Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The shoes may fit but it was still a bad idea.

Wedding on saturday...My dog ate my good shoes.  My Dog chews on MY stuff naturally, she loves the way I taste. So I went shoe shopping and I found these adorable wedged heels. I tried em on, they fit so |I purchased them. I made the big mistake of Not trying to walk in them first. So i got back to my store (I own my store till November I sold it and plan on getting part time work...hopefully) and I was all excited. I put my new shoes on right away. My 4 year old daughter comes to work with me she's in heaven there surrounded by sugar (Bulk food store). Today was a no school day for her. Anyways I put those shoes on and my store got the lunch rush. I started to strut around like a flamingo trying to bag up stuff for the school kids...I looked like an IDIOT! But thats not the bad part. I had to run next door to the hardware store because I ran out of plastic spoons for the frozen yogurt. What does my kid do? What all kids do..."MOMMY I WANT THIS!" Mommy says No kid runs off. I chase her...and down I go. I fell with style. I get back up, continue to run like a flamingo and can't catch her. I have no advantage because I clearly had to wear my new shoes! Shoes that don't mix with being a mother. Shoes that only a super model could walk gracefully in. I'm not graceful, I'm a natural clutz.
            So yes those shoes were a stupid idea. Am I wearing them Saturday? Yes I am, because theres nothing that pleases me more than providing comic relief to people at my Cost! Its just who I am. And next week I guess the dog can have a new chew toy. She has good taste.

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