Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Explaining the Teen Girl mind.

Bieber fever. Why is it so crazy? Why do teen girls talk non stop about this Justin Bieber kid? He's talented but he's not all that great. To me he's just a singer who got popular because of being discovered on You Tube and for some odd reason there was a huge snowball effect that caused many teen girls to become obsessed over him.
Twilight. It's just another book and honestly it isn't all that great. It's entertaining but the concept is kind of lame. Yet many teen girls are obsessed with Vampires now. I watched the first movie and couldn't stop laughing over how cruddy the acting was. I had to stop watching the second movie because it was much too sappy for my liking. But teen girls are in love with Edward or Jacob, absolutely adore the actors who portray these fictional characters and talk non stop about how epic Twilight is. Bieber, Twilight...why do these things occupy teenage minds?
                It's simple. I was a teen girl once. There was this guy, he wasn't all that great really but in my world he was PERFECT. My teenage mind led me to believe that he was my soul mate. So Day and night I thought about him. I talked about him at dinner, I talked about him to my friends, the only person I didn't talk to was Him. I was in grade 9 and 24/7 my mind was thinking about my crush. He was slightly a celebrity back then but if I mentioned his name today not too many people would know him. As for the Lemming effect (Following what your peers do) I did the same thing too which is how I aquired my crush in the first place. There was this Hockey team at our school and my friends and I attended the games. My friends aquired crushes on the players so I too had to find some guy to crush on.

         When I was in grade 10 I was heart broken to find out he was not single. So my messed up teen mind thought that if I got a boyfriend I'd make him jealous...He didn't even know me!!! Oh But I swore he did. If he even looked at me, in my mind he knew me. Perhaps he did, but chances are it was because I was bouncing off the walls and you could hear my voice from one end of the arena to the other. When I saw him with a girl I went home and tore up his pictures (Yes I had pictures that I purchased which proves I was just as bad as Beliebers) kind of like what alot of girls would do today if Justin Bieber came out with a Girl friend. It's just the teen girl mind.

        It's quite simple really. Teen girls focus on one or two things and they never lose the focus. So Teen girls can fantisize about dating Justin Bieber all bloody day. They hear the name Justin and their heart skips a beat. They see some guy with the same hair cut they freak. Someone disses him they get offended. They swear that they'll always love him but then they become adults and their minds just can't function the same way.

            Adults don't think of the same thing all day. We get obsessed with MANY things so we have a large varaiety. For example I will get all giddy for 5 minutes at the mention of something geeky then something else will catch my attention so I'll get all giddy about that, then I'll move on to something else then I just won't think about anything... Adult minds are alot more different than teen minds.
          So in the next few years, and I can guarantee it no matter how many Beliebers or Twihards argue with me, teens will think less and less about Twilight and Bieber. They will end up simply admiring him, there will be no more giddy screams, the posters will eventually come down, and when the next generation of teens hit the scene I guess we will all find out who the next teen heart Throb is. Then we can start the cycle all over again and wonder how the hell teen girls can be so obsessed. Well now you know the answer...they are just simply built that way.

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