Saturday, January 1, 2011

Black Ops Noob.

             I spend alot of my time dissing noobs. However in the case of Call Of Duty, I am a noob. If I had listened to my Husband's advice months ago and actually played the game with him I would likely not be the noob I am today. But One must start somewhere right?
            I Know when I'm facing against another noob. We both aimlessly shoot at one another for a whole ten seconds before one of us FINALLY gets a head shot. I Know that I am a noob because I blew myself up with the RC exploding car. Yes I got the car and didn't know I was supposed to drive it, in stead I pressed my trigger button and down I went. I went through six maps before I killed someone. Actually people never found me because I never shot my weapon so I died less times than my husband. I spent most of my time being Dora The Explorer (Or exploder). I flat out just sucked.
            So I got taken out of online mode and put into training mode. On my Favorite map, Nuke Town. I Like it because it's so colourful...and small and I like to camp behind the sheds. My Husband took down about 275 people, I took down 25. He did all the work and I was all proud when I killed two in a row before dying. How sad is that? But I kept pushing myself to do better. The more I aimed for goals the more fun I had. I was such a crappy player that I was amused by my own failures.
            Then I was introduced to Nazi Zombies. I made it to round 3 a few times before I got used to it and killed zombies effectively enough to go past level 3. My Husband got to Level 14 solo so that says something about my playing abilities. We met some friends online and we played 3 rounds and got to level 7, I actually didn't get hit by a zombie till 5th round which was great. I felt as if I accomplished something.
            I Played some more online and killed more than one player woohoo! Then we went back to play training mode and I managed to get 4 kills in a row. My Husband has challenged me to complete goals in the online game as well as complete the campaign. So Now I have become a player sucked into the game. The game I really had zero interest in. But I should be interested, I like explosions and action so why would I not be interested in COD? I just wasn't interested in playing because I sucked. I still suck and probably will suck for the next few months until I get used to it enough that I am mediocre. But Being an Okay player is at least better than Noob status. So I'm on a mission. I will be a Black Ops chick. I will spend quality COD playing time with the Hubby and be proud that this makes him so very happy. He's so happy he's boasting to his friends at work (While mentioning I really suck of course). But I can't go downhill from here. It is time to take hold of that X-box controller and kick some ass. Watch out noobs...I can aim better now :D
My Name is Jessica Lynn Goslin...and I am a Noob...for now.

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