Sunday, October 17, 2010

An Epic Journey

My Husband, Daughter, friend and I embarked on a journey to Cornwall Ontario to attend our friend's wedding. It was a 5 hour drive from our house. I won't go into details about the way there but here's a little recap: Woke up at 5am. Fought for seat in car with German Sheppard. Tim Hortons screwed our order up. Dropped dog off at Inlaws. Almost got into accident because some idiot passed 5 cars on a hill and was seconds off from a head on. We called cops on the reckless idiot driver. My kid puked on herself due to car sickness. I forgot extra clothing for Aurora so we stopped in napanee. OMG Napanee has a wal mart! I used to think Napanee was a small I live in Norwood which has 1300 people so napanee no longer feels like a small town. WalMart was deserted, there was 10 cars in the parking lot, there were buggies rolling around and it felt like a zombie movie. Got my kid new clothes. Sang some songs the rest of the way. Finally arrived.
                I got no rest! As soon as I arrived I began helping people out with wedding preparations. I helpped my friend's mom make egg salad then my husband and I helpped  chop veggies and fruit at the bride's appartment while the kids played in the play room. But it was fun. She has a really cool Tree frog and two adorable kitties. The one cat kept my daughter occupied. While I was helping prep stuff I kept getting phone calls...from girls I don't even know! Planning stuff and inviting me out as their Husbands are off to play Dungeons and Dragons in the church basement as the bachelor party. Sounds geeky But I am so jealous! I figured that the guys get to go play D&D and have fun and I have to get in girl mode and do girl stuff. I was prepping for girl stuff. I was actually a bit worried.
                First the woman that Aurora and I are staying with took us swimming with her two kids. I didnt go swimming but my daughter did and she had a blast! I had fun too because I got to enjoy watching my kid smile for a whole hour! Some 8 year old boy tried to dunk her and she clocked him in the face...nobody else saw so I just kinda giggled. He deserved it. She got him good too! I think he told his dad but his dad either didn't belive hi or labled him a sissy.
               So my new friend was nice enough to watch my daughter for the night as I embarked on a girls night! One of the girls came and got me and off we went. We were prepping more food for the wedding and then we were going to help the Bride set up the theater they are getting married in. This is where I got a BIG SURPRISE!

                    I did not get dragged to a typical Girls night. You know the ones where we're supposed to gossip and talk about celebrities and TV. No. This was awesome! I met 4 girls who play D&D! Their husbands were at the bachelor party playing D&D and we were prepping food talking about D&D! But incase I wasn't clear enough! 4 MARRIED COUPLES WHO PLAY D&D! Plus the Bride and groom play as well...and me so that makes 6!!! In one town!!!! We're not average geeky looking either! I actually got to dig out the minis I randomly carry in my purse and show them off! I was so happy! I was so proud! I was so in heaven! BEST GIRLS NIGHT EVER! and a week prior I was all spiteful that the Hubby got to have fun and I was going to be bored.
                 We helped decorate the theater, then we headed out. One of the girls had to get picked up by her hubby so we waited around. We ran a red light due to the fact it was the longest red light EVER! It turned green as soon as we got through. We grabbed some timmies then went back to the theater parking lot and our friend decided to play a cruel joke on her husband. We dropped her off at the entrance and drove into the parking lot and ducked when he came. It was cold and rainy and she totally played the "I was waiting here for hours" speech. It was funny because he was across the road at Timmies in the drive through line for at least 15 minutes! She did tell him the truth so we got yelled at. But It was hilarious!!!
                I got to bed by 1:30 am and woke up at 8 to a very very awesome breakfast! The guys had pulled an all nighter but Jay, My husband and my hostesses Husband were all back at the house and rearing to go. Great Breakfast! I also got told that they hid some of their swords and D&D stuff because they weren't sure if it would offend us haha. How ironic eh? I admired the sword collection...tres Belle! While I got ready I noticed that my kitten had peed in my suitcase and MY clothes were resting on the pee! GREAT! So again emergency wal mart trip where I got a new sweater.
                 The wedding was very nice! It was held at Galaxy cinemas. I cried of course...I'm a big suck. We played some games after then went to the hall for reception. By then my feet were killing me. I was wearing those new heels...the 4 inch heels...I mastered walking but still...OWW! Why do women subject themselves to such torcher!? I did not like my shoes at all! The reception could have fed an army was potluck style and people made massive casseroles. There was a cheese fountain (Drool) and chocolate fountain (Tripple drool) and great food! It was a very fun time! The talent show didnt have great talent but it was super cute! I had the time of my life.
                Congrats Joel and Aly! You rock! Im super happy! <3 Someone had fun writing on their car too (Habs Rule, leafs Suck etc) Joel wasn't impressed haha he's a Leafs fan. Once I got in the car my dreaded shoes came off with a sigh of relief. Nick, Aurora and I napped half way home then again we stopped at another wal mart in belleville to get food. It's Monopoly season the only time I eat Mcpuke food...that and I need to store some fat for winter. I think Nick scared the poor McDonalds employee by ordering 30 Mcnuggets 4 large fies and 2 extra burgers. Her reaction was Priceless. We picked up our dog at the farm then finally got home around midnight.
               My favorite memory...a great couple dedicated their lives to one another and I so totally met 5 D&D playing Couples! BOO YEAH! I cant wait to go visit em again, this time we'll have to do some gaming! And as for my heels...I gave em to my dog to chew on I never want to wear them again!

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