Saturday, February 12, 2011

Jess' Top 10 Troll encounters.

           I am not going to discuss my top 10 Dungeons and Dragons Troll encounters. I am going to discuss my top 10 real life (Not online) Troll encounters. Trolls are people who make your life miserable or they just plain out annoy you. Sometimes a troll tries to make you miserable but does such a horrible job you can't help but laugh at their trolling attempt. I've encountered people who have annoyed me, made my life hell and have failed so bad I still laugh to this day. I will use Nicknames for some people.

1. The Grinch: His real name is Nathan Horton, he is in the NHL  and I have been trolled by him. How? Well lets just say he went to my highschool and I totally had it coming (Because I started it by constantly calling him Grinch). But It was really funny and lame. I mean, honestly someone could have been more creative than calling me "Ugly Whore." Plus he was way off. Sure I'm hideous, but at the same time so is he (Thus the Grinch nickname) but how on earth could be assume I was a whore? I was sooo confused. I was still a Virgin in 10th grade so how the hell could I be a Whore? Don't Whore's have to have sex for money? So I must say Nathan Horton did a horrible trolling job. I used his insults as an excuse to stay home from school for a few days while he got in crap. His stupid yappy friend appologized to me but The Grinch just glared until the day he finally went home once the team lost durring playoffs. 

2. Pourcupine: This chick I was once "Friends" with, pushed me around all the time. So when I stood up for myself she insulted me or threatened to beat me up. You see this isn't cool because nobody should ever take credit for beating up a 95lb weakling EVER. The stupidest comment she ever said was "You Have no boobs." Very good obserservation and I totally agree...I was flatter than the arctic tundra.

3. The Mall Stangers: This is a case of random trolling. But I won't complain because I so totally got $3 from the losers. Two guys started to throw quarters, a loonie and random change at my friend and I while they yelled out "Wenches!" We then proceeded to collect said change, thank them and walk off.

4. The Gens The 2001/2002 Oshawa general's Hockey team. Again I deserved to get trolled. They really had nothing to lose because no matter how often they dissed my friends and I, my friends just assumed "OMG HE LIKES ME!" I knew they disliked us but my stupidity lied in continuing to hang out with my "Friends" I was better off as a loner. We were told countless times to "Get lost" "Take a hike" "Beat it" "Go away" and "Baaaaaaaa" I never got the "Baaaaaaa" But I have a theory they were indicating we were like livestock. They made monkey calls and I'm just going to assume the monkey calls were directed at me because I did indeed look like a monkey. I was not very attractive in 9th grade, nor were my "Friends". The worst part of all this is, we still attended their games and cheered for them. I went in hopes of seeing someone KO Nathan Horton. No such Luck. But there's one thing I'm proud of, I provided laughter at my own expense! :D They can't deny it...they needed someone to Troll to keep their ego's up.

5. The Blob Durring my glorious days of being employed by Food basics I had many encounters with "The Blob". He was a mouthy, smelly, greasy fat guy who frequented Food Basics. I'm surprised that he made it across the parking lot without having a heart attack. Nobody liked him, and he constantly Trolled me. I had shopping carts run into me, cans tossed at me, perverted words said to me...he annoyed me at least twice a week. It came to a point where I could no longer take it (The smell of his BO) and I ran and hid in the back room until he left. I Took the opportunity to bale the cardboard.

 6. Shirley Yes I'm using her real name. No she won't find this blog, she has been failing at locating me on Facebook for months now. This is a girl who trolls me and my friends ALL THE TIME! She doesn't troll with insults she Trolls with BS! She has some mental disability that a) makes her talk too much b) Belive her own lies and c) make you feel uncomfortable. I could dedicate an entire Blog entry to her but I wouldn't waste my time. lets put it this way, I have literally dove behind cars in attempts to avoid talking to her and I have seen an elderly Couple do the same thing once.

7. Mrs. Grumps alot: The one customer I had who I REALLY REALLY wanted to strangle. But Since I was the business owner (Bulk Food Store) I had to smile and wave at EVERY insult. This lady insulted EVERYTHING! Infact she came in just to point out which bins were empty, which corner had dirt in it and how bratty my kid was. She also kept comparing me to the previous owner. She dissed my clothes, my attitude, my store, who I talked to, etc. She non stop Trolled me! I even caught her in the act of Trolling. She came in and yelled at me because my Chopped Dates bin was empty, so I grabbed the brand new box of chopped dates I JUST got in and ofeered to bag some up for her to which she responded "I don't need any." >< TROLL!!!!

7 Tara I'm convinced she's in jail by now. In 10th grade I was Trolled by a classmate named Tara. She decided to pick on me. Not only did she pick on me she physically and verbally attacked me. She sent 5 big black guys after me one time. I was scared S%$#less! Every day I was terrified to go to school because she was there. If one of my friends bugged her she came after me. Then everything changed and she started to hit on me in math class. She tried to get me to go to her house and have an Orgy with a bunch of her guy friends...thankfully she got expelled and I never saw her again.

8. Mike: another Hockey Player, this time in my English class. He trolled me because I admitted to dating Nick Goslin. So for a few days he kept hounding me as his team mate (Gary, nice lad, has an IQ) kept telling him that it wasn't very nice. Eventually Mike felt bad and came and said sorry. But That didn't stop me from creeping the hell out of him in Grade 12 Biology. He Trolled me in grade 11 so I trolled him back in grade 12. And I won. You see when I noticed he was copying my answers on my test I purposely got the answers wrong then informed my teacher what he had been doing. He got in crap, I got to re do my test. He disliked me alot after that. But it's never cool to cheat unless it's in Math Class.

9. Tyler Carrot Top: This kid in my grade 8 class (Best recognozed by his vibrant orange hair) constantly trolled me. I was shoved in my locker by him, pinned against walls, had balls thrown at my face, insulted, slapped...he was twice my size and it was not a fair fight. Why did he troll me? Simple, he had issues, he was in foster care, and the best way for him to express his love was to hurt people. He informed me at the end of 8th grade that he was in love with me. I never saw him again and that's probably a good thing.

10. The 8th Graders When I was in Grade 5 I got trolled every day at the bus stop by the 8th graders. Grade 5 is when I began to use music (Headphones) as a defence against people. I blasted my walk man on the bus and just ignored everyone. It was off the bus that I had issues. I got ice balls thrown at me, I got face planted into snow banks, I had my candy stolen (Yes they stole my candy! Damn those 8th grade bullies!) they just made my life a living hell. So I started to walk to school, It was a 45 minute walk. Back then it was safe for kids my age to walk to school alone, plus I was living in Moncton NB which was and probably still is a very safe city. When I was in grade 8 I didn't bully the 5th graders I chilled out with them and I had a lovely time. My only regret getting trolled by 8th graders is I should have chased those bastards down and gotten my candy back.

Trolls tend to group up, but you'll get the odd reject troll. The really annoying troll the other trolls dislike and rejected. There are many Troll tribes out there. Most are young adolecent trolls still in school. You can find trolls in your Neighbourhood, local grocery store, the mall, your workplace, when you are on vacation, Customs officers tend to be trolls. Trolls are not just online, they are in your every day life. You can avoid the internet trolls but most times can't escape the reality trolls. Some trolls stop being trolls and others troll till they die. It's just the way of life. Life brings us trolls. And at one point in life or another we too have trolled. None are innocent.

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