Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Through the storms: Mood Disorders

           The Biggest storms that I faced in my life were the result of the mood disorders that I have. Of course I couldn't just be cursed with one mental illness I had to be cursed with 3. A.D.D, Anxiety and Bi-Polar (Known today as Manic depressive). I have had alot of thoughts lately about what my next blog entries would be so I decided why not write about all the storms I faced in the past.
            Today I still face my wonderful mood disorders but each day I learn how to fight them off. Diet change can reduce my A.D.D (plus as an adult being A.D.D isn't as severe). Not drinking caffiene and knowing when to take a breather reduces my anxiety. Getting enough vitamins and recognizing the early signs of a depression attack can reduce the severity of my wonderful dark thoughts. It was not easy getting to where I am now, It took effort and alot of work. Nobody will change if they don't want to. Alot of people with Mood disorders just give up and accept the fact that they are messed up. many people use their mood disorders as an excuse but I think thats just the easy way out. There's no point in giving up, I know there is an end to the storms because I have reached the other side of all my storms.  I know there are more coming too.
              Over the next few days (or weeks depending on how busy I am) I will write a 6 part blog about my experiences with my messed up mind. I hope that they encourage people with similar mood disorders. I hope to show people that they are not alone even if they feel they are. I want to show people that there is hope and brighter days.


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