Friday, October 22, 2010

My Highshcool Obsessions VS Today's Highschool obsessions.

               1. My Crush V.S Justin Bieber: Justin Bieber has millions of fanatics. The guy I crushed on had...Me. If there were any other girls as obsessed as me I didn't hear about it. Out of all the Jocks in the school I choose to like the one I just randomly noticed standing around at a game...he wasn't even playing that night and voila he gains a crazy fan. Poor guy. If I were better looking and not so skinny and weird maybe he'd have been thrilled. But I was only one girl. That poor Beiber kid has millions of girls who love him and they come in all shapes and sizes. When I was in Highschool there was NOBODY who equals Justin Bieber...not even Johnny Depp for goodness sake. Oh the horror!

                 2. Spongebob V.S Jersey Shore: I was a Spongebob fanatic. Everyone knew I was a spongebob fanatic. Spongebob and Snooki sorta have something in common. Both are loud and obnoxious, and they both have low IQ's. But Spongebob is a better roll model than any person from The Jersey Shore. Spongebob teaches the importance of friendship and how you don't treat your friends like crap, and He values his Job. So everytime I go to work I yell "I'm READY!"

                   3. Vampires V.S Vampires:  I was obsessed with REAL vampires. Girls today are obsessed with gay Vampires. I read Anne Rice which is higher end literature than the crap Stephanie Meyer writes. Anne uses BIG words and knows her history very well. I also had the Vamp look way before vamps were even a trend. I was one of 10 people in my school who dressed all vampy. Today I see half the girls in highschool wearing stuff I likely would have worn in grade 11. It's just not unique anymore.

                   4. Geek V.S Gleek: I had my own version of Glee in 11th Grade. It consisted of me roaming the halls at lunch time like a brave little senior student singing The Offspring, Weird Al and Korn. Oh I was so cool! I had an entourage too! My friend and boyfriend. They danced as I sang as loud as I could. Why did I sing? Because I felt like it and it annoyed the schools grumpy Chemistry Teacher. I sang equally as good as those kids on Glee and the Juniors on the third floor LOVED me. Oh and everyone had CD players, only the rich kids had iPods when I went to highschool lol.

                     5. Weird Al V.S Lady Gaga: The weird singer in my day was Weird Al. And he's nowhere as weird as Lady Gaga. But I will one day have my glory because Lady Gaga's music is fodder for another Weird Al parody hit! one day! Hopefully soon!

                   6. Coffee V.S Energy Drinks  Coffee was my caffiene source in Highschool and that got me off the rocker. Teens today consume Energy Drinks like nobody's business. And I bet all my teachers were happy that Energy drinks were virtually non existent when I was in Highschool. But today kids are on a constant caffiene high. I'm currently banned from Energy Drinks as they make me paranoid. So Paranoid I've had people call 911 on me. LOL.

                  7. Napoleon Dynamite V.S Zombieland : Both are equally awesome. At least theres one cool Highschool trend these days! :D

                   8.  Funny Clothes V.S Funky Clothes: I wore weird clothing in Highschool. Today kids were funky clothes, pretty colours, very eye catching etc. But no worries I was quite eye catching too. Like that time I wore a mini skirt in the dead of winter with my knee high Combat boots. I was smart enough to put my skirt on when I got to school because I wasn't stupid enough to actually walk with bare legs in those temperatures. Which brings me to a very good point...How did those catholic school girl's manage??? Today Leggings are trendy so I don't have to cringe when I see girls in mini skirts in the middle of winter. But I definately wasn't funky in highschool I was just one of those kids who dressed funny.

                 9. Real Stalking V.S Virtual Stalking: My friends and I would actually find peoples phone numbers or full out march up and down specific people's roads where they lived. If we thought a guy was cute we followed kids have Facebook and Twitter. No more freezing butts off to stalk people. You can just stalk their tweets or try to get on their Facebook friend list. Then you know absolutely EVERYTHING about someone. But I must methods were much more fun and had benifits too (Like getting fresh air and excersize)

                10. Printing photos V.S posting photos: Back in my day we had to print our pictures to show them off. We brought them to school and people went through them. Today kids just tell their friends "Hey Check my facebook the pics are there.". I had a camera that used film when I was in Highschool and It wasn't until I was out of highschool that I got a digital camera. I didn't even have a cellphone till I was 19 years old. I was old school. Anyone using film today gets laughed at. Albums are all online where EVERYONE can see them including stalkers. But thats good news, we can deal with virtual stalkers. It's when people start peeping through your windows that it gets really creepy. Virtual photos can be saved by anyone too so theres no need to trespass on property to snap photos. All is good.


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