then proceeded over to the local Coffee/music shop. There are all sorts of cool treasures in there, the best being vanilla Cinnamon Lattes. The fact I can get a latte in a small town is pretty awesome. They are doing very good in this town because it is a really cool place to chill out. I explained Dungeons and Dragons to my friends and then explained a Zombie appocalypse RPG. I am trying to recruit some newbies to play D&D. So far I have two of my local friends. I'm New at DMing so having an inexperienced group is ideal. I have brought 2 people to the dark side of geekdom! Possible 3!
          I then went to look after a friend's kids for about an hour. They are home schooled but their older siblings attend highschool so I look after them until their siblings return home. We looked at a Where's Waldo book...I haven't seen one of those for ages. It was a really tough one too so it was lots of fun. Where's Waldo Rocks. We then went to the school to get my munchkin. My daughter has another bag of valentine treats. I assume she will get nice and hyper for tonight's craft night. I'm in for it.
        My daughter and I went to the grocery store. I got my stuff, went around the corner and there was this guy sharply dressed. Like Rock Star Style. Who dresses like a Rock Star in Norwood while at the local Foodland? Well A rock Star of course! Turns out The band members of Three Days Grace are home till March. Brad Walst the Bass player in the band was at foodland with his son (Who is in the same grade as my kid but in the other class). His son was happily riding on the edge of the cart. I said Hi, then walked on. I don't really get all giddy when I see celebrities. I'm so used to seeing these guys in my town that it's become normal to treat them like regular town folk. Brad is quite down to earth, I have never seen him snub anyone and when he's walking about people have regular Norwood Conversation with him. Well...except for my friend Sam who totally got caught off guard when he walked in to the Cafe in December. Way to Go Sam!
           So That was today's adventure. And I live in a Hick Town. There is always something to do. If I'm bored I simply go for a walk and talk to about 10-20 people. This is the best thing about small towns, people are friendly, everyone knows you and all the best gossip can be overheard at Foodland.