Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm oh so NOT Cosmo...

                   There was a time in my life where I would be anxious to get my next issue of cosmo magazine. My friends and I would read it and be all girl like and totally live by the advice in it. I was turning into a Cosmo girl. I was all into fashion, I was becoming fashionable after getting out of highschool, I was mixing all those cute fancy drinks. I was on this crazy Cosmo roll.
                   But it's been a while since I even looked at a Cosmo magazine. But I decided, hey why not I'll buy a copy. Katy Perry was on the cover and I think shes unique so I was interested in reading about her. The article was good...the rest of the magazine was garbage. Other than this one really funny comment about someone's boyfriend asking a drug store clerk where the "Girl Corks" were (AKA tampons)  the magazine was just stupid. I don't care about the crazy fall fashions...infact I sorta looked at em and thought "If I see anyone in a feather skirt I am so going to laugh..." I didn't like the shoe section much either...all the shoes were heels. There was even this one part in the magazine that said "If you sacrifice your $2 breakfast pastry each morning you can buy a designer bag, shoes, earrings, dress and bracelette." WHY WOULD I WANNA SACRIFICE BREAKFAST FOR CLOTHING??? I can get $500 worth of clothes for free, my friends gain weight and I get all their cool clothing! I would never spend $100 on a stupid handbag when I can get a knockoff for $20.
                I'm also married so all the singles advice doesn't apply and since Cosmo is aimed mainly at single bar hoppers theres really not much in there for me. I also don't think people should have sex on the first date EVER. Don't have sex with someone until your convinced they are the one. I  believe sex is meant for marriage and I can honestly say Sex is just beautiful in marriage. No it does not get boring it actually keeps getting better. That magazine needs to stop telling girls is totally cool to screw whenever and whoever. Oh wait wait...they do have that section on safe sex. They have a nice female health section too which is nice.Theres also the section on the true horror stories which I like because its reality and might get girls thinking before they bar hop or text and drive. So Cosmo might even be preventing rape, murder, scamming and car accidents...I sure do hope nobody reads cosmo while they drive it would be ironic to get to the article on how a distracted driver died while texting.
                  But for the most part Cosmo is plastered in ads that try selling products I have zero interest in. I rerely buy makeup, I don't buy new clothing, I hate fancy shoes, I don't wear expensive perfumes either. I don't care which celeb endorses what I aint buying it unless I need it.
                 I'm just not Cosmo. I'm not a city dweller either. I'm hopeless when it comes to girlie stuff. This magazine is aimed at those who totally adore Sex and The City, The Hills, Jersey Shore, Friends or whatever other show is out there. I like none of those shows. I would NEVER willingly watch a Sex in the City movie infact I have made excuses to AVOID girl nights out. I actually organize Guys nights out. I call them Guys nite plus Jess. I'm a zombie movie, action movie, super hero loving, game loving kind of girl. I'm the type of girl who hyperventilated over the new Star Trek movie, I got all giddy over the fact they are making Tron and Thor and Green Hornet!!! I actually know what a Rail Gun is and cheered when they brought one out in Transformers 2. I'm a nerd NOT a Cosmo girl. And It's staying that way because I just can't conform to the Girlie code. :D
                 And Cosmo...what a waste of 6 bucks. I'm gonna go buy a copy of National Geographic. Real life,  pretty pictures and much more interesting. Less stupid Ads too!

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