Friday, October 22, 2010

once upon a time...7 years ago

                I had a very emotional moment today. I was sitting in the dinningroom beside the fireplace reading my grade 12 yearbook. I was having a laugh at some of the pictures and comments, then I came across the geekiest pictures EVER. A picture of Nick and I in the Library embracing one another, another of us in the White Pine book club as well as another picture of us embracing. We were a cute couple, a cute geeky and awkward couple. Ah young love. It's rare for young love to last. Most highschool flames go off in different directions and find new soul mates. But as I was looking at these photos I was overcome with emotion. I've been with Nick for 7 whole years! I'm still with the same guy I'm pictured with in those photos.
                             Here I am 7 years later. I'm married to my highschool flame. I'm going to be completely sappy for the sake of my even sappier husband. We're not a flame anymore we're more of a...big bon fire. Like The ones Nick tends to light in our backyard. We've been through ALOT. Nick's been through ALOT. I wasn't the easiest person to deal with as I was a bowl of random emotions. Emotions the size of Krakatoa. (my emotions are a whole different series of blogs all together.) But anyways, I was overcome with tears today. I'm married! people doubted us naturally but we're married. We have a beautiful energetic 4 year old daughter. We own a house, we have three kitties and a beautiful (and annoying) dog! We're in a wonderful little community. I'm looking at highschool photos thinking to myself "What are the possibilities?" We've been married 3 and a half years now and we've been on a journey and here I am sitting beside a nice warm Fire thinking about how far we have come in 7 years!
                       7 years ago I walked into Natural Disasters class. The Class that changed my life. Nick wasn't originally in the class but his schedule got messed up so he decided to join that class. So on the second day of school there he was sitting in the front row. My friend laughed and said "Haha you have Nick Goslin in your class." I didn't think much of it. But something made me want to be nice to him (Nick says it was the food he kept bringing to class). I befriended him, even tried to find him a girlfriend but He Just liked me. Even after my dire warnings of "I'm not dating anyone because I'm not emotionally well." I seriously wasn't emotionally well and to be honest I'm still not (but have improved YAY! Wait is anyone seriously Emotionally Normal? hmmm). Nick had to bribe me with food, movie dates, and more food just to get me to change my mind. He even told me he was convinced I was the one. THE ONE! There are normal fish in the sea but I was THE ONE. He wanted the fish that swam too close to the nuclear powerplant. And he never once considered throwing me back. I can honestly say that theres probably not a guy out there who can handle my baggage as well as my Husband. He was only a loser for about a year then people actually started to like him. Why? because they actually got to know him they never gave him a chance before.
                  I'm just so happy that my broken road led me to where I am today. I wouldnt trade it for all the riches in the world. I'm not sure which direction we're going. I have a plan. Nick has a plan...we hope to fullfill these plans. Because as far as I'm concerned theres no such thing as a nice settled comfortable life...and I like it that way. We're out to chase Tornados (Hey great idea! We should be storm chasers together that would be so much fun!) we're not waiting for one to come to us we're after those disasters. One day we'll face REAL Natural disasters. Thats our goal. We are not confined to walls. To heck with settling we're going to get out there and change some lives! The first 7 years of out lives is just the first chapter. The introduction. I can't wait for chapter 2! I can't wait to write about it! But my day will come! Theres going to be some bigger quakes in our marriage. But we won't know how big till it happens...after all only God can predict when Earthquakes happen <3
            ~Nick I love you with all my heart! Will you chase storms with me?~

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