Friday, January 28, 2011

Through the storms: Divine Intervention (part 5 of 6)


I do not belive that we are here by pure accident. Telling me the universe is here by accident is like me telling you that a mansion can build itself perfectly without human assistance. If You don;t belive that a House can be built without a designer what are the odds that the Earth and Universe are here without a designer. I belive there is a God, I belive he helped me through all of my storms and I am going to share some of my Divine intervention Testimonies.

God Sends the Kitty cats: There would be times when I'd be walking home or somewhere in a very bad mood. Mainly I'd be arguing with my boyfriend over something small but obviously a huge deal to me. I had a tendancy to over react and act like a child, it was quite sad but thats just what I did. As soon as I sat down on a curb to bawl my eyes out, for some reason a random cat would prance up to me, rub against me and purr. Me having a soft spot for cats would sniffle, pet the cat and smile. My Boyfriend (who's now my husband) would sit next to me and say "See, God loves you, he keeps sending you cats to cheer you up." and it worked every time.
         One particular event I was VERY lucky to have a cat intervene. I was royally pissed at Nick for likely some small reason and I blew it out of proportion. While he and his family were enjoying the Harbour day fireworks I walked into his house, vandalized his bedroom and tried to OD on Buckleys (Yes Buckleys...because it's so cool to OD on a cough medicine you can't even OD on) I went home, thought things over and grabbed a bottle of Tylenol. I was set on commiting suicide in my boyfriends bedroom. So I grabbed my bottle of extra strength tylenol and walked out the door where a really cute kitten was waiting for me right on my door step. I stopped, sat down and held the kitten. I never saw that cat again after but it stopped me from going over to Nick's house. I called Nick as soon as he got home, I appologized for trashing his room and he forgave me. Any Normal person would call the cops on me and get me some help...but he didn't feel a need to because I did get help, I got divine help. Too many instances occured where I was stopped by a cat. Heck sometimes I was stopped by skunks. But I truly belive that God sent those cats. Why? Who knows me better than God?

My very own Guardian Angel I was having a VERY tough summer in 2003. I was 16 and everyone knows how emotional 16 year olds are. I was dating a guy who didn't know how to deal with me and I was constantly waging wars with friends. I was on the line of just ending my life...half the summer I was just plain Emo. One morning I got cheered up because someone left me a note in my mailbox and signed it as "Guardian Angel". Now even if it was a prank and I was stalked by some girl or whether it was a guy actually keeping an eye on me those notes still caught my interest and cheered me up. One of them told me to cheer up, look out my window and up to the sky and say that I am a good person. So Every night I stared at the sky and Told myself I was awesome. The whole summer I tried to solve the mystery but I never did. I assumed it was my favorite OHL hockey player stalking me but I highly doubt it. I doubt it was a hockey player. It may have even been some old guy for all I know but who ever it was it sounded like they really cared and that's all I needed. Today I feel that God placed this random person in my life just to change my direction. I did change direction, I got better grades at school and just like the letter said there was someone waiting for me at school who'd be a better boyfriend for me than the one I had in the summer of 2003. So I dumpped my boyfriend and a few months later I aquired a new stalker...His name is Nick, he never gave up and he rocks my world.

The answered prayer: I felt sorry for this kid when I was in grade 10. There was this boy I saw every day and he would always walk home for lunch. He was always me. So, because I'm so caring and concerned I prayed for this boy. I really wanted to see him happy in life. I wanted to see him with a wonderful girlfriend, someone who'd be the perfect companion for him. So I was being nice and I asked God to help him. God can do anything! Who would have known that I was the perfect girl for this boy. I didn't know, I had no interest in him because I was still stalking my favorite Oshawa General whom I had zero chance with...I'm quite glad I never dated a hockey player, they really aren't my type. So God answered my prayer, because God has a great sense of humor. Who set eyes on me in grade 11? Well The boy I prayed for of course! Now I'm married to him and I can boast that God gave Nick the "perfect" girl. I did mention perfect in my prayer...Obviously I'm perfect!

Jesus told me not to do it: I had pills, I had wine, I was set on making a big scene and drinking my wine with those pills. So I sat in my bathtub with my wine and pills in hand and I was about to take them. That's when Jesus intervened (Yes I know it sounds crazy) No he didn't talk to me nor did I see him but something in my mind made me feel that Jesus was saying I put the bottle down and tossed the pills. I don;t care what ANYONE says, he changed my mind okay? My conscience isn't capable of helping me...that much I know.

Jesus Take the Wheel: I was having an appocalypse moment, The house was going to foreclose, Bill collectors were calling non stop, I had a big fight with Nick that morning, my kid was acting up big time, my customers were rude and insulting and my world was falling apart. So I fell apart too. I just shut right down and gave up. As I sat on the floor defeated my ears tuned into the song on the Radio. Carrie Underwood's song "Jesus Take the Wheel" was playing so I listened. I heard this song hundreds of times but this time it totally changed me. I got on my knees, cried out and I Let Jesus take the wheel. Obviously I suck at driving. He drives better. So When Nick was done work expecting to fight some more he was totally confused when I hugged him and told him it would be okay. And It's okay. A huge burden was lifted, financial stress got taken away. Everytime we face hardships all I can do is laugh and calmly try and find solutions. There's always solutions.

Can he take it all away? If it wasn't for God I'd probably be either dead or in a mental institution. Can God take it all away? I belive he can. I have people laugh at me or pressure me to stop following God but I think they're just foolish. Why on Earth would anyone want me to stop doing something that CLEARLY makes me feel better and makes me a nicer person? Could I do stuff without God? No, I'd be an asshole looking for drama like I used to be those few years I rejected God. I'm not perfect, I never will be but I have something to hang on to when my ship sinks in the storm. If Jesus is in my boat I ain't going down. So Yes, God can take it all away. I'd be so miserable right now without Him. <3

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