Monday, February 14, 2011

I have a Bone to pick with Valentine's day.

            Maybe I'm just different, maybe I just see things differently...there was a time I was like the average person on Valentine's day. In grade 9 I got a big fat nothing. In grade 10 I got a tiny box of chocolate and a stuffie from my boyfriend. In grade 11 I finally had a boyfriend who gave me a big bag of candy. After that we hit up Shoppers Drug Mart every year and I Picked out stuff. In 2007 I got mad because my Husband didn't get me anything at all, he went out and bought me a whole bag of stuffed toys the next day when everything was on sale. Most girls would dump their boyfriend's if they pulled a move like that but when he came in and threw 5 adorable valentines at me I was sooo happy. Then it dawned on me. "I can save money if we celebrate Valentine's day AFTER the 14th!"
           Today is Valentine's day. Should I be getting flowers? Should my husband woo me with chocolate? Should I get a fancy card? I remember one year I got my husband the most EPIC card ever. It had a picture of a dead rat on the front and it said "Who in their right mind would get their loved one a valentine's day card with a dead Rat on it?" inside it said "Aww you know me too well. Happy Valentine's day." This Year I handed him a home made card.
Anyways, Nick got a nice home made card (Picture above) and he got a new Propane torch as well so since we had to go out and buy something that makes pretty fire he is content with his Valentine gift. Infact even I got a kick out of it, as we were using it on copper pipes it made funky colours that looked like the Northern Lights. Turns out we didn't even need the torch because our pipe has an actual hole in it so I had to go out today and buy pipe tape and a clamp. While I was out shopping I decided to buy a box of hair dye because I am so sick of looking at my 3 inch long dark roots due to the fact I haven't dyed my hair in months now. Now I'm happy, Nick's happy about his new torch and my daughter is happy that she got to load up on sugar all day at school. All is well.
             Honestly Valentine's day is just another day. It's a stupid marketing ploy. People should simply use the day to spread kindness and love instead of expecting expensive gifts from their significant others. Some girls get expensive jewelry! If My Husband ever spent more than $10 on a peice of jewelry I'd smack him. Infact I have a $40 engagement ring and $100 wedding band on my finger. I don't need a $1000 ring I'm likely going to lose anyways. I'd rather have a $1000 TV I'll ENJOY over a $1000 sparkly thing on my finger. Some girls get flowers, again I hate it when my husband buys me flowers unless he gets them for free like that time he picked a bunch of wild flowers on his way to my work and he handed me those, they meant alot more to me than a stupid store bought bouquette. The Best Valentines gift I can ever have is waking up beside the man I love, getting up, farting in his face and running like hell. DAMN RIGHT I GOT MY VENGEANCE!
          So, that's my bone with Valentines day. It sucks. But the day after Valentines day does not. Because I can go out and buy all the marked down candy, chocolate and adorable stuffed animals. The stuffed animals are then given to my beautiful 4 year old daughter, we share the candy and chocolate, get hyper and have a blast annoying everyone. I've even used Valentine's chocolates in Easter Egg hunts, my kid is 4, she doesn't know the difference yet and a chocolate heart is as good as an egg. But so many people don't know this, this is valuable and money saving information. Ladies and Gents, Stop indulging in marketing ploys and celebrate Love Day After the 14th. That is all.

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