Friday, October 29, 2010

Go thanks...

                I have the oddest phobia. There is something that makes me scream and panic like a little girl. No it's not spiders...or snakes or any type of bug, amphibian or reptile. I happen to love creepy crawlies. I'd love to own a tarantula one day I think that would be awesome. Or maybe one of those huge giant centepedes! Scorpion would be cool...I once owned a little corn snake but my cat ate him (I was so upset!)
                   Nope I have the dumbest phobia ever. Fish. I'm afraid of fish. Dead fish, live fish, carp...I hate fish. I'll eat fish so long as I don't see the scales, I'll prep the fish too also as long as there are no scales. I will not touch a dead fish, and I won't hold a tiny little sun fish. Actually Sun Fish are jerks anyway with their stupid spines >< and Rock bass look possessed. And Carp are hideous.I hate catfish with a passion...any fish. I can't even swim in my pond without anxiety.
                   So one day my fishing enthusiast of a husband decides that we need to go out on our pond to fish. Theres nothing heavier than 3lbs in that pond other than the beavers and otters. So I say, what the heck and I hop on the canoe like a good sport. (This story is getting sadder and sadder and Im so ashamed) Nick swears there's trout in that pond...he did prove it to me when he once caught a 2lb trout...he was so proud and I find that extreamely sad. He says it was 2lbs I say half a pound at most. But I'm not going to argue or try to ruin his fishing ego. Anyways we get out there and I just chill while he casts his line. He reels in the smallest rock bass I have ever seen. I'm shocked it actually fit it's mouth on the hook. He brings it in and he accidentally drops it in the canoe. It was tiny but to me it was as if a shark had been dropped in the boat. Our kid was laughing (She came along too) my husband was smirking and I was hyperventilating. My kid grabs the fish and puts it close to my face. "Look mommy!!!" I back up a little..."Thats nioce dear throw it back before it gets sick!" She gently puts the fish back and I calm down. IT WAS A FREAKING 1 OUNCE LITTLE FISH FOR GOODNESS SAKE >< (The photo on this blog entry was taken while in the canoe)
                   "So you ready for Algonquin park?" My husband asks. I recall the time we went canoeing on a camping trip and he purposely took me on the rough water route telling me it was the smoothest way...I guess I'd have to think about Algonquin.
                    "Yeah absolutely. I'm not fishing with you though." I reply. You know Bears I can handle...skunks and coons not a problem. Bugs are nothing. Not showering sounds like fun I really couldt care less how I looked in the middle of nowhere...But to hell with fishing!
                       I once was brave. There was a day where I feared no fish. Then when I was 14 I was viciously attacked in Sturgeon Lake in Bobcaygeon. I was attacked by a fish twice the size of me. It just came right up to me and started to rub against me and I freaked freaked out...there was flailing and screaming (Not the fish it just kinda swam away) and I never went in the lake again. Yes I was attacked by a carp. After that I still went fishing so long as someone unhooked the fish for me. I actually caught a carp accidentally...I was hoping I had caught everyone dinner but I was wrong. I looked at my cousin who shook his head and just cut the damn line. Neither of us was willing to reel that sucker out of the water. I caught plenty of bass too after that...also accidentally. (How do I make this sound appropriate?) Okay I was holding my husbands Rod *Snicker*  and I caught a 4lb big mouth bass *double snicker* and he made me pet it...okay whatever I'm done with that story I can't make it sound non dirty! GAH!
                 I have nothinbg more to say...this dirty fishing tale is done...and I will hate anyone who ever chases me down with a fish in hand. If anyone wanted to rob me all they have to do is toss a fish at me and I'll drop everything and run for my life. I'm pathetic, I know. Excuse me while I go bask in my shame.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


                Here I was all happy I had sold my business to a wonderful person who I knew would do an awesome job. I was excited because I had kept the service going in my town. So naturally I told everyone who bought it. But of course because I always get screwed over by people she decided to last minute back out. I don't even think she was going to tell me that she was backing out. But I called her to give her some more information and she tells me "Well I'm not interested anymore goodbye." Ah CRAP! That gave me 3 days to figure out what to do! So the first thing all women do when they hear news like this is have a pitty party. And I threw a good one. I cried, I had my customers hug me and offer kind words...heck I'm ha;f expecting someones making me a casserol. R.I.P Harvest Cupboard. (yes the above pic is me eating out of an 11L icecream tub...and its almost full too)
               But crap happens. ESPECIALLY financial Crap. People lose jobs, the government screws us over some times, The Hydro is waaaaay too high where we live, people get scammed, our vehicles decide to break down on us only when we have no funds to fix it, the pets get sick, something breaks in the house...we all experience financial crap and it SUCKS! But I have 11 Liters of Maple Walnut icecream so I feel better already.
                Anyways I totally got screwed over. I had my half hour crying session but then realized that it's just money. It's not the end of the world and theres people in worse situations than me. People are facing epic crap right now and all I have is a mere $4000 debt. So when I started to look on the bright side I got a big smile on my face and I was all giddy again. People still have yet to figure out how I can be possitive in crappy situations. I had people ask why I was smiling and laughing. Well because crying and freaking out gets you nowhere and smiling feels better plus I have ice cream! AND we get to keep the frozen yogurt machine in our house! I am going to have a yogurt machine in my kitchen!!! How epic is that?
                     Some good came out of all this anyway. Our landlord for the unit offered up $2000 to keep the bins and counters attached to the floors or walls (Because taking them out would cause alot in damages...especially if It's me trying to pull them off the walls) So theres half our debt gone. And we get to keep some stuff. and I get to eat my maple walnut icecream...:D I was also told by alot of town folk that they really love my attitude so this made me feel better too. People were more concerned we were leaving Norwood than they were worried a bulk food store would close down. Mind you there's also the fair share of crabby people who dislike me (and everyone else in  this town).
           So I'm satisfied. Crappy I won't be getting alot of money but satisfied I'm getting at least something. And the fact that the store got us into our town in the first place is priceless. I can't really put a pricetag on moving here. I'm a Norwoodian and proud of it. Now time to get back to that tub of ice cream.

Friday, October 22, 2010

once upon a time...7 years ago

                I had a very emotional moment today. I was sitting in the dinningroom beside the fireplace reading my grade 12 yearbook. I was having a laugh at some of the pictures and comments, then I came across the geekiest pictures EVER. A picture of Nick and I in the Library embracing one another, another of us in the White Pine book club as well as another picture of us embracing. We were a cute couple, a cute geeky and awkward couple. Ah young love. It's rare for young love to last. Most highschool flames go off in different directions and find new soul mates. But as I was looking at these photos I was overcome with emotion. I've been with Nick for 7 whole years! I'm still with the same guy I'm pictured with in those photos.
                             Here I am 7 years later. I'm married to my highschool flame. I'm going to be completely sappy for the sake of my even sappier husband. We're not a flame anymore we're more of a...big bon fire. Like The ones Nick tends to light in our backyard. We've been through ALOT. Nick's been through ALOT. I wasn't the easiest person to deal with as I was a bowl of random emotions. Emotions the size of Krakatoa. (my emotions are a whole different series of blogs all together.) But anyways, I was overcome with tears today. I'm married! people doubted us naturally but we're married. We have a beautiful energetic 4 year old daughter. We own a house, we have three kitties and a beautiful (and annoying) dog! We're in a wonderful little community. I'm looking at highschool photos thinking to myself "What are the possibilities?" We've been married 3 and a half years now and we've been on a journey and here I am sitting beside a nice warm Fire thinking about how far we have come in 7 years!
                       7 years ago I walked into Natural Disasters class. The Class that changed my life. Nick wasn't originally in the class but his schedule got messed up so he decided to join that class. So on the second day of school there he was sitting in the front row. My friend laughed and said "Haha you have Nick Goslin in your class." I didn't think much of it. But something made me want to be nice to him (Nick says it was the food he kept bringing to class). I befriended him, even tried to find him a girlfriend but He Just liked me. Even after my dire warnings of "I'm not dating anyone because I'm not emotionally well." I seriously wasn't emotionally well and to be honest I'm still not (but have improved YAY! Wait is anyone seriously Emotionally Normal? hmmm). Nick had to bribe me with food, movie dates, and more food just to get me to change my mind. He even told me he was convinced I was the one. THE ONE! There are normal fish in the sea but I was THE ONE. He wanted the fish that swam too close to the nuclear powerplant. And he never once considered throwing me back. I can honestly say that theres probably not a guy out there who can handle my baggage as well as my Husband. He was only a loser for about a year then people actually started to like him. Why? because they actually got to know him they never gave him a chance before.
                  I'm just so happy that my broken road led me to where I am today. I wouldnt trade it for all the riches in the world. I'm not sure which direction we're going. I have a plan. Nick has a plan...we hope to fullfill these plans. Because as far as I'm concerned theres no such thing as a nice settled comfortable life...and I like it that way. We're out to chase Tornados (Hey great idea! We should be storm chasers together that would be so much fun!) we're not waiting for one to come to us we're after those disasters. One day we'll face REAL Natural disasters. Thats our goal. We are not confined to walls. To heck with settling we're going to get out there and change some lives! The first 7 years of out lives is just the first chapter. The introduction. I can't wait for chapter 2! I can't wait to write about it! But my day will come! Theres going to be some bigger quakes in our marriage. But we won't know how big till it happens...after all only God can predict when Earthquakes happen <3
            ~Nick I love you with all my heart! Will you chase storms with me?~

My Highshcool Obsessions VS Today's Highschool obsessions.

               1. My Crush V.S Justin Bieber: Justin Bieber has millions of fanatics. The guy I crushed on had...Me. If there were any other girls as obsessed as me I didn't hear about it. Out of all the Jocks in the school I choose to like the one I just randomly noticed standing around at a game...he wasn't even playing that night and voila he gains a crazy fan. Poor guy. If I were better looking and not so skinny and weird maybe he'd have been thrilled. But I was only one girl. That poor Beiber kid has millions of girls who love him and they come in all shapes and sizes. When I was in Highschool there was NOBODY who equals Justin Bieber...not even Johnny Depp for goodness sake. Oh the horror!

                 2. Spongebob V.S Jersey Shore: I was a Spongebob fanatic. Everyone knew I was a spongebob fanatic. Spongebob and Snooki sorta have something in common. Both are loud and obnoxious, and they both have low IQ's. But Spongebob is a better roll model than any person from The Jersey Shore. Spongebob teaches the importance of friendship and how you don't treat your friends like crap, and He values his Job. So everytime I go to work I yell "I'm READY!"

                   3. Vampires V.S Vampires:  I was obsessed with REAL vampires. Girls today are obsessed with gay Vampires. I read Anne Rice which is higher end literature than the crap Stephanie Meyer writes. Anne uses BIG words and knows her history very well. I also had the Vamp look way before vamps were even a trend. I was one of 10 people in my school who dressed all vampy. Today I see half the girls in highschool wearing stuff I likely would have worn in grade 11. It's just not unique anymore.

                   4. Geek V.S Gleek: I had my own version of Glee in 11th Grade. It consisted of me roaming the halls at lunch time like a brave little senior student singing The Offspring, Weird Al and Korn. Oh I was so cool! I had an entourage too! My friend and boyfriend. They danced as I sang as loud as I could. Why did I sing? Because I felt like it and it annoyed the schools grumpy Chemistry Teacher. I sang equally as good as those kids on Glee and the Juniors on the third floor LOVED me. Oh and everyone had CD players, only the rich kids had iPods when I went to highschool lol.

                     5. Weird Al V.S Lady Gaga: The weird singer in my day was Weird Al. And he's nowhere as weird as Lady Gaga. But I will one day have my glory because Lady Gaga's music is fodder for another Weird Al parody hit! one day! Hopefully soon!

                   6. Coffee V.S Energy Drinks  Coffee was my caffiene source in Highschool and that got me off the rocker. Teens today consume Energy Drinks like nobody's business. And I bet all my teachers were happy that Energy drinks were virtually non existent when I was in Highschool. But today kids are on a constant caffiene high. I'm currently banned from Energy Drinks as they make me paranoid. So Paranoid I've had people call 911 on me. LOL.

                  7. Napoleon Dynamite V.S Zombieland : Both are equally awesome. At least theres one cool Highschool trend these days! :D

                   8.  Funny Clothes V.S Funky Clothes: I wore weird clothing in Highschool. Today kids were funky clothes, pretty colours, very eye catching etc. But no worries I was quite eye catching too. Like that time I wore a mini skirt in the dead of winter with my knee high Combat boots. I was smart enough to put my skirt on when I got to school because I wasn't stupid enough to actually walk with bare legs in those temperatures. Which brings me to a very good point...How did those catholic school girl's manage??? Today Leggings are trendy so I don't have to cringe when I see girls in mini skirts in the middle of winter. But I definately wasn't funky in highschool I was just one of those kids who dressed funny.

                 9. Real Stalking V.S Virtual Stalking: My friends and I would actually find peoples phone numbers or full out march up and down specific people's roads where they lived. If we thought a guy was cute we followed kids have Facebook and Twitter. No more freezing butts off to stalk people. You can just stalk their tweets or try to get on their Facebook friend list. Then you know absolutely EVERYTHING about someone. But I must methods were much more fun and had benifits too (Like getting fresh air and excersize)

                10. Printing photos V.S posting photos: Back in my day we had to print our pictures to show them off. We brought them to school and people went through them. Today kids just tell their friends "Hey Check my facebook the pics are there.". I had a camera that used film when I was in Highschool and It wasn't until I was out of highschool that I got a digital camera. I didn't even have a cellphone till I was 19 years old. I was old school. Anyone using film today gets laughed at. Albums are all online where EVERYONE can see them including stalkers. But thats good news, we can deal with virtual stalkers. It's when people start peeping through your windows that it gets really creepy. Virtual photos can be saved by anyone too so theres no need to trespass on property to snap photos. All is good.


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The KFC Double down...and Me

             KFC introduced a new sandwich in Canada. It's called the Double Down. It consists of two seasoned fried chicken slabs with two types of cheese, bacon and sauce in the middle. Sounds very very yummy yet it's caused controversy. Why? It has 540 calories, 30 grams of fat and 1740 milligrams of sodium. To alot of people out there that spells "Artery cloggage and High blood pressure." To me it's the opportunity of my life!
            You see I'm special. I defy science. Nobody knows why I don't gain weight.  Doctors have actually told me to consume MORE salt to keep my blood pressure up...because I faint all over the place when my blood pressure gets too low. I've been informed to eat more sugar because my body doesn't store it very well. It also can't store sugars as fat so I have to eat actual fat and protein to gain weight. I'm just odd. So 540 calories? Awesome thats a quarter of what  must eat daily in order to maintain my current weight of 115lbs. 30 grams of fat...also good. Unfortunately my arteries can still end up clogged no matter how skinny I am so I have to watch the fats. 1740 mg of sodium? I won't be fainting anytime soon but I'll probably drink a liter of pop and that will get me all hyper (Which spells DISASTER).
              So will I try one of these controversial sandwiches? Oh heck yes! As soon as I get my tiny butt into a city I'm marching right up to KFC and I am ordering like 2 of them. They look yummy, sound yummy and are perfectly healthy for me. As for everyone else. TOO BAD! I hope I can get one before they ban it. Damn Canada for being overly health conscious. Don't they know Canadians need the extra fat to keep warm in the winter months?

I'm oh so NOT Cosmo...

                   There was a time in my life where I would be anxious to get my next issue of cosmo magazine. My friends and I would read it and be all girl like and totally live by the advice in it. I was turning into a Cosmo girl. I was all into fashion, I was becoming fashionable after getting out of highschool, I was mixing all those cute fancy drinks. I was on this crazy Cosmo roll.
                   But it's been a while since I even looked at a Cosmo magazine. But I decided, hey why not I'll buy a copy. Katy Perry was on the cover and I think shes unique so I was interested in reading about her. The article was good...the rest of the magazine was garbage. Other than this one really funny comment about someone's boyfriend asking a drug store clerk where the "Girl Corks" were (AKA tampons)  the magazine was just stupid. I don't care about the crazy fall fashions...infact I sorta looked at em and thought "If I see anyone in a feather skirt I am so going to laugh..." I didn't like the shoe section much either...all the shoes were heels. There was even this one part in the magazine that said "If you sacrifice your $2 breakfast pastry each morning you can buy a designer bag, shoes, earrings, dress and bracelette." WHY WOULD I WANNA SACRIFICE BREAKFAST FOR CLOTHING??? I can get $500 worth of clothes for free, my friends gain weight and I get all their cool clothing! I would never spend $100 on a stupid handbag when I can get a knockoff for $20.
                I'm also married so all the singles advice doesn't apply and since Cosmo is aimed mainly at single bar hoppers theres really not much in there for me. I also don't think people should have sex on the first date EVER. Don't have sex with someone until your convinced they are the one. I  believe sex is meant for marriage and I can honestly say Sex is just beautiful in marriage. No it does not get boring it actually keeps getting better. That magazine needs to stop telling girls is totally cool to screw whenever and whoever. Oh wait wait...they do have that section on safe sex. They have a nice female health section too which is nice.Theres also the section on the true horror stories which I like because its reality and might get girls thinking before they bar hop or text and drive. So Cosmo might even be preventing rape, murder, scamming and car accidents...I sure do hope nobody reads cosmo while they drive it would be ironic to get to the article on how a distracted driver died while texting.
                  But for the most part Cosmo is plastered in ads that try selling products I have zero interest in. I rerely buy makeup, I don't buy new clothing, I hate fancy shoes, I don't wear expensive perfumes either. I don't care which celeb endorses what I aint buying it unless I need it.
                 I'm just not Cosmo. I'm not a city dweller either. I'm hopeless when it comes to girlie stuff. This magazine is aimed at those who totally adore Sex and The City, The Hills, Jersey Shore, Friends or whatever other show is out there. I like none of those shows. I would NEVER willingly watch a Sex in the City movie infact I have made excuses to AVOID girl nights out. I actually organize Guys nights out. I call them Guys nite plus Jess. I'm a zombie movie, action movie, super hero loving, game loving kind of girl. I'm the type of girl who hyperventilated over the new Star Trek movie, I got all giddy over the fact they are making Tron and Thor and Green Hornet!!! I actually know what a Rail Gun is and cheered when they brought one out in Transformers 2. I'm a nerd NOT a Cosmo girl. And It's staying that way because I just can't conform to the Girlie code. :D
                 And Cosmo...what a waste of 6 bucks. I'm gonna go buy a copy of National Geographic. Real life,  pretty pictures and much more interesting. Less stupid Ads too!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

An Epic Journey

My Husband, Daughter, friend and I embarked on a journey to Cornwall Ontario to attend our friend's wedding. It was a 5 hour drive from our house. I won't go into details about the way there but here's a little recap: Woke up at 5am. Fought for seat in car with German Sheppard. Tim Hortons screwed our order up. Dropped dog off at Inlaws. Almost got into accident because some idiot passed 5 cars on a hill and was seconds off from a head on. We called cops on the reckless idiot driver. My kid puked on herself due to car sickness. I forgot extra clothing for Aurora so we stopped in napanee. OMG Napanee has a wal mart! I used to think Napanee was a small I live in Norwood which has 1300 people so napanee no longer feels like a small town. WalMart was deserted, there was 10 cars in the parking lot, there were buggies rolling around and it felt like a zombie movie. Got my kid new clothes. Sang some songs the rest of the way. Finally arrived.
                I got no rest! As soon as I arrived I began helping people out with wedding preparations. I helpped my friend's mom make egg salad then my husband and I helpped  chop veggies and fruit at the bride's appartment while the kids played in the play room. But it was fun. She has a really cool Tree frog and two adorable kitties. The one cat kept my daughter occupied. While I was helping prep stuff I kept getting phone calls...from girls I don't even know! Planning stuff and inviting me out as their Husbands are off to play Dungeons and Dragons in the church basement as the bachelor party. Sounds geeky But I am so jealous! I figured that the guys get to go play D&D and have fun and I have to get in girl mode and do girl stuff. I was prepping for girl stuff. I was actually a bit worried.
                First the woman that Aurora and I are staying with took us swimming with her two kids. I didnt go swimming but my daughter did and she had a blast! I had fun too because I got to enjoy watching my kid smile for a whole hour! Some 8 year old boy tried to dunk her and she clocked him in the face...nobody else saw so I just kinda giggled. He deserved it. She got him good too! I think he told his dad but his dad either didn't belive hi or labled him a sissy.
               So my new friend was nice enough to watch my daughter for the night as I embarked on a girls night! One of the girls came and got me and off we went. We were prepping more food for the wedding and then we were going to help the Bride set up the theater they are getting married in. This is where I got a BIG SURPRISE!

                    I did not get dragged to a typical Girls night. You know the ones where we're supposed to gossip and talk about celebrities and TV. No. This was awesome! I met 4 girls who play D&D! Their husbands were at the bachelor party playing D&D and we were prepping food talking about D&D! But incase I wasn't clear enough! 4 MARRIED COUPLES WHO PLAY D&D! Plus the Bride and groom play as well...and me so that makes 6!!! In one town!!!! We're not average geeky looking either! I actually got to dig out the minis I randomly carry in my purse and show them off! I was so happy! I was so proud! I was so in heaven! BEST GIRLS NIGHT EVER! and a week prior I was all spiteful that the Hubby got to have fun and I was going to be bored.
                 We helped decorate the theater, then we headed out. One of the girls had to get picked up by her hubby so we waited around. We ran a red light due to the fact it was the longest red light EVER! It turned green as soon as we got through. We grabbed some timmies then went back to the theater parking lot and our friend decided to play a cruel joke on her husband. We dropped her off at the entrance and drove into the parking lot and ducked when he came. It was cold and rainy and she totally played the "I was waiting here for hours" speech. It was funny because he was across the road at Timmies in the drive through line for at least 15 minutes! She did tell him the truth so we got yelled at. But It was hilarious!!!
                I got to bed by 1:30 am and woke up at 8 to a very very awesome breakfast! The guys had pulled an all nighter but Jay, My husband and my hostesses Husband were all back at the house and rearing to go. Great Breakfast! I also got told that they hid some of their swords and D&D stuff because they weren't sure if it would offend us haha. How ironic eh? I admired the sword collection...tres Belle! While I got ready I noticed that my kitten had peed in my suitcase and MY clothes were resting on the pee! GREAT! So again emergency wal mart trip where I got a new sweater.
                 The wedding was very nice! It was held at Galaxy cinemas. I cried of course...I'm a big suck. We played some games after then went to the hall for reception. By then my feet were killing me. I was wearing those new heels...the 4 inch heels...I mastered walking but still...OWW! Why do women subject themselves to such torcher!? I did not like my shoes at all! The reception could have fed an army was potluck style and people made massive casseroles. There was a cheese fountain (Drool) and chocolate fountain (Tripple drool) and great food! It was a very fun time! The talent show didnt have great talent but it was super cute! I had the time of my life.
                Congrats Joel and Aly! You rock! Im super happy! <3 Someone had fun writing on their car too (Habs Rule, leafs Suck etc) Joel wasn't impressed haha he's a Leafs fan. Once I got in the car my dreaded shoes came off with a sigh of relief. Nick, Aurora and I napped half way home then again we stopped at another wal mart in belleville to get food. It's Monopoly season the only time I eat Mcpuke food...that and I need to store some fat for winter. I think Nick scared the poor McDonalds employee by ordering 30 Mcnuggets 4 large fies and 2 extra burgers. Her reaction was Priceless. We picked up our dog at the farm then finally got home around midnight.
               My favorite memory...a great couple dedicated their lives to one another and I so totally met 5 D&D playing Couples! BOO YEAH! I cant wait to go visit em again, this time we'll have to do some gaming! And as for my heels...I gave em to my dog to chew on I never want to wear them again!

Safety dance (But it wasn't safe for ME to dance lol)


My camera sucks so the video quality sucks. But This is a video of the crazy people at my friend's
wedding. This is by far the best dancing EVER. It was lots of fun, I did not get up and dance as there was other video being taken and I was saving myself from becomming a you tube sensation. You never know...I had 4 inch heels I probably would have fallen with style or something. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A little bit of Encouragement

I'm the type of person who basks in low self esteem. I always feel like a failure, I always feel as if I'm not good enough, And I feel that whatever I say and do is stupid. I never expect compliments or praise from anyone and when I do get praised it comes as a complete shock. I don't feel worthy of praise. My husband constantly tells me I'm awesome...naturally I don't believe him but I probably should.
Encouragement goes a long way. It can make a "Failure" feel like they can do anything. I've seen encouragement get people on welfare out in the work force instead of relying on the government their whole lives. I have seen messed up people become good people, druggies become clean, drunks become sober all because of encouragement. Now I don't know how many people's lives I have impacted with encouragement but I do know how many times my life has been impacted because someone took the time to encourage me instead of make me feel like crap.
Just a few weeks ago I was feeling miserable because I felt like I was failing as a mom. I felt so utterly stupid because my kid beat up some other kid while at school. Now the parent of this kid was not impressed so she naturally told me off. She didn't try to correct the issue she just full out confronted me and vented. She attacked my abilities of being a mom. "Kids are the product of their parents! Your not raising your kid right! Your kid is going to be a bully and end up nowhere like you! You can't even control your kid, I suggest you pull her out of school she's an animal!" Those comments hit me hard. I felt so bad, I was depressed over it for the rest of the week. She was even right about the ending up nowhere comment. I did end up "nowhere" Infact I'm in the middle of Nowhere it's called Norwood Ontario population 1300. But anyways I just felt like poop.
To make things even worse the schools PTA looks down on me. The older parents look at me like I'm trash. Rarely does anyone ever say I'm doing a good job, most just nag me out. Of course I feel uncomfortable, I look like I'm 17 and I have a 4 year old kid! And yes my kid is a handful...if shes a product of me she will end up ADD and have some sort of mood disorder. I have a mood disorder, I'm seasonal Bi-polar and suffer from Anxiety. So all the negative comments I was getting just boosted my anxiety nicely to the point I became a little Emo.
 One morning I dropped Aurora off at school but she was having some issues. She didnt want to go to class so she took some swings at kids. I was so embarassed I pulled her out of school. She wanted to go home and I let her win so I felt like a failure. But No I was not letting my kid win, She got put in a corner for half an hour and when she calmed down I took her back to school. I walked in still feeling like an idiot. But Aurora was feeling better and promised to be good so I took her back. The comment I got from her teacher caught me offguard.
I got praised for what I did. I was told that most of the other parents wouldn't even cooperate the way I did. She said I was wise, said I was a very good mother and that she was grateful that I'm working with her to help my child become better. Besides my kid isn't a bully shes defensive. The other kids hit her first and she defended herself. But the moms of these boys (Yes boys larger than my kid) took no action to tell their boys it was wrong to push and shove and hit...No they were more focused on the fact MY kid bit and hit. So their kids continue to bully and Mine is expected to walk away and rat them out.
I went home that day in tears. People say I'm a good mom but I've never heard anyone say I raise my kid with concern and common sence. My kids teacher is amazing. I hope she can get the other moms to get on board with their boys. My kid is crazy, shes very hyper and sometimes violent. But I'm working on correcting that. Im not going to be lazy and let my kid do whatever she wants. I am however tempted to put my kid in hockey because she can kick some serious butt! If only I could afford it lol.
 I have a long way to go. But when I think about it I'm only 23. I am married to someone I can't live without, We own a house, we owned our own retail business for 3 years, we're debt free, we belive in common sence, and our dream in life is 100% unselfish. We just want to help others and I hope we get that opportunity. I hate bragging, I prefer humility and I love encouraging others. Because if a bit of encouraging words has such an amazing impact on me imagine what it can do for others. Thats the power of encouragement.

One step backwards 10 steps forward!

                                By selling a store which I own and downgrading to part time work I sort of feel I am taking a step backwards. I have a strong feeling the local grocery store will hire me so I guess it's back to Grocery clerk/cashier for me. But I realized this really isn't a bad thing. To most people It would but because im overly possitive all the time I compiled a list of reasons why working at Foodland is not a bad thing.

I am actually going to make more money. I admit I tanked my business big time. I own a Bulk food store and due to the fact my kid came to work with me and I was constantly out of stock, people just stopped supporting us. I take all the blame...wait I should blame my husband too but I'm too nice. I made no profit in 2010 so we decided to get the heck out before we end up in a big hole. So I sold the store for dirt cheap and the money Im getting for it totally gets us debt free. We can not go in debt for at least the next 5 years as nobody is stupid enough to issue me another credit card. Thats a good thing.

I hang out at foodland anyway. Sad but true. Theres nowhere else in my hick town to chill out and socialize with the many people I enjoy chatting with. Everyone does it too, they need a place to sit down in there that would be awesome. I usually end up in the grocery store for an hour (only if I dont have my kid with me) and I chat it up with just about anyone.

I get to hear all the town gossip. Because everyone has a big mouth at the grocery store.

My friends work there...wait that might not be a good thing...but it is for me!

I have already worked there. I got paid in coffee and my husband sorta voluntold me to stick around but I know my way around the place. Nick no longer works there he works fulltime at a more epic location known as Tim Hortons. I have a feeling he loves his job too much even if he can do so much better...its just that the free coffee has him enslaved. (The Tim Hortons is located in the next town over and its an hour walk from my house)

After 3 months I get a 10% discount on food. SWEET!

Most customers are friendly. The cottagers not so much but apparently I can be sarcastic with them as they don't shop there very often anyways. This is much better than the days I worked at Food Basics in Whitby ont. 75% of the customers were jerks and the co workers were tools...especially the dairy manager...

The annoying people I can not stand in this town can no longer bother me. As I will actually be busy! They can bug me for 5 minutes tops which is so much better than the hour they spend at my Bulk food store.

I still have access to all my suppliers from my old job (My bulk food store) because why the heck would I pay a 100% markup on candy? So I get candy and other stuff cheap. I knew there was a reason we randomly bought a Bulk food store. It was meant to be!

And lastly the extreamely hot paramedic shops at food land. Not that I'd make a move, I am married. But it was my husband who informed me there was indeed a cute paramedic who works in our area. Yes it is sad he noticed before me but Nick knows my taste LOL. It's all fun! Plus Im pretty sure Sexy paramedic knows I like staring at him...RAWR!

The 15 minute mother's fitness test.

                 How to find out if you are supermom like you keep telling people you are:

              The test starts with a simple eye stretch. You slowly open your eyes and squint at the clock. If the clock says you've got 15 minutes to get out the door your eyes should pop open wide instantly and panic should immediately set in.
               The waking dead sit up occurs when you realize you have 15 minutes! You immediately sit up in bed and again panic. The chances of your husband getting up to help you out is as slim as the Toronto Maple Leafs winning the stanley cup.
               The 10 second lumber: Get out of the bed, very upset you will not be taking a shower, and do what everyone does first thing in the morning...
               The toilet crunch. Because everyone has to go pee in the morning. But you feel like crap so you kinda double over while you pee and put your hands in your face thinking "WHY did I have to wake up late WHY?"
               The 2 minute dress up. If you can get your hair fixes up, find something decent to wear and actually find a pair of socks without holes then congrats you made very awesome timing. If you manage to do this without panic, give yourself a pat on the back.
               The 2 minute kid dress up. Harder than getting yourself ready naturally. Find clothes for the young one, get them out of their Pj's get them into the clothing and tell them to put on their shoes assuming they can find their shoes.
                The cat dodge: Get your kid to the front door while avoiding the cats because everyone knows little kids LOVE cats and are easily distracted by cats.
                The lap top shuffle: Grab the laptop or whatever it is you have to get bagged up for the day and get it ready to go. Make sure you have everything. 
                 The 20 meter dash. You get to the bottom of your driveway and realize how useless men are. The garbage was not put out but the truck will arrive within 20 minutes. Chances of them putting out the trash by then is slimmer than the Leafs winning the cup. So you dash back up the driveway, into the house, grab a garbage tag, grab the garbage and...
                   The 20 meter lift: The garbage bag could possibly weigh more than you but you lift it up, you drag your feet 20 meters in pain, try keeping that industrial sized bag off the ground and then drop it at the end of the driveway.
                   The 20 meter dash again: Crap the recycling! Run back to the house, dump one bin into the other, run out the door again and sprint down the driveway.
                   The 10 minute cool down...walk to work, enjoy all the scenery and smile because you  just did all of the above without breaking down in tears.
              I never want to do this fitness test again...but I'm so proud of myself for not having a major meltdown. I got to work 3 minutes early too so bonus! If I didn't have a Coop student showing up to work I'd have probably just said to heck with it and went to work a little bit late.  Best of all though is I think my husband is very proud of me. Poor guy was probably praying his butt off in bed saying "Please God give her a good morning attitude for once...PLEASE!" and well I managed to do everything without screaming or swearing. I feel great!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Seven of Nine (our super dog)

            I should not own a large breed dog. I'm tiny, Dogs like to take me for runs...sometimes I even turn into a kite. Want to see a dog fly a human kite? Come to my house when I walk my German Sheppard. I can NOT control my dog. Nor can I control my 4 year old kid. Taking BOTH for a walk is suicide. My kid runs ahead of the dog, my dog chases the kid and I look like a fool trying to stop my 100lb sheppard who still isnt done growing. Oh I'm so doomed!
           But there are things about my dog that I just love. Yeah shes crazy and hard to walk. Yes shes almost killed me twice with a stick (I shortened ALL the sticks in the yard) Yes I get mauled every morning. But shes wonderful.
               People tell me all the time that I should have gotten a small breed dog. Or medium. Not a dog who weighs more than me that I clearly can not control well. I hate small dogs. They are annoying, I already have 3 cats who run under my feet and small dogs are not equipped to handle my 4 year old kid. But my dog is able to withstand my kid. My daughter smacks the dog, bites the dog, jumps on the dog, yells at the dog, teases the dog and my dog continues to be patient and gentle with her. If I had any feeling that my dog could hurt my kid I'd get rid of it but my dog is amazing with children. She loves my kid, my kid feeds her good table scraps.
              My dog might be hard to walk but the other day I was damn glad to have her with me. I took her and my kid to the park. There was some families there and here were also some favorite people of course. The ones my dog HATES! I don't feel comfortable around this particular group at all. My neighbours kids hang out with them and they are nothing but an annoyance. One of them even snooped around my property last year which is the reason I insisted we get a BIG dog. Anyways one of them approached my kid which was not a very bright idea. Seven (the name of our dog) pulled on me with all her strength and pulled me over to where they were. She situated herself between Aurora and the guy. The guy was VERY stoned and totally out of it. Seven rarely puts her ears back and gets in a defensive position but she was ready to protect Aurora at any cost. The guys left 5 minutes later. Im sure he wouldn't have hurt my kid, but he was still completely wasted.
                 The rest of the park adventure consisted of Seven making sure I was paying attention to Aurora. If Aurora did anything dangerous Seven freaked out. I had no idea how over protected my dog was. But shes a German Sheppard  and they have a tendancy to protect their family and be very loyal. My dog is loyal to me just not very obedient. She is the best family pet ever. Yeah she tore up a few things, including one of our couches but those things can be replaced, a great family pet can not. I hate it when people love their stuff more than thier pets...animals shouldn't be given up because they are bad, they are bad  because their owners have no clue how to train them. My problem is I love my dog and rarely discipline her and shes a female. If I had a male sheppard I would not have as many issues.
               My dog rocks. I feel very safe with her around. Shes saved me from coyotes, she protects my kid, she intimidates people I dont trust and shes the best alarm system ever. She might own me but I'm like her puppy. If anyone messes with me she will protect me. She may not listen to a single word I say but she has loyalty. She wont go anywhere without me. So yes I feel very safe. Unless shes running at me with a 4 foot branch in her mouth.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The shoes may fit but it was still a bad idea.

Wedding on saturday...My dog ate my good shoes.  My Dog chews on MY stuff naturally, she loves the way I taste. So I went shoe shopping and I found these adorable wedged heels. I tried em on, they fit so |I purchased them. I made the big mistake of Not trying to walk in them first. So i got back to my store (I own my store till November I sold it and plan on getting part time work...hopefully) and I was all excited. I put my new shoes on right away. My 4 year old daughter comes to work with me she's in heaven there surrounded by sugar (Bulk food store). Today was a no school day for her. Anyways I put those shoes on and my store got the lunch rush. I started to strut around like a flamingo trying to bag up stuff for the school kids...I looked like an IDIOT! But thats not the bad part. I had to run next door to the hardware store because I ran out of plastic spoons for the frozen yogurt. What does my kid do? What all kids do..."MOMMY I WANT THIS!" Mommy says No kid runs off. I chase her...and down I go. I fell with style. I get back up, continue to run like a flamingo and can't catch her. I have no advantage because I clearly had to wear my new shoes! Shoes that don't mix with being a mother. Shoes that only a super model could walk gracefully in. I'm not graceful, I'm a natural clutz.
            So yes those shoes were a stupid idea. Am I wearing them Saturday? Yes I am, because theres nothing that pleases me more than providing comic relief to people at my Cost! Its just who I am. And next week I guess the dog can have a new chew toy. She has good taste.

The Prayer

I was in grade 10, I was for the most part a loner. I had friends just not at my school. Every time I went home for Lunch I noticed this boy in my grade. He had Orange hair, a gawd aweful plaid jacket and he looked just pittiful. I knew who he was, he was the class loser. Nobody seemed to like him. Here I was feeling a bit sorry for him. So because I'm so thoughtful, I prayed for this weird kid. I asked God to find him a wonderful Girl, someone who's just like him and would make him very happy. I looked forward to seeing this pitiful kid succeed.
                Low and behold I end up with this kid in my class the next year. Who goes and befriends him? Me. Because thats what I do, I target those who are lonely...because I guess I just knew the feeling of being lonely. I kinda hit it off with this kid. By the time I knew it I was hanging out with his group of friends and I was actually socialized! I mean, for once I actually ate in the cafeteria!
                 Then came the day where I got asked out. But I was too cool for him! I coulodn't date the biggest loser in my school! Everyone would laugh at me! I hated being judged! He didnt care and I just envied him for his care free attitude. I was so worried to be mocked. But eventually I said yes...
               Oh I got made fun of alright. We broke up multiple times. But he was oh so persistent! And I could not seem to go a day without him. Two weeks into our relationship he told me that we'd get married. I laughed in his face. Come on I was only 17! Marriage? Was he serious? Yep! He told me he had a dream where God informed him he was going to marry me...I laughed hysterically! He was such hard work, I was getting tired of telling him how to dress and act. I was in control and sick of it.
                But I was only able to whip him for a year...I'm not very controlling I'm just mouthy. I can't make up my mind if my life depended on it! I needed direction. And he provided it. And damn he was right we did get married! At the age of 20 we got married. I prayed that this kid would find his soul mate and apparently his soul mate was ME! I said a silly little prayer and it came true. We met in natural Disasters class...the best class I ever had in Highschool.
                 Are people laughing now? No. Because theres one thing about "losers" and its that most succeed in life. Nick is a hard worker, he provided a home (we own our house...okay the bank owns us but still we own it!) he's a very good father, he is capable of controlling the dog (I am not she kicks my butt) and he's currently making Calla Lilly flowers out of gum paste for our friend's wedding cake. I married a freak, but so did he. All thanks to a simple little prayer.