Monday, February 28, 2011

Joining the Lemon Club

           My husband came running into the room and demanded to know our budget for the month. "We're poor, like every other month. What the heck needs fixing this time?" I ask.
Nothing needs fixing (Other than our plumbing, the deck, the windows need t be replaced because they suck, we need a slidding door, a new set of faucettes for the tub, some tiles around my toilet might be nice...) not right away that is. But My husband got an offer that he swears he can not pass up.
          Our friend's friend stalled their Lemon A.K.A 1996 Pontiac Grand Am, not really a bad car per say but I call anything that's old either a Lemon or an antique. 1996 is much too new to be antique yet. Okay, Okay I'm going to admit it, I know absolutely NOTHING about cars! I've asked famous questions such as "Which one is the gas peddal?" "How do you turn the car on/off?" and "Where is the engine?" It's not like the car parts under the hood are labled! (actually they are for idiots such as I). When it comes to cars I am pretty much hopeless, but if an appocalypse occurs and cars no longer function anymore I do know how to steer a horse so I'm good!
         Anyways the car needs a new Fuel pump to get it started. It's in a parking lot literally a 2 minute walk from my house, the owner is getting a new car and doesn't want to pay to tow the Car so her friend offered it to us for the great value of $200. It has to be moved by Wednesday so we have till then to make our tough decision. (Then proceed to push it up the Hill to our house)
     I was worried that I'd end up in the same predicament as my friends and their wonderful Car that likes to piss them off so much. Cars cost money, they break, Gas is expensive and it has to be insured. But Nick won't have his G2 till possibly May so we can't really drive it till then anyways. It's a perfect car to drive to work and back. I was thinking of saving for a decent car but I've come to the conclusion that we've never really been able to save money. Emergencies always happen (Like when new video games come out and we REALLY want them?) So If we buy the car, fix the car, insure the car then when the car breaks it's simply an investment. We put the money towards fixing the car and voila technically it's like saving. It's pretty good for a first vehicle. And if it does break, so what? I'm used to being trapped in my town anyways it's not like anything will really change.
          And on the bright side...a car means more blogging opportunities. I need something to complain about, I need to join the Lemon Club so that My friends and I can discuss how much we despise our POS cars! It Might get us to stop complaining about people and celebrities and how much we hate certain literature. I think it's time, time to join the Lemon Club. You heard me Nick, wonderful Husband of mine, I said yes...but you better buy Seat Covers with a dragon pattern on them OR ELSE!

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