Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowfall Warning? Ha!

            Finally some Natural Disaster action heading my way! It's been a rather boring winter so far, we've had a few snowfalls and a few Colorado lows but not too many watches and warnings. However there was one snowfall that should have at least gotten a wee bit of a warning but the Weather Network under estimated it by a good 20cm. But this time the good ol weather network is tracking a big Texas storm that's coming strait for southern Ontario.
            20-30cm of white stuff here may cancel school for the day but everyone will be back to their normal activities by the afternoon once the roads are cleared. We live in the boonies, where if the city plows fail every other household has a snowplow on the front of their truck. We just can't get snowed in in our little town. The residents would band together to plow the highway up to Havelock (The next town over) so that everyone could get a Timmies. All The local high quality coffee lovers would just simply walk over to our local Cafe and chill out there for a while.
           Now 2--30cm of white stuff in Toronto, that's a different story. If they organize themselves properly and they don't get over 30cm then they may be fine. If the storm is worse than they predict then Toronto might have to call the troops to come in and dig them out like that time back in 1998. I remember questioning my parents in 1998, asking them why the city got shut down over a little bit of snow. I used to live in New Brunswick where 30cm is just another light dusting of snow. I've seen massive snowfalls that have closed school for up to a week. I have seen snowdrifts twice the height of me, I used to make tunnels through them. I've been through a storm so bad that it was near impossible to sled down the hill and walk back up. I've seen snow storms and the one that's coming for us tonight is NOT a snow storm it's just an excuse for Ontario Residents to complain. This is Canada! Canada Gets Snow! It's February, on the bright side, Wiarton Willie will not see his shadow so we can expect an early spring thaw and massive flooding woohoo!
               Am I prepared for this little storm? Yes, I've got my board games out on the dinning room table just incase the power goes out (Which I doubt will happen) and I have my fire wood stacked in a nice pile. I've got plenty of snacks to chow down on so I'm good. The Dog will be happier than a Tornado in a trailer park when she sees all the new snow so all is good. So now that I have totally Jynxed this storm system we shall just have to see how much snow Mother Nature dumps on us. Bring it on! The picture below is my mom shovelling after a single snowfall in Moncton NB. This was what we called a REAL storm...3 feet of snow fell in 48 hours. This was the Atlantic storm of 1991 and it claimed many lives along the U.S and Canadian East Coast . So the little Texas storm couldn't possibly measure up to the big ol storm of 91.

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