Friday, February 18, 2011

My new Job adventure.

             So I FINALLY found employment. I only get 6-8 hours a week to start but that's better than nothing. Come Spring I am supposed to work at a restaurant as a waitress/Kitchen prep and that will be evenings so I can totally do both jobs. If I advance in my job then in 2 years I will be full time. This means I get paid $13.50 an hour, and I get to stay home and work. I am very excited, the picture above is my excited face...mind you I totally found a big peice of bubble wrap in the closet so I was quite happy.
          I am now an employee for a Company called Beacon Live. This is an online/on the phone conference call center. Today people no longer have to travel to go to company meetings and conferences, people can access conferences in the comfort of their own home. I am an operator. I trouble shoot, take information, direct people to the right conference room etc. It's pretty simple. So I get to have a few 2-3 hour shifts each week and sit in my office.
           I have not started my job yet. I begin training next week. But I am beyond excited. My office is cleaned and organized, infact I can get my stupid taxes done now and not have to look at them till next year. I can work in my PJ's, I don't have to worry about my hair or makeup, I don't have to stress over what to wear, I can put my feet up, heck I can lie down on the bed in my office and work! It's SWEET! These are the perks of home offices. Also no office drama. However if I want Drama all I need to do is Log on to twitter and voila instant drama and fun.If I need a double dose of Drama I just have to log in to Facebook.
           I was also beyond excited to personalize my office...It's not done yet...I need more geeky pics. But here are some photos of it so far...
Every geek Office must have a picture of Wolverine.
Grad photos, Aurora's artwork, My Husband's accomplishments...all part of the complet office feel.

Part of my D-Day collection. Just because World War 2 is interesting. I'm a History nerd...

and there's the bed...yes those are Darth Vader sheets...that's my lovely girl Seven of Nine (yes named after the Borg) sitting pretty.

I'm certain I will have many office adventures...and boredoms. If I get bored chances are the D&D minis and the camera will come out and I'll take some lame (Possibly funny) photos. So I guess we will have to see. May the Schwartz be with me!

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